True or false?
Women are smart and funny
They are niether of those, just like Canada.
False because Amy Schumer.
Neither. Some women are smart and funny. More are retarded. Same as men.
My last gf was the one who red-pilled me on the holocaust numbers not making any sense. They aren't all the same.
False. Their beauty is their only strong suit and some of them manage to fuck that up too.
Woman are dumb as shit and have no Humor.
Woman however has other qualitys, like 3 holes where penis could go.
if you want your penis in them, sure
they can only be cute and hot
Only when you're horny.
Fuck off back to \b\ with your slide thread
>women are smart and funny
>post a women being a whore
false but it's only because they don't have to develop either trait to succeed
I thought we lived in a time where such outdated terms had been trashed.
my exgf was both smart and funny.
so yes, they do exist.
Her is creepy as fuck
Depends on the woman. Neeeext
Depends on the woman. Same can be said for men. My wife and I laugh about all kinds of things my friends and I find funny. She makes me laugh a lot especially when we talk shit about ugly people in public. Met plenty of people who aren't funny and nor do we share a sense of humor from both genders.
Seems like /r9k/ visits Sup Forums too often.
They are funny when they try not to be funny.
They have more the general smartness.
While men are more specialized.
>Depends on the woman
omg both of you wrote the same thing at the same time!
that's fucking crazy!
false because cartmen is a faggot now
I want to beat John Green to death with a rusty spoon.
that's deep
They're only smart and funny if you throw them high up on that pedestal.
There's very little evolutionary pressure for them to be funny, and the good looking ones get approval & positive reinforcement whatever they say, so they develop a mistaken belief that they're funny & interesting when really they're not.
his analogy would be more accurate if it were other men jizzing in his cheerios. Also, the biological purpose of his cheerios is for him to stick his dick in the bowl of cheerios. Then he might feel about how many people have been with his precious bowl of cheerios on an equal level of how most here feel about how many have been with a girl
they can be smart
only on accident
top kek my sentiments exactly
my gf is, most of the time, but she's an exception
overall they're very shallow and uninteresting
>Women are the cause of the downfall of western civilization
True or false?
John Green is the worst brother. Give me hunky Hank any day.
maybe depends in what contex
Most women can spin men around on their fingers , doesn't take a genius , but does take something with more then average inteligence
Not really , women aren't even designed to be funny, they can try and achive some level of funniess but it's fake funny.
Men on the other hand were chosen to breed and fuck by how funny they are, women evolutionary speaking never had a reason to be funny.
>be goy
>be funny
>gril says you funny , fuck me hard
>baby comes out 9 months later , it's a funny male baby
>be gril
>be not funny
>spread legs , let goy fuck you
>baby girl comes out 9 months later , the genes that made her not funny
>Rocks are round, true or false?
>Most women can spin men around on their fingers , doesn't take a genius , but does take something with more then average inteligence
No. Men let themselves be manipulated because they will do absolutely anything to get laid, and because they're conditioned from childhood to seek female approval in everything they do. It's not because women are skilled manipulators, women are in reality mostly completely retarded.
women are never funny on purpose.
I'm still debating the intelligence question
Some women are smart, some women are funny, some women are smart and funny.
No generalisation can be answered as though it were a "true or false" question.
All Canadians are shitposters.
I met five or six funny and smart women in my entire life. I think they are pretty rare. I saw more UFOs than smart+funny women.
only virgins here
>looks at top comedians
>looks at top scientists
>looks at top philosophers
>looks at top technocrats
>looks at top businessmen
>looks at top historical figures
I see no empirical evidence for the archetypal woman being smart or funny.
Aussie bantz OP.
You have 3 penises?
The smart and funny ones are.
Funny - no, smart - somewhat
>estonia saying anything
Women are meant to be used and abused. Nothing more, nothing less.
>america trying to banter
Of course
>I saw more UFOs than smart+funny women.
Agreed. Helt enig.
Why do the smartest, funniest women always have the tightest, wettest pussys?
Women are for breeding period.
I just watched the Spice Girls movie honestly not that bad. Baby Spice best spice.
If men let themselves be manipulated that means they're dumb. Since most men let themselves be controlled and manipulated my women, this proves they are helpless when it comes to dealing with women. Which means women are indeed superior to men. Checkmate cucks.
She looks like a chihuahua, pedro.
Women are good manipulators by instinct exclusively. This means they're proficient at manipulating in the particular moment they choose to do it because they're emotionally driven to further use emotional appeals through things like shaming, aggression, isolation and pity.
But the reason they'll never really rule the world the way men do is that manipulative men are manipulative at the conscious level. They manipulate through entire paradigms, they plan their moves ahead. Manipulative women are persuasive, but manipulative men are Machiavellian.
Is he saying he's perfectly okay with eating cereal after 47 men have put their dicks in it?
hmm sauce on this ?
Not smart but they can be unintentionally be funny
My Gf thinks faggotry is natural.
Oyster sauce ?
Women are dumb and spiteful. They e had no reason to evolve to have humor, as humor is used to attract a mate.
Women are dumb enough to claim rape too, when only 2 out of 1900 are real or something. Who has the pictograph that shows that shit?
yeah you can deliver it with that help which you promised us back in 1939
Tell her that homosexuality is anti-darwinian. 99.99% chance she'll dump you so proceed at your own risk.
Female anons in here, please tell me a witty joke. Right now I can only believe it to be false.
Women CAN be smart and funny but the combination of the two traits is overwhelmingly more prevalent in men.
Lucky me, she isn't so stuck up. But I told her that faggotry is condemned in Bible and doesn't add up in life, as M+F=baby, but Fag+Fag=mopping the floor.
Swell, I guess women just want to believe they're innovative in their thinking.
Yes, they can be smart.
Funny, virtually never.
False, they can happen to look like spheres though
Whenever I see a picture of a girl with a nice ass, I automatically wonder how it smells.
my girl tells me I'm smart and funny, your way seems a bit cucked leafo
You like put your nose in bitches' asses don't you? Top kek asses are the best.
I'd like to if I could lol.
Women could be funny, but there problem is, when they're trying to be funny they are usually assuming a masculine role and that just doesn't work, its unnatural.
their* Anyway, I think if more women, especially in the entertainment industry, based their jokes on the female stereotypes instead of being vulgar, they could be more successful.
Take me to mars o wise smart and funny creature
Female comedians are mostly Jews. Jews aren't funny at all. Dumb comedy sitcoms are written by jews and 95% comedians are jews. They're all shit. Seth Rogen, Bill Maher, Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman, Chelsea Handler etc. are all unfunny kikes. They don't deserve to be there and they know it. We need a conservative Hollywood run by Christian whites. That way we could have more Bill Burrs George Carlins and Tina Fays.
Women can be Machiavellian just look at Hillary Clinton, any other woman high up in politics, business or entertainment. Granted these women are very far and few in between but they are drastically more dangerous than any man could ever hope to become. It also helps that society still has the perception that women are innocent and incapable of handling/caring for themselves. These women play that very well. It's also why I believe that with the right personality, looks, and smarts, women can be excellent spies.
But yeah on average most women are fucking stupid and are only capable of riding the situation that men put themselves in when they want to get their dick wet.
They are (on average) not as smart or funny as men, but they are smarter and funnier than most other animals. Good job ladies.