/EU/ General

How do we make Europe great again?

Welcome: EU core members
Not welcome: Anglos, obviously. Eastern """"Europeans""""
Special guests: Based Scots


Are we welcome

Thanks for confirming you are butthurt.


>how do we save the EU
>already left the EU
>EU can't be saved
>Germany is already dead

you are the one with the arse pains, Mehmet


Suck more arab dick Hans

Your EU is controlled by kikes and globalists, there is nothing to save


>How do we make Europe great again?
Obviously you have to dissolve EU.

>tfw no more comfy EU with original countries

Fuck you ahmed everyone knows we run the EU

Yeah, it all went downhill from there.



The EU was never great

the perfect axis.

on topic.
never, it was doomed to fail to begin with.

Has merkelposting gone too far?

from where?
you should be ashamed of yourself

opkankeren kankeraap, niemand wil van jou of de EU horen.

>How do we make Europe great again?

By abolishing the EU and encouraging sovereign ultra-nationalist states.

Noice Ahmed since i am not "European" i will tell you that there is no way to fix the EU.Its fucked.

Every immigrant can have temporary living for 3 years here. Then they have to get out of EU or forced deported.

>Eastern """"Europeans""""
That's funny because with us out, EU would collapse after Brexit.
In fact, make it any non-irrelevent country. EU is on borrowed time.

Disolving it. Fuck the (((elite))) and their white genocide plan.

Well said by one of the countries who only went into the EU because of gibs, youre no better than the fugees Pavel.

Just about every scot I personally know is claiming some sort of wherever or not they're working. If that's based then I must be bluepilled as fuck because I haven't had to claim any sort of benefit since I was 18 (job seeker allowance, finding work was tough).
>t. Englishman living in Glasgow

We crumble EU. Sorry krauts, when a cow gets the mad cow disease it needs to be burnt.

Looking at this flag fills me with genuine disguist.
Your capital is ruled by a Muslim Paki. Is there anything more degrading than this?
I guess there is. Paki rape gangs and being the colony of its former colonies.

Control the immigration. Other than that EU is fine.

you dismantle it and let some tumors heal and some tumors die.

kill yourself kraut

Disband the EU and re-establish national borders.

Also, nuke Sweden.

>How do we make Europe great again?
by dissolving the EU

Reflecting much?
We have far more turks and arabs in berlin acting like they are pro german politicans.
And London is NOT England. Its a microcosmos on its own. ( So is Berlin tho)

If anything were sitting in the same damn boat. But England has one up for us since they did the sensible thing and left the EU.

Crash the European Union with no survivors

Get rid of every cultural marxist leader

Retake Constantinople by dinner

The great traitor doesn't deserve a city named after him.

Lol, enjoy those migrants

>Is there anything more degrading than this?

being German. yes
fuck your country Faizle. My Grandad hated you and now so do I.
kill yourself and save new brothers the effort
you complete and utter disgrace to Europe.
sincerely, everyone

Leave us alone

>saged, pic related

EU =/= great ever ergo EU cannot into Great Again

>Tfw your third attempt at world conquest starts to fall apart


Stop it oil jew, who will buy your trash then?

Europe has been demographically destroyed because of you bloody Huns and your self hatred, I've been to Germany, hammers and sickles everywhere, rainbow flags everywhere, Migrants and hijabs are more common than blonde hair, I've spoken with Germans, Nationalism is non-existant, not in the same capacity as other nations, your collective will is weak and Merkel is using the migrants like a gun to end whatever pride Germany had left.

It's really sad actually, it used to be funny banter when it happened to Sweden but I feel nothing but pity towards Germany, I'd help if I could but how can anyone help a people that won't help itself.

Enjoy the thousands of open boarder protesters who don't understand anything beyond feeling good about themselves.

Besides, Britain had enough of being the whipping bitch, paying out to keep failed countries and a failed project floating, we are the financial capital of the world because the world literally works on our time, literally we made the world revolve around us because of GMT.

The saddest thing is that two nations that have been at war so many times, been at odds over so many stupid issues could have easily been friends and allies if it wasn't for the German mindset.

It didn't have to be like this.
This is the future you have chosen.
You have made your bed.
Now lay in it.

>Kick out Muslims
>Introduce accountability for the eurocrats
>no free trade with third-world countries
>infrastructure programs
>higher standards in education and shilling for STEM

>tmw no one makes a thread about the earthquakes that just struck Italy

I was planning on making one of these.

I actually work in the EU. Got a few hours to kill.

Ask me anything. Non-retarded questions please.

ofc u are

not your fault u got in debt, your politicians fucked up, just like ours fucked up

i love you guys

What proof do you have? For all we know, you could be a fucking janitor.

