Fascist test, post results
Fascist test, post results
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Gas urself
Some day... some day...
I'm going to collect data on all the datamining threads. Surely if someone is paying for this garbage that I always tamper with, someone will pay for my metagarbage.
You are 81% Fascist, which makes you a
Bona Fide Fascist.
Well now. While very few people in modern Western democracies would call themselves fascists (and most of the people who are pejoratively called fascists are actually not), it would appear that you are nevertheless a true fascist. Now, whether you actually call yourself that or not we are unable to say, but the fact is that your political opinions are verifiably closer to the doctrines of fascism than they are to those of communism, socialism, conservatism, or liberalism. Among your answers, there is an unmistakable predilection for authoritative and state-centric political initiatives of which variants (or even carbon copies) may be found in the political manifestos of actual fascists. Even adjusting for happenstance and the common ground between fascism and these other political doctrines, the fact remains that you really are quite the fascist. Now whether that's a good or a bad thing we'll leave for others to decide.
>inb4 every autist tries for a high score because to them it means they're part of the club
Has anybody scored 100%?
I want to see some high power levels.
>Fascism had elements of liberalism in it
It's a leadup to an "original sin" type argument.
So "you'll always be a bit fascist, let us control you and your thoughts, avoid racism...here...give us your money..."
Screenshot, because I'm too tired to look for embed shit.
I'm surprised it's this high desu
I hope that i will one day see a fascist Australia
Only 93%, that's pretty sad.
Maybe one day I'll be hitting 100%
>social sciences
Pretty retarded. It seems to assumes that if you acknowledge some of the problems fascism sees with "liberal" societies, you agree with the fascist solution.