Anyone fucked a jew before? Did you reveal your power level after you came inside of her?
Anyone fucked a jew before? Did you reveal your power level after you came inside of her?
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Yes I do. she was disgusted to me when I reveal my power lever but we still fucked for 2 years lol.
Yeah, strangely she didn't react at all when i asked her if i could anschluss her but then she sperged out and went full shoa on me when i told her to get ready for my final solution. Guess she got that reference.
One gave a blowjob and I fucked another one but she made me use a condom. I'm talking to another one that will let me cum inside her though. She's an hour away though.
should i get a jewfu to avoid my kids being the lowest shit tier slaves when jews rule the world?
jews are the best.
got a bj from a jewish slut some years ago. she swallowed. told her one time i didn't believe the holocaust happened and she stopped talking to me so i sent her messages calling her a cannibal for eating my sperm
Who gives a fuck? Why does it matter what race or ethnicity a walking pussy is? Get your dick wet, go home and never speak to her again.
>top quality
I've never and probably never will even talk to a jew
I'll stick with my qt belgian aryan gf
>i sent her messages calling her a cannibal for eating my sperm
its too funny to be untrue
As long as you don't impregnate her it's fine. All jewish women should get vasectomies imo.
This is why you Mexicans are part of the problem
You're alright
Yup. And i revealed it after she wanted me to wife her up. Though i only revealed it slightly...........didn't bring up the JQ. Just white genocide, which she agreed with. I'm pretty sure I got drunk one night and went on a rant about Jews though........
She doesn't talk to me anymore. kek
Yes, we role-played liberation of Auschwitz.
I fucked her to Smuglianka playing in the background on torn Nazi flag and then I would pull out and cum on that rug and wipe by dick with it.
First gf was a jew. Wouldn't recommend it at all.
Stick to your race.
atleast im not the main part lol
enjoy your new zionist puppet, ah right, the israel supporter is just playing 4d chess
My time to shine!
>15 year old virgin
> Meet at jew girl
>Am burger but German last name
>She invites me over
>Her dad is beta and mom thinks I'm marrying her daughter
>Keep asking me my name
>Niave as fuck jew parents leave us home alone
>She starts giving bj
>We fuck, and it hits me
>I'm playing Adolf in some sick jew Nazi fantasy
>I'm okay with this
>Have her the D like some Zyklon B
dat flag user. Where in the world?
He's gypo
International Jew identified.
Had a jewgirl fuck buddy for a few months.
She was the dirtiest slut of all time.
Into roleplay, dirty talked and said shit like "oh yeah give me that big nazi dick."
Also she was Sephardic, not gross Ashkenazi.
You've always been the enchiladas stain from society, Pedro. Go fuck yourself
I worked MP for the Air Force, I was sent out to countries like Israel, Korea, and Japan to work security for some military big wigs. I don't know if she was strictly a jew, but seeing as how it was Israel I'm assuming she was.
>"When Jews role the world"
Implying we don't already taco goy.
My ex was a full-on Israeli Jew girl who even was in the military. She always knew I was a goy but back then I wasn't that redpilled and anything I was, she made fun of me for in pretty mean hurtful ways. She also made fun of the US which gave me hurt feelings, said both I and the country were weak and needed to be led around by her and Israel. I don't think she may have been serious though, but she did wear the pants in the relationship.
Nah, the nose gets in the way
It's not erotic if you keep getting poked in the eye very five seconds
mexico btfo, how can we even recover?
well yeah but like officially
That is kind of hot.
People who hate you but still want to have sex with you is the best fetish.
I pretty much only fuck jewesses, but I keep my power level and my dick wrapped
I fucked a jew with this music playing
I could barely refrain myself from crying Sieg Heil while cuming
I fucked a catalan girl once.
More evidence women are natural born race traitors. She calls you a Goy, looks down on you, hates America, and she STILL mates with you.
You're fucking retarded you potatonigger
As you always do, go invade some country
We were fuck buddies for about 5 months. I'd see her 4-5 times a week for hours. She was a fucking flat chested animal.
She used call me motherfucker all the time. She had a kid, even though you'd never know if she didn't prove it. I used to call her a Jewbeast, she didn't like that as much. Eventually I just called her dips, she had some freckles on her chest in the shape of the Big Dipper constellation.
Well to her perspective, when there was some idea that maybe the relationship could be serious, she said my children would be Jewish in that case. She gave it the implication that she would destroy my heritage, but that I should be happy for it, to have Jewish descendents.
>That flag
>That story
Fucking Australians, shitposting in real life
Top kek
Would love to have a jewish gf
at my university there was a girl from Israel and she smiled at me a few times but I'm too autistic
No, but I would wife one if she converted to Christianity. Ultimate fetish
Lol, cuck.
This honestly.
