I'm going out to eat tomorrow and was wondering how much I should tip?
Also is tipping blue pilled?
I'm going out to eat tomorrow and was wondering how much I should tip?
Also is tipping blue pilled?
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Don't fall for the No Tip meme, it's just cringy.
Tipping is red pilled if you legitimately were impressed by the service you received, meaning it was better than great.
I wonder what kinda shithole she works at that her table can run up a $138 bill that doesn't have gratuity attached.
Also I tip. It's a shitty system but by not tipping I am not hurting the system, I am just punishing the person waiting on me.
at a good place, it's usually like 40-45%
at lower quality place it's more like 25-30%
Take whatever money you were gonna tip and invest it into whatever the investment vehicle of your choice is.
Your future self will thank you for not being a cuck.
I am a fat ugly bastard and i get tipped all the fucking time despite it not being a thing over here.
You want extra money do your fucking job well and treat people with respect and they will appreciate it
Nigger are you serious?
no i dont tip a cent
its a free fucking market, if they want more money they should charge more
yes, tip well. these people are not making much money, be generous
This must be a joke...
Would you spit in someones food if they didn't tip?
I'm talking about nice places. Like high end.
It's redpill if you tip because you had great service. It's blue pill as fuck if you just do it because the jews tell you to.
Depends, if I go to a bar and have a couple drinks I'll tip at least the price of one of the beers I'm drinking, to let them have a drink afterward. With a meal it all depends on the service
tipping is a part of life in america it's not going anywhere anytime soon
>hurr just pay ur employees a liveable wage
sure they can do that, then just charge double for your meal
45% tip for bringing food to my table?
Gratuity attatched is not a tip. Tips are earned and optional. Not automatically figured in. Hate restaurants that do this.
I mean if you want to be a cheapskate you could do 35%
>waitress takes basic simple instructions from customers and carries food 15ft from point A to point B
Doing that would reduce the amount of sales tho, thus earning them less money.
What is tipping?
what happens if someone goes to america and doesnt tip because they have no idea about tipping culture
do the waiters yell at them?
20% at a standard place unless sub par service. 30% standard at high class places.
If you have a pen that doesn't work use a lighter to fire the ballpoint for a moment and it will work again.
tipping is for poorfags
I'm not an american so our economy is not so fucked that wait staff cant live off of their paycheck so you only tip if they do a real good job
they just jizz in your food next time they see you.
not my problem
Why can't they pay their employees living wages?
no because i am not a nigger
most waiters are aware that foreigners either genuinely don't know or will feign ignorance about tipping
aka you get stuck with the shitty new waiter every time
No I live in a first world country, at least for the time being.
This is some kind of bait.
>tfw you put business expense directly on the customers
yeah pay my workers wages fucking restaurant cucks that food is marked up 1500% already
They will spit in your food next time they see you there.
Also if you are with a woman on a date she will get very offended if you don't tip.
It South Africa tipping is becoming seriously fucked.
If your waiter is of "African descent" (eg. a nigger) they receive a mandatory 10% built into the bill. You are also obligated to pay another 15-20% if you are a white person being served by a black waiter. So it adds up to around 30% on an average bill.
White waiters have no mandatory built in tip and are usually tipped 10-15% by whites are not often tipped by blacks.
This is called 'affirmative action'.
>paying twice for a service
tipping is just an extra gratitude, you ungrateful nigger
In Canada they pay them min wage and we are America's bitch so we still have tipping culture as well.
I knew a hot girl in college making $35-$40 per hour with tips waiting tables.
if in any non degenerate part of the world yes
if burgerland no
>best country in the world
>needs tips for citizens to survive
yeah no fuck off, give them better salary
>reee 138 dollars slipped past me an I didn't get any of it !!!
Spoiled rotten shit sucking bitch.
I hate these people.
>If your waiter is of "African descent" (eg. a nigger) they receive a mandatory 10% built into the bill. You are also obligated to pay another 15-20% if you are a white person being served by a black waiter. So it adds up to around 30% on an average bill.
You can't be serious.
So does that profession just attract sociopaths? Spitting in someone's food would never even cross my mind.
A tip is a reward for exemplary service. Expecting a tip is massive bullshit.
Been to a few places that actually put suggested tip amount on the bill...those people get can get right fucked.
Wrong, she will get taken by how alpha you are for not giving money to Cletus the waiter so you can feel better about yourself, and once you establish yourself as a dominant territorial specimen willing to hang on to his resources her hormones will overpower her and she will let you bend her over the table and fuck her right there.
if ur at a date or some other formal event, yes.
if not, only if the service is outstanding
My dumbass friends can't do anything without going out to eat every time.
