FOURTH edition of previous thread of Ben Swann interview of piazagztae
FOURTH edition of previous thread of Ben Swann interview of piazagztae
Other urls found in this thread:
bump for justice
"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.
The night is far spent, the day is at hand:
let us therefore cast off the works of darkness,
and let us put on the armour of light.
Let us walk honestly, as in the day;
not in rioting [carousal, partying] and drunkenness,
not in chambering [sitting around on the couch]
and wantonness [full of vices],
not in strife and envying.
But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ,
and make not provision for the flesh,
to fulfil the lusts thereof."
- Romans 13:11-14
*dabs uncontrollably*
Right on the front they have a moon and star symbols. Symbols which they relate to the demonic one!
Choose your side POL Right or Wrong, Good or Bad, Liberty or Libcuck!
This is not going away.
They kept the sign from the space age era Comet Liqueur, inspector Gadget.
S-stop, goyim, you don't know what you're doing, there is nothing to see here!
look at that fucking pizza there
just bumping so people spread the shit out of it
Them upside-down pentagrams doe
Assfuck yourself with a knife, shill nigger
Cool shirt, James
thats actually pretty useful information
They kept the name, and sign, Mulder.
Go on
Bitch child, come at me and I'll sink ya.
It has been a long ride.
I remember first seeing Alefantis' instagram account back in November and I still remember the chills running down my back after seeing the connections being made between various elements.
To this fucking day there has been no effort made from the officials to either investigate or even debunk it. We've only got "fake news" and some awkward Alefantis interview. Even here in Estonia the media parroted the same things the maynestreet meteor over there in the US said.
Glad to see that finally someone asked the right questions in public.
bump for truff
Good going, guys. You literally ruined multiple innocent people's lives and businesses, all while making everyone from Alex Jones to David Seaman look like complete schizos.
Well played, gentlemen, well played indeed
Okay nigger. The post you "corrected" was referring to the symbolism of the sign, not its fucking origin. Nice try. Who fucking cares where it came from. Its the meaning that the original post was pointing out as significant
sign probably symbolizes pic related. there is also some star which looks similar which i forgot the name of (something with tele i think, not sure though). the moon and star on it are some bonus
probably for a reason
Oh, it's you again.
Pizzagate is perhaps the most retarded thing to come out of this election cycle. Literally just a bunch of neckbeards jerking off to the idea of politicians jerking off to children without any proof
>“Is ketchup on a hot dog ever acceptable?” Bourdain asked.
>“No,” the president responded. “I mean that ... It’s not acceptable past the age of 8.”
>“Ho, hum,” says the U.S. media. “Don’t bother us. We’re busy. We have these water buckets we’re carrying for NAMBLA.” Those initials stand for the North American Man Boy Love Association. Their long-standing motto, “sex before eight – or it’s too late,” only recently revised, makes their intent pretty clear.
>CBS actually reported on the pedo imagery, Comet, and Podesta's sick art collection
is this a sign
go copy and paste somewhere else, shill
Maybe the reason it matches is far more mystical than what your super teeny tiny brain could ever imagine in all of the UNIVERSE!
That's the kind of people we're dealing with. People that have so much money and connections, that they can do whatever the fuck they want. We might not get justice now, but wait till Jesus returns. These fucks are going to be burning
this star is what i meant
Any bread on Colin Dunn or Luke Kuhn from the project Veritas videos?
Look guys another lead
Hahahaha. I hope you find peace from the cognitive dissonance you experience daily
"hello fellow chickenlovers"
check dupont circle, there is one edge of the small pentagram, and coincidently thereis some pizzeria (pizzeria paradiso) i doubt its a coincidence, but other than the location i didnt find anything weird about it
it's the leftypol spaniard who makes commie threads
This is how I know we're in deep shit. This coupled with Democrats basically controlling all culture, how much we are spied on, the control of's sick. This shit needs to be crushed.
