Is Israel really as much of a shithole as people say it is?
Is Israel really as much of a shithole as people say it is?
Other urls found in this thread:
> Mandatory army
> get your dick skin chopped off
> be surrounded by ultra-orthodox juden
> Be under constant threat of being blown up by some monkey suicide bomber
I'd say so
>strong state
Sounds pretty fascist to me.
I expect better of you Dutchie
Go back to /sg/, Moshe.
Wilders is the man.
Anyone who hates Israel is a faggot pussy nu-male hipster
The only thing there is to dislike about Israel is the power it has over the US. AIPAC is the biggest lobby in the US and has pushed for so much war in the ME. I wish the US would cut off ties with Israel. Israel are wealthy and strong enough to fight on their own.
Israel is the number one reason why Europe keeps getting flooded with sandnigger refugees.
I thought we've already established that there's a difference between based zionist jews, and filthy globalist jews who are responsible for the refugee crisis.
Zionist jews pushed for that war in Syria to overthrow Assad which led to the refugee crisis.
They have very advanced internal infrastructure but from a glance it looks as bad as any arab nation.
I also read that Israelis are rude but not as rude as Brits and French
Only when you have to interact with really religious people or sandniggers.
Your Jewish tricks won't work on me, Moshe!
Not only that, it's also painful and unnecessary
>Mandatory army
Spot the reddit cuck nu-male
Why do the keep on memeing the only democracy in the middle east bullshit?
If they said working democracy then maybe and even then they have tons of people in their territory with little rights.
It's OK
And hot, send air conditioning
>Bibi says Europe is stupid for accepting unlimited amout of unidentified people
>Sup Forums says Israel is bad
Even jews who aliah to Israel doesn't feel welcome there.
Zionist kikes want to fuck everyone except Israel. Globalist kikes want to fuck everyone including Israel. With jews you lose. I don't give a shit about muh based Israeli citizen. It isn't surprising that jews are likely to be conservative in their own country. Niggers are too. It's meaningless.
You realize conscription programs have been shown to be extremely effective at reducing unemployment, reducing poverty, reducing drug and alcohol addiction, and promoting critical thinking/character building personality traits? Everyone should serve in the military. I wish I served in the military. I would be far less of a shitbag.
Everyone gets circumsized already anyways. Deal with it
>Be surrounded by well-mannered, motivated, charismatic, and influential people all day
Only bad part is being so close to mud bloods
I wanna go there soon.
mandatory anything, thatcherino
Fug xD
I'll trade you all of my gold and a daikin inverter for a hard memory reset. I want to forget Israel even exists.
It's cool babe, I just wanna go to the holy land + some jew places that look fresh.
Until all jews become nationalist zionist and stop the globalism shit,and Israel stops leaching burgers. ..for me it's like the 2 feces of the same shit
Are you a Litvak too? Too many on here.
Some Israeli on this siste said that mizrahi Jews are more conservative and nationalistic than Ashkenazi Jews, and they are the reason that Netanyahu remains in power. Is this true?
>Mandatory army
Solidifies nationalism and discourages nu-male behavior.
>get your dick skin chopped off
>be surrounded by ultra-orthodox juden
They keep to themselves for the most part
>Be under constant threat of being blown up by some monkey suicide bomber
There hasn't been much in the way of that lately. Besides, not having to rely on other countries for happenings is great.
Meant for
He never said that. Likud members never says anything about Europe being forced to take in so many refugees.
>discourages nu-male behavior.
Then why is Tel Aviv considered to be the gay capital of the world?
our gays aren't faggots
>literally anyone is a sandnigger
>ugly af
>jews want to bite your dick off
>they are more racist as any other nation and not even welcoming to smarter white people
>they only want your shekel as a tourist
why would you ever even want to go to Israel unless you are a nigger from a failed state?
He has you there m8
The military can slap the left out of a man but it cant get rid of the gay
I thought we've already established that Sup Forums isn't falling for your "pick your flavor of backstabing jew" lie
Based Germany.
MAKING ISRAEL SOUND NOT SO BAD with Apartheid Adventures
Nope. Mostly CTR shills trying to discredit Trump by attacking Israel because they know how close Trump is with Israel
I have Israeli friends
They say it's kind of iffy
The one thing zionist and globalist jews agree on is that the goy must die.
lolkike you are the mudshits
Semites are basically Arabs and the actual dunecoon population is what almost 30%?
I wonder how many more nigs are there now too
you mirin bro?
israel is full of pretentious arseholes.
its a useless country, spotted with ugly white kike villa's.
>Everyone gets circumsized already anyways.
>this is what Americans actually believe
the arabian peninsula prior to islam was full of jewish tribes.