Ashkenazi have God tier brain genes, it's just a fact
Israeli jew, she knew my power levels before. they really are self loathing
yeah wouldn't recommend
>meet cute Jew at bar
>neg the shit out of her
>she loves it
>she comes back to my apartment and we fuck twice, cumming inside her both times
>she said she was on the pill so it was all good
>we sleep comfy together and awake in the morning
>fuck again, cum inside her
>she makes me breakfast
>while we're eating I reveal my power level because she brought up the holocaust reading the newspaper
>she tries her hardest to act offended, you can see that she was trying really hard
>tell her that she's trying hard to be offended and facts don't care about her feelings
>she doubles down on the fake offense
>leave my place
>w/e, was a gr8 night although I did ask for goey eggs and she overcooked them like retard
>feeling gr8 because I got a new job
>2 months later she comes to my place and tells me she's pregnant and it's mine
>she gives birth later in the year, do DNA test to confirm
>say w/e I think it'll be best for our kid for us to stay together and try and work things out
>she says she doesn't want to date a neo-nazi anti-semite
>she used that in court as a defense
>mfw I see my kid one weekend, once a month in another city
>mfw a quarter of my paycheck goes to that cunt, it'd be fine if she spent it on our FUCKING KID but she goes out clubbing and leaves him with a baby sitter
Overall, sex was gr8 but it's not worth it.
I fucked a Jew with DD breasts and a beautiful non-jewy face. Probably the best I've had. 9/10 at the time, but she's since gotten her breasts reduced. Such a shame.
the Eternal Jew financially manipulating the Anglo yet again, I wonder if the pussy was as worthy a conquest as Germany
Became a wizard
Dude, never cream in a woman. Pull out and make her swallow it.
No, but if I were to fuck a jew, then I would give her a Hitler variant of the Dirty Sanchez.
dumb cunt for jizzing in a kike. you know their tricks.
A Polish Jew in NSW. A much shameful dispray..
fucked a jewish escort in the bathroom while on a coke binge with a disgraced plastic surgeon (he paid for everything) from the states. probably my most degenerate moment
I have - a VERY Nordic looking Jew, too. Her father was half Danish - her mother Jewish-American whatever. She was pretty cute. She wasn't too weird, except she had that whole very neurotic Jewish behavior about her. The whole worrying way too much and whatnot. She was cool. Petite girl.
she has a boyfriend but sometimes when I fly over there and he's at work I'll literally rape her. It's not really rape because she enjoys it but pretends she doesn't. Kind of a win win, I've been convincing her to let me move in and we can have an awesome degenerate three-way relationship because he's a cool dude and has a huge cock (I blow him without her knowing every now and then). Now that I think of it, shit's cash. Would be sick as to relocate there and have a 3-way income house where we'll be rich af and have great degenerate sex.
I mean she was half Danish - her father was an actual Dane
holy kek this post
thats a ukrainian slag claiming to be juicy for the emu shekels
nah she's done the extensive DNA test and she's 97.3% ashkenazi
The move is called the Enoch
>toothpaste of all people is complaining about the current year
If she is willing to have a baby just to get batz shekels then she sounds like a true jew.
Yes. When I was in Poland I unknowingly fucked a jew.
She was fit. But after discovering the fact I couldn't help but feel dirty.
Worse bit was the realization that I was attracted to her because she was Med like me.
You must live in Melbourne senpai
Even a wet back like me knows that's so fucking retarded
We smoke weed, you literally suck a cock
i'd kinda like to have an anti-semitic dom/sub relationship with a jewess
Visiting this site is making me an Australiboo
Tell the story. God damn how did that happen!
my gf is a half jew and i (coming from a traditional east european country) BTFO her everytime on her sjw bullshit.
we get along tho. you dont have to agree 100% with your SO. whats the fun in that
This! is why the white race is fucked!
I dated a really hot Jewess for about a year before I became open and unapologetic about my power lvl. She did not look Jewish other than dark hair / eyes, but nice body. I dumped her for a blonde and she went mental.
How can she be a cannibal if jews aren't people?
This gave me a good laugh, can't believe you that you BELIEVED her though.
ok ahmed. Atleast I'm not getting cucked by a bunch of retards that pray to a pedo and worship a moon God. Kek.
Yes, and her Asian friend a few months later. Looked like pic related
you must tell me how to do this senpai
anything specific to them?
>still fucked for 2 years
wtf how did you manage to go to the bathroom/eat etc?
> Mixing race with a mongrel.
You fucking traitor. Get out!
> be qt jew girl with 6 nose
> see german autismo hans with receding chin, generally looking like nordic women do with no sexual dimorphism whatsoever
> smile to make him go away
> hehe i could have totally tapped that no kidding my grandfather was top waffen ss lebensborn breeding material
I ate a jew's ass like groceries. She was a typical slut though.
Should have stopped where you "raped" her. Gave me a good laugh but damn your sick.
Nothing beats a jewess with a foreskin fetish.
No but I did fuck a muslim once and it was the most scary thing I ever did.
Like 10 maroccean dude's noticed me leaving with her. She took a car and chased our cab in order to slit my throat.
We manage to escape and I fucked her and lost my contactlenses. So next day I was without sight in the desert in some sort of arab shithole hungover like fuck.
Will not do again.
>get ready for my final solution
>like pic related
Post her actual pic. I need to fap here.
like I said, it's not rape. It started when she pissed me off so I pinned her against the wall, slid her undies off and fucked her. She was enjoying it and continues to do so. She's the mother of my child and is raking in a quater of my pay fgt I can do whatever the fuck I want to her. Fucking Muslim puritans.
You do realise she's going to tell her husband all this one day, don't you...
Master Blaster run Bartertown
>ex was part Innu (Labrador native), I'm very white
>used to role play that I was trapper/coloniser and she was a scared/rebellious native
>best sex i ever had, we were both bruised and marked every time
God I miss that adulterous whore