I ignored Pizzagate during the election cycle because it seemed like some of the shit I've read on /x/ years ago (and, to an extent, Sup Forums) about child sex rings and their occult links. And, now, since I'm pretty far behind, there's just too much goddamn information to catch up reasonably. I just watched a YouTube compilation of all the facts but I didn't find it terribly compelling. Shocking? Yes, absolutely. But with some of the more recent things I've seen in passing, such as Alefantis threatening someone on Facebook, I'm starting to grow more curious. Is there any up-to-date collection of this information? Specifically including this so called "kill room" and the Alefantis threatening the t-shirt guy? Video or text compilation, I don't really care.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's a local CBS affiliate. Ben Swann has been doing reporting like this for quite some time. His Ron Paul videos were a big deal, and, unfortunately, it wasn't enough. He's also done something with Obama and ISIS, which, unfortunately, lead nowhere. Which is kind of a shame, too, because there's pretty damning evidence that the Obama administration did, in fact, support ISIS.
its pretty much fact that satan rules this world, either directly as enthity if you want to believe in that, or symbolically through our weaknesses we gained through our material body in this (material) world like fear, greed, egoism, egocentrism etc. satan ruling the world is nothing new, he always did, and probably always will. the more important it is to resist satan and overcome those weaknesses though.
6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe the number of this plane of existence in general. 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.
even the bible says satan rules the earth. however dont confuse satan with lucifer or the devil
I can't find the CHILD center, can someone confirm?
in the center of the pentagram is the nat geo museum
look at the google reviews
especially look for anyone mentioning hands-on, interactive, or childrens exhibits
That is what "Nero" I think used to call the little boys swimming around his pecker back in the day in his old school pedo boy Roman bath houses.
Ever also notice how much they like Roman statues and such. The only ones I've seen are of male statues. They really glorify it daily with in their lives. Funny to considering it was the Romans that caused the Jew diaspora in the first place and now they fag and fuck little boys and worship Roman culture. Its like they are as ironic as Muslim Niggers!
Guys Obama's affinity for hotdogs is the most retarded connection made about this entire thing.
>Do you have any fucking clue?
>Do you see any fucking ketchup here?
To all you shills who are in here spamming, gaslighting, sliding, and causing general faggotness GO FUCK YOURSELVES
If you don't like the fucking topic or think its (insert insulting reference) why even sit here and discuss it? why try soooo fucking hard to discredit anything we talk about? god dammit you fucks are so fucking obvious it hurts my head... I cannot believe people pay you..
this is a fucking waste of time, it's never going anywhere. stop making threads
oh honey.
you probably believe in witches and warlocks too, amirite?
it is all just fantasy meant to confuse you and it's working apparently.
oo yea demoralize me baby
So when the original pizzagate subreddit was shut down, people moved to voat, the community there now investigates. Pic is a link to the entire summary of what is known and backed with sources (voat links don't work here funnily enough).
How much do they pay you shillhard
Who doesn't like hotdogs?
it is there. i didnt put it in the pic of because i wasnt really accurate and came up a bit northeast to it where there was a wal mart. when i checked for stuff around there it wasnt discplayed either. only when you search for C.H.I.L.D. center riggs rd you find it somehow
This can be explained too. The E-Mail this image is attached to outlined policy for ocean welfare (or some shit). Policy #14 on the list.
It's also the 13 pieces of Osiris. Not 14.
M8 half these people aren't shills.
They're shitposters. Just trying to get a rise out of you.
Think the blokes constantly posting BLACKED and 'negress' threads ALL love that shit?
It's best to just ignore them. Leave their posts without any (you)s.
And hope they're new enough not to sage.
>3 earthquakes in Italy
Pick one
ever heard of symbolical meaning? you dont have to believe into satan to think satan rules the world symbolically you fucking idiot.
you also dont have to believe into something to know that (((they))) believe it
I was about to make a small addendum to my post. No /x/ shit, please. If whatever video or text compilation you have makes a big deal about Saturn or Baphomet or Moloch, stop. The only acceptable religious babble is that which centers around kikes.