They're the exact same person
those ISIS-allied "rebels" fighting Assad in Syria were getting medical treatment in Israel
Israel was also buying oil on the black market that ISIS stole in Syria to raise funds
>Until all jews become nationalist zionist and stop the globalism shit
Why is it so hard for people to understand that like all enthobased nationalist systems that they view all others as direct competition that needs to be subverted or destroyed?
"Globalism" is just Zionist waging war against the rest of their perceived competition because their ideology doesn't allow cooperation where everyone benefits like Western rooted Capitalistic market principles does.
Zionist have been waging this war for over 100 years.
And no the globalism we have today has almost nothing to do with lassiez faire concepts and just like things like the "patriot act" and "affordable care act" "free trade" deals we have are only free trade in name. It's amazing how many people fall for such shallow and obvious propaganda tools.
Seriously actual free trade in a treaty would be one page not the thousands of page monstrosities that are "free trade" deals.
>and the actual dunecoon population is what almost 30%?
It'll be more than that after Trump cucks Netanyahu into giving all the Arabs living in the West Bank Israeli citizenship and voting rights.
Piss off Hershel.
Israel treats America like whore.
>e v e r y o n e
You dont really believe this burger?
The only reason people mutilate dicks here is because of medical reasons like phimosis.
1 word.
> yes
Israel has also esse essentially been ISISs air force.
This should surprise no one the radical Zionist faction in Israel and their moles in America openly published their motives and targets in the early 90s and even the early 80s and Syria was always a target to be destabilized and left as a war-torn shit hole in endless low level conflict so it could never act as a economic competitor to Israel.
Read "a clean break" and oded yinons"greater Israel" papers
Why do you treat trans like shit shlomo
>Is Israel a shithole?
Well it is full of jews, what do you think?
I've been on holiday in Israel twice. This was 2015 and 2016. The first time was with my mother and the second with my fiancée.
I loved it so much the first time I went back. Only problem was that it was insanely expensive (think holidaying in say Switzerland but with better weather)
Loved it and would go back if I wasn't broke
that's just a slav tho
Sure does.
We need to mass tweet Trump the fact that Bibi was directly involved in smuggling nuclear weapons components from America so Trump will stop sucking his balls
I'm hoping Trump is simply paying lip service due to his pick of mattis to department of defense due to mattis being an outspoken critic of the fuckry Israel does.
They should be careful with their demolitions. If not they might get a late arab spring
Sup Forums falling for the same south african JIDF poster every time. When will nu-pol learn...
Surely you mean neocon US policies and the Russian influences over the middle east...Plus the unstable borders and state entities created by colonial powers...
Pls kike, we all know who pulls the strings.
There's a shit load of them. Go into any South African thread and you'll see them circle-jerking. It doesn't help that a lot of Afrikaners are like the American Evangelicals too.
South African kike right on time.
Do you get notifications on your phone everytime Jews are mentioned on Sup Forums ?
East Rand
Are you a Jew or an Afrikaner?
There is nothing wrong with Israel or the Jewish people
Israel is a mix of socialist legacy, thatcherite capitalism US cultural influence and warrrrr.
Its also hard to be as awesome as western and northern euroepan countires when we are surrounded by failed states and societies.
Imagine being switzelrnad or sweden but surrounded by third and second world countries..
You can stay the same and it has a negative impace on your society as well in temrs of economy culture etc..
On top of that and the fact we have to invest a lot in military and live in a perpetual mode of social anxiety there is also a lot of socvial fragmentation between ultra orthodox, conservative jews and secular jews.
Its hard on what it will all stabilize but israel is definately at a crossing point.
Zionism(a secular ideology) is no longer relevant as israel is overall secure and pretty powerful.
A new motivational ideology and concept must be found. Will it be a return or revamping of some sort of jewish religious legacy? Will it be religious zionism(the force behind the settlements), or will secular forces eventually trump the rest?
It would say since secularism is actually loosing momentum now that israel is going towards an overall moderate religiosity.
We cant become completely secular afterall, because the whole point of the country is to preserve the jewish ethnoreligious group.
What will happen if Arabs within Israel start becoming a more serious demographic threat?
>Is Israel really as much of a shithole as people say it is?
The whole thread is about international relations, geopolitics and stuff like that. I won't add to that but will contribute my experience there over the past summer.
>Israeli people
Generally the local Israeli people are nice. They are a bit pushy, opinionated but nice enough. There are a fuck ton of darkies in Tel Aviv, more than I was expecting. The Arabs were also pretty chill, although you can tell they are not as friendly. Israelis will constantly go on about how safe it is and to tell your friends, etc.