A united Europe would not be a bad thing but the EU is rotten and is run by rotten people. It needs to go.

>How do we make Europe great again?
By making it European.

Are there some people with common sense left concerning immigration? Seems like all the eurocrats can do is shill for more immigrants.

Do they think there's a possibility of a civil war breaking out?

we can make europe great again by abolishing your shitty union

No one asked you, slavtrash. Go back to plumbing.

>Rome got hit by 3 earthquakes
>a normal day in Italy

Blah blah blah... love how Sup Forumsacks talk about jews and Rothschilds and Sorros and the next minute they celebrate being a neoliberal shithole ruled by the banking industry..

May wants to quit ECJ, ECJ was the only thing that kept your fucking spineless politicians from shoving a CCTV camera so far up your ass that it replaces your annual colonoscopy ... good luck Bongo...

>make eu great again
>post from cuck capitol of the planet
Why don't the Germans focus on fixing their cucked country, then worry about the EU?
I used to associate the German flag with strength, and murder. Now I'm completely disgusted, and laugh at the sight of the German flag.
Quit being faggots.
You know how to fix Germany, and the EU.
Do it.

>Go back to plumbing.
Is it time again to check the plumbing of German females? They sure can't get enough of me.

We have to throw out Germany.

By making Germany less egoistic.

I don't really want to join Europe now. It's like trying to join Africa.What a shitty place.

Disband europe

>How do we make Europe great again?
Stop letting germany do stuff

End the destructive neoliberal policies.

End austerity.

Enforce outer borders.

Allow wages to rise.

Allow legislative initiative in the EU parliament.

Allow the EU parliament to issue a vote of no confidence to the commission.

- Basically just do everything that Germany is against.

this is probably a troll thread but i dont know if the EU can ever be a good thing. i dont think its going anywhere so my only hope is that trump removes us military bases, the EU members become more right wing and get rid of jewish/american cultural influence

nah, just wait till it turns into middle east and collapses

Oh and the industry you are praising now as the backbone of your economy is the industry that sits in London and wanted to remain and you Sup Forumsacks told us they were the root of all evil

We've done this before, if you want ask your questions, if you don't assume I'm a janitor and don't. Last time there were too many questions to answer anyway.

They've started coming around a little. They saw a lot of parties won a lot of votes by appealing to anti-immigration, so a lot of people here now see it as a gateway to a better job and more money. It's not genuine at all. Besides, immigration is very tricky - tiny little legislations and such that escape the public eye are usually what regulate it. So nothing prevents someone from seeming very anti-immigration and yet flooding you with mudslimes. So basically they have started coming around in order to shill, but it's not genuine at all and means nothing.

No, they think it's all rosy and perfect and we have no problems at all. I'm not kidding.

Disband it and build new one without eurocrats.
Also, exclude Germany.

EU will never be great again and never has been, please shut this party down for all.


Ah, the elite are totally disconnected from the people they are supposed to lead, as usual. Thanks you for your answer.

Why are countries like Greece and Italy reluctant to leave the Eurozone, despite the obvious drawbacks it brought?

but what should replace it? nationalism worked great because of colonies, do you just want to be totally dependent on the usa? they are going to jew you just as much directly as they jew you indirectly through their pet EU


No, there are many more flaws.
One of the major ones is total disrespect to member state cultures.
Basically USSR 2.0 wanting to breed new euro people (as soviets tried to breed rootless soviet human). It does not work.

Disband it.


take russia by the hand and go fuck yourselves

We couldve been friends if it want for churchill you delusional fool.
And we didn make that bed, its more like being dragged into a basement and shoved on a dirty matress.
Weve been doctrined and "educated" to be like that, its hard to break the conditioning, but the fugees are doing their part for that.
People are getting more and more vocal.
Were still the old germans underneath a few layers of propaganda and live long indoctrination. Its a process waking up.

and i have to say it again

I didn't mention the Jews once, so that's a terrible strawman you're attempting to set up there Hans, I guess old habits die hard. The reason I mentioned the stock markets was because all Europhiles pointed towards some economic disaster happening if we left the EU or when we leave the single market, the ECJ doesn't guarantee anything, Germany is already an Orwellian Nightmare considering you can get arrested for posting stuff on Facebook.

The British High Court repealed the Snoopers charter because it violeted a rule we Have that states that no parliament can make rules that don't apply to it, for that CCTV colonoscapy to happen Parliament would have to apply it to itself and there isn't a chance in hell that would happen considering how much dirt can be found in the Conservative party alone.

