>No political agenda
>Promotes creativity and ingenuity
ITT: Redpilled games
Other urls found in this thread:
>(((thalmor))) secretly ruling everything from the shadows.
>video games
>No political agenda
oh boy you're in for a wild ride
A game where tall black monsters steal your blocks... indeed.
>merchants have big noses
what did notch mean by this
> is black
> steals blocks
> cannot swim
> rub hands
> 1 bar of gold for 12!!! shekels
> greedy as fuck
My favorite indie to this day
Glory to Arstotzka
TES is pretty redpilled to a point. Then you get to a certain understanding and the entire physical world of nirn is completely pointless.
Also, the while MGS franchise is red-pilled as fuck
(((The Patriots))) are literally the illuminati
*the whole
My nigga.
>threesome war in space
>space nazis v space terrorists v space niggers
>space nigger faction leader is literally an autist
>space terrorists are backed by corporations; they started the war by bombing shit for no reason
>space nazis are actually painted like good guys by the lore, they're just trying to maintain unity
maybe this
>everyone is black
Team Fortress 2 is the most redpilled game out there
Go download Dwarf Fortress and stop being a casual.
Battlefield 1, no but seriously:
> Red Alert
> Postal
> Duke Nukem
> Half-life?
You can have kosher BBQs in GTA V
Big noses
>a band of mercs fighting each other over nothing but fun and money
Optimistic nihilism at its finest
Oy vey dis game is racist! Anudda shoah!
>Being a literal autist
Always gotta keep an eye on the jew pens.
>Game loved by autists
Makes sense
>being a normie
"Hashem save us!"
What has happened to the term redpill
You do realise the vast community is full of lefty kids who scream if you call someone gay now?
Too bad the game is dead now. I wanted to get into it a long time ago but just never got around to it.
Minecraft is a game for autistic children
perfect for Sup Forums
Osu! is pure bliss and redpilled af
It's sad cause those skins can make sense on all of their Ottoman maps, but nah, they have to put it on mainland France too. Not to mention that segregated troops were still a thing well into WWII
Exactly, you should be playing Dwarf Fortress, a game for autistic adults.
This game had promise but is really just shit unless you're a vehiclefag.
Agreed, burger bro
I remember when that game was cool.
Now they have keychains and posters at target.
ofc dude it's the future
Fuck off styx
Mount and Blade Warband.
>Find secluded area to make a nice aesthetic NAZI UTOPIA
>create nether portal
>find pleb kids and other assorted degenerates and FUCKING MURDER THE SHIT OUT OF THEM
>steal their shit
>troll them in chat
>kek heartily upon your throne of heads and diamonds
If you play Minecraft in ANY other way, you are doing it wrong.
>Go back
I haven't played any video games in at least a year now but I've recently started to get into chess. I've known how to play most of my life but now I'm really starting to appreciate just how fun and complex. It takes a bit of work at first but it's so satisfying to finally get to the point where you finally start beating other people.
And dont forget they die to water.
Minecraft is pretty redpilled
>your dwarf fortress will never be this redpilled
>no society
>teaches you to be afraid of niggers
>teaches you everyone can be a nigger
>guns keep you safe
Megaman X is the most redpilled game ever
I used to play tekkit where I would go underground and build enough nukes and then get them right on the edge of the indestructible spawn zone and blow a massive whole to bedrock the entire way around spawn.
Mount & Blade Warband
Playing the viking conquest expansion now as a pagan Briton
It's pretty great
EU4 thread?
Postal and postal 2.
Ethnic Cleansing
Liberal Crime Squad is good
(you) myself... fagmove
>combines meinkraft/FPS
>everyone can be degenerate
>no one plays this without ragequit
>build something, watch it get destroyed by niggers
>learn to keep immigrants away from your house
Warband will forever be dear in my heart as the shitty gaymer free redpilled game of the century.
>Playing as a woman makes the game mechanically harder as it makes sense contextually
>You literally cannot progress without being good at the game unless all you do is instant cheat every battle and fill your cash up
>Even on the lowest difficulty, if you refuse to learn the game you will still get bullied and will never reach the late stages of it
>All those fags on PS4 struggling with it then dropping it because they couldn't understand it
>All those fags who only scratched the surface
>A game truly driven by gameplay
Napoleonic Wars remains to be my favourite multiplayer game.
What game