This doesn't contain any nonsense about satanic ritual abuse or anything of that nature, right? I mainly avoided this topic specifically because of the whole EwO True Dekektives narrative, or whatever the fuck people are calling it on Sup Forums
202 Riggs Rd NE, Washington, DC
let the witch hunt begin
Because fucking with retards is fun for us. We do it for free and your fucking deluded if you think (((they))) give a fuck.
Fuck yourself retard. You and your kind are stinking up the place, worse.
Who's innocent?
>Rome is going to fall for a second time
You dim wit. The fuck you talking so much. Shut your mouth and get back to work
The idea?
Google "Little St. James" you stupid poo in loo.
Every popular conspiracy comes with reams of data an complicated infographics and charts. A million people shot JFK and there's a trillion pages proving that each theory is the truth. One wrong assumption destroys the entire complicated web. It takes only one piece of disinfo to bring it down. Working as an user with anons has exposed you all to disinfo.
It's admirable to want to bust a child sex trafficking ring, but that was your goal from the start, and it injects confirmation bias into your investigation.
The first few images in the first Exhibit are dead links.
>Who doesn't like hotdogs?
Specifically, Chicago-style hotdogs. Obama's a native.
It's considered sacrilegious to put ketchup on your hotdog. Many venders won't do it even if you pay them to.
imgur deletes them
Yes, that stuff tends to be avoided because the goal of that community is to create reliable discussion, and maintain some form of credibility. In saying that, we don't know what ritualistic stuff could possibly be involved (not saying magic/gods are real). But, in saying that, it's important to investigate something for what it is. If Satanistic stuff is involved, regardless of whether or not you think it's real, it's important to look into things so as to not miss anything.
You Google Greater St. James, you know nothing fucking cum lately.
Pizzagate had fuck all to do with Epstein
All the major conspiracies aren't theories. They are true. We have to show all the data to make you understand. Because people are so easily brainwashed by authority figures. What turned the French revolution? It was the newspaper. Same thing as the American revolution. Control the media and you control the people.
>This doesn't contain any nonsense about satanic ritual abuse or anything of that nature, right?
Get lost normie.
No it wasn't though. His Instagram was stumbled upon and links were drawn with supporting evidence everywhere. This isn't just a theory we have comments, pedo signs and language, all kinds of code, straight from them.
Okay that's one down. Any more things you'd like to explain anway on behalf of John, who I presume you know?
black pyramid, black the colour associated with saturn/satan. the pyramid being a symbol for hierachy, and a ziggurath, an artificial mountain like those on which the gods reside (the olymp for example), for the king to throne above his kingdom like the gods overseeing his kingdom with the allseeing eyes.
the pillars, doing the as above so below gesture, being parted in 13 pieces
13, always associated with bad luck. valley of Hinnom is mentioned 13 times in the bible, this is where the place was for important rituals to moloch. the dragon is mentioned in the revelation 13 times, with the dragon being a symbol for satan. nimrod, the great hunter, founder of what later became known of babylon, our first civilization where he ruled as king. nimrod was 13th in line of ham, son of noah who survived the flood. nimrod was said to stood before god, as in being on the same level of him or taking his place (hence why all governments are satanic by nature as they all intent to put someone or a group of people above other people and thus above god
>6I said, "You are gods, And all of you are sons of the Most High.
>7"Nevertheless you will die like men And fall like any one of the princes."
>8Arise, O God, judge the earth! For it is You who possesses all the nations.…
pic is by the way in front of the irs building in DC or new york. forgot which one
What's the single most solid piece of evidence? Nothing?
Do answer.
Back to This isn't your little play area, kid. Grownups are discussing very important matters here
P i zzaga t e is the tip of an iceberg
fuck off shill
Oh really? Epstein said he founded the Clinton Foundation, Clinton has been on his jet dozens of times, John Podesta used to server under Clinton, and Rachel Chandler has been pictured with Bill Clinton, and Rachel Chandler is associated with Marina Abramovic, and so are the Podestas.
Any more hot takes you'd like to make?