Just admit it, even the afd is shit tier, your nation is gone, you don't have anything to save or anyone to save it. Your union is doomed because YOU allowed YOUR spineless politicians to hold open your ass cheeks and let anyone and anything enter.

Allowing German sovereignty was a mistake.

Can I just say how convenient schengen is? I'm no fan of the eu propaganda and all but I must say it will suck to see schengen go. If only we could just tell immigrants from outside the eu to fuck off but keep schengen I'll be happy.

Also EU army when? And what happens to countries like Greece where they have mandatory military service?

We are gonna create Intermarium
and we will make germany pay for it
We will no longer submit to the false song of euroenthusiasm
germany is ripping us in trade
etc etc

>pro EU
B8 thread
I liked the EU btw until it got overwhelmed by the sjws inviting everyone to stay here
Is anything the eternal jew won't turn to shit

PS. Allowing german rates loaning was a huge mistake, the money should have been injected in the developing EU economies by incentivising investors, to bypass our systemic cleptocracy
PS2. Allowing Britain in was a huge mistake, we would have strong EU armed forces, a stronger continental financial center and 0 pakis/indians roaming around

That industry was created long before the people who live in London where about, they are like squatters in the ruins, using the remains of an empire they no nothing about to sustain themselves, we've taken a step towards beating them from our nation, although the rest of the fight will be even harder now and certainly isn't finished we have made a start.

My Ancestors would be smiling at me Hans, can you say the same?

haha, I'm gonna send you more gypsies, and you can't do shit about it, cuck

United States of Europe. Pretty much like the system in US, some matters will be decided in a national, some in a supranational level. All you idiot fucking neckbeards who keep on saying "EU is done, muh refugees, muh Merkel" have absolutley no idea about the laws that were implemented by the EU and now are part of every member country's legal system. Without the single market and unified banking, M&A, competiton and consumer protection regulation, all the member states would go straight down in the shitter. I absolutley agree that the rapefugees shouldnt be let in, and Germany, especially under Merkel rule, is absolutely the worst, but you are an idiot if you dont realise that we need the EU for economic survival.
>inb4 lol eastern europe, gibe monies

2 options

1- Create a United States of Europe

2- Eliminate the EU and create a Free-trade zone

Any country that can't survive without the supervision of a self-serving boardroom group should be allowed to wither and die. You are becoming serfs. Just look at Greece to see the fate of any nation who sells it's sovereignty for 'free monies'.

Wilhelm II
>England must have the mask of Christian peaceableness [peacefulness] torn publicly from her face... Our consuls in Turkey and India, agents, etc. must inflame the whole Muslim world to wild revolt against this hateful, lying, conscienceless people of hagglers. For even if we are to be bled to death, at least England shall lose India.

It wasn't us who slapped that hand away Hans, Churchill knew your past and England remembered the German mindset, ready to blame any and all for your own short comings.

I'm glad to see there is some resistance in Germany but blaming the Juden for the rot that has taken over your country is like saying vultures killed the calf.

It's a shame that you can be so delusional as to not learn from your mistakes.

You have just descirbed the USA. And also, did you see the mentioning of the state-given aids anywhere in my post? No, because I think they are bad, and the only reason that Greece is still alive is that because the (((((((BAD)))))))) system allows it. Also, most of the states in the US would wither and die if they were left on their own.

Easy peezy lemon squeezy

Don't reply to retarded americans, they don't know shit about how the Europe or the EU works, but they still insist to show how ignorant they are.

We make it great again by nuking germany until not even bacteria can live there

The thing that most closely resembles the EU is the US during the times of the Articles of Confederation. As it stood it was largely ineffective during a time of crisis (a war in case of the US) to which they responded with becoming a closer union.

United Statians shitting on the EU are historically ignorant and quite blind to what the EU could become.

So if this is the EU, how are you going to stop the balkan countries from ferrying millions of muslamics, instead of stopping them? The only reason they stopped coming in the hundreds of thousands is because we and Hungary built fences.

>he fell for the ''they will get deported meme''
After those 3 years they will still be living in Sweden, getting free money from the government and raping your daughter.

united states of europe under a center right leader ship with enforced borders and only a certain percentage of immigration allowed and only allowed after the first wave of immigrants are completely integrated.
Tada i fixed everything.

>We have far more turks and arabs in berlin acting like they are pro german politicans.
>And London is NOT England. Its a microcosmos on its own. ( So is Berlin tho)

This kraut gets it.

Fuck the EU, Sweden needs to get out. Swedish democrats is the only answer. SD 2018!

More centralized power = more german control = even more cuckery

Removing Germans, the niggers of Europe