>Hey let's go to the movies
Ok where are we gonna eat after
>Yo let's go bowling
Ok where are we gonna eat after
>Hey I got tickets to the hockey game who wants to go
Ok where are we gonna eat after
Shit pisses me off. Imagine how much money I would just be giving away if I tipped every time. Why should I pay someone to do their job. I've gone to restaurants without tipping multiple times. My friends give like 3-4 bucks each every time and then whine about their bank accounts being empty. Fuck waiters and restaurants I'm not giving 3 dollars extra every time I go out to eat.
nigga say what
such ungrateful bastards those niggers are
> 40-45%
Might as well tip 50-75% if you're going that far.
Tip 15-20% if you must tip
I tip 15-20% if I was actually waited on at a restaurant and the service was decent. If I made more money, I think k I would tip more, especially if I frequented the establishment. I used to frequent a noodle house and tip and they knew me and gave me free food sometimes.
>next time you give me free money give me more money
shaking my head
why is this generation so entitled?
never waited tables, and never will because i've seen what they what the waiters have to put up with on a daily basis. if the service is good, tip the fucking waiter. if it's bad, don't. it's that simple.
You should stop buy a Chick-fil-a or Wendy's instead. Cheaper and no need to tip.
>order steak, costs $40
>expected to leave a $15 tip on it
>order steak, but it's made of gold and takes exactly the same amount of effort to make, costs $4000
>expected to leave a $1500 tip on it
I only tip white men
Why do burgers bother eating out and end up having to tip?
Cooking by yourself or having your wife cook for you is the true redpill.
No they are obsessed with meme craft beer and expensive restaurants "oh I heard this place is so good we have to go"
t. autist who has never touched a vagina
I tip if it's good service or if it's somewhere I will return to. I feel like it's a ransom on future visits because I don't want any funny business.
Yea, obviously.
If you're buying a $4000 steak you can probably spare it.
Americans have to give their waiters extra money because the resturant owners refuse to pay them enough to live.
I think it's retarded and I don't tip here because it's not a thing. If I went to the US I'd tip because it's customary although it's fucking stupid.
mfw that pic related does the same shit cunt job every single time, but expects to be paid more because of how much someone else ate.
I tip a max of $5 on any bill, doesn't matter if it's $400, nigga you getting a crisp fiver.
Do all the workers recieve the tip cash or only waitress?
>not tipping at least 80%
Are you some kind of bigot?
I tip at least 10 euros when there are cute girls and I am decently served.
Am I a cuck?
I tip my hairdresser.
I tip my pizza delivery if it's in good time/hot/the box is not damaged.
Those two just have to do their job to earn a tip because they're on shit money.
If anyone else gets a tip they've offered exceptional service.
in a non gay country those waiters would have started riots to get better conditions
in a cuck country that doesnt happen, so just gfy burgers you are obese anyway no need for tip to get food
dude if you're there with a date you fucking tip if you want to keep her unless she requests that you don't. you don't want to embarrass her by proxy. don't you know anything about women?
I thought hipsters loved Chick-fil-a though.
I don't tip at home, since in Poland it would be perceived as arrogant showing off of one's wealth. If I traveled to US I would since it's customary here. It's that simple.
Must be a pussy American thing. Women in Australia don't give a fuck if you tip or not.
ahah you date some shallow women dont you
t. dog blowing cucked abomination of a leaf
everyone needs to stop tipping in the first place and then the problem will fix itself
It's incredibly rude to tip here.
Rule of thumb is:
>0% if they are horrendously bad (you should probably have complained to the manager at that point already)
>10% for mediocre service
>15% for normal service
>20% for good service
>25% for fan-fucking-tastic service
>50% if you are rich and leave your phone number on the bill to pick up the girl
no you're a beta if you complain about it later though
>some shallow women
not tipping is how I get revenge on normies, fuck them
its the point, when women embarrassed they blush, and because their lymphatic feedback is all fucked up their brain perceives it as blushing because they're attracted to you, and thus they experience the hormonal response where they practically bend themselves over the table for you to pound their pussy.
t. waiter
sounds like your friends are faggots which makes you a tag along faggot.
maybe you should stop worrying about tipping and focus on finding less gay friends instead?
why's that?
Are waiters assumed to be equals to those they wait on?
I live in a country where waiters earn a living wage, so no I dont.
Jesus Christ is this shitposting now? Who the fuck tips.
I leave $5 tips at places I go to a lot. Other places I don't tip or go 10% if there's good service.
They usually don't carry the food anymore.
basically you imply they are some homeless beggars who needs your free sheckels to eat
it's rude, to civilized people, dont worry if you dont understand
When I was in USA, I had a lunch with colleagues. When I didn't tip at the end, because service was bad, they faces got fucking weird. Is that a fucking tax or something? I'd pay tip when I want to, period.
I hate eating out
This. No one should feel entitled to a fucking tip, it's purely at the buyers discretion. Employers who take staff tips and call it 'service charge' should be gassed.
Tipping is only something to be withheld if you get genuinely shitty service. Even if service is just bad you should tip like 5%.
Most of these situations like OPs are waitresses getting BTFO because they were acting like assholes though.
Fuck off.
You're a beta provider
Where the fuck do you live? That shit would never fly here.
Fuck you all