>cities and nature
Haifa was pretty comfy and Jerusalem was good (though I wouldn't live there). Tel Aviv is nice in some parts but generally a blight. The desert was a lot of fun and the beaches are good. Didn't have time to go to the north, but pictures look amazing.
Not good. Greasy schwarma and hummous, everywhere at all times. The most 'Israeli' thing to eat is Shakshuka, which I can described as oily baked eggs in tomato and oil, eaten with bread. Won't miss the food.
There are a lot of American Jews, you can't miss them (at least when I was there in the summer). They are tourists and there are a zillion cancerous 'birth right' tours for kids and teens which go around the country. The American girls are easy to identify because they dress like the chubby sluts that they are.
That said, I got a feeling from Israelis that while they like the American Jews' money, they look down on them. Israelis, for better or worse, live in the place that Jews pined for during the last 1,900 years. Bloody wars were fought, on-going problems with Arab residents / Palestinians, neighbours who want you dead, but the Israelis still live there, unlike the Americans who view it as a holiday and feel better about themselves. So they milk them just like the rest of us goycows.
Both my dad's parents (Catholic) are from Netherlands.
Mom (NG Kerk) is Afrikaans, German, Irish.
No jewish blood here m8, just find it easy to support a country that can wipe out Egypt's entire airforce in one hour, and beat an enemy coalition 10 times larger than itself.
it's not a question of what but a question of when and honestly i have no clue, what will happen in europe?
Well, it's not like we can let the European nuclear arsenal fall into the hands of radical Islam. So we're just gonna have to butcher our way out of it as usual.
Is the motivational driver behind a mind to built machines like that to be impotent to satisfy women on the regular way? and is this an inherently jewish thing?
No offense Real question here this fuck machines remembers when posted by jewish flags always remind me on Link related.
>Both my dad's parents (Catholic) are from Netherlands.
>Mom (NG Kerk) is Afrikaans, German, Irish.
Fucking typical, I had a feeling there was some Afrikaner blood in you.
It wont happen. Their birth rates are declining and the country is trying to invest more in the arab population. This means better education and even lower birth rates.
>what will happen in europe?
I think we will get to civil war before that point. The Muslims are nothing if not impatient. They will overplay their hand at some point, and that will be the shit-or-get-off-the-pot moment for us.They aren't in the military, which is made up of natives. It will be a case of cities vs countrysides.
If we continue with endless migration though, we are done as a country, and it won't even get to that.
Only in the Arab parts.
Not being ironic or joking at all
Arab birth rates are higher than Jewish birth rates as of right now.
Btw, you know BDS favours a one-state solution, right? That's where things are headed now if Netanyahu keeps sperging out about international condemnations of the settlements.
I wouldnt say Israelis as a whole look down on american jews..maybe some israelis, i honestly dont know but the US is considered a partial role model here.
Its just that american jews come from a very different background. Most of them are either completely secular or are reform jews which is a specific jewish religious branch in the US.
Its strange you didnt like the food..I guess to each his own but from my trips abroad i would say the middle class food here is just fine and is diverse.
Shawarma Falafel and hummus are the fast food of israel, much like macdonalds or fish and chips in the UK..
Hummus is something that needs getting used to and is a Mediterranean food.
Its definitely healthier than ketchup.
Its the same fucking guy posting these vids, for some reason thinking we care about his fetish.
>one state solution
Thats nonesense.
Its as naive as the US thinking it can simply rebuild and restructure iraq and iraqi society.
Its for people who want to pin a simple solution and say this is it and we dont have to think about it anymore.
It makes sense for foreigners to think this way but its naive and is just a mirage.
>no one responds to my question
Well they are of Arab decent so its normal for them to vote right.
Yes, it is.
Ashkenazi jews and the recent russian immigrants are more western oriented. Mizrahi jews are essentially jewish arabs.
Netanyahu just had great PR and created a very stately image for himself. He is now starting to unravel and there are two major police investgations into corruption during his governance and conspiring with news papers and other powerful businessmen in order to stay in power while also securing their interests.
So you must be one of those English millennial cucks?
Visited for work. Eh, it's ok. It's a lot like certain parts of Australia, not great, but it's in the fucking middle east and isn't built on slave labour, so I didn't expect much.
My experience with the people was pretty mixed, since my colleague was a ditzy bimbo so we got lots of angry comments about how she should dress more modestly. Most people I came across on the street were a little cagey, not really personable, but I experienced the same in Scandinavia. In a professional setting, it was pretty damn good. No dick-waving contests or snide, cunty behaviour from anyone. Only got one pretty tame joke about being a heathen, so overall 5/10, not bad, but it's 10/10 compared to most of the region.
on top of that the left does not have a single person that has the appearance and mannerisms of a potential prime minister.
This is the guy that was allowed to lead the biggest left party in the last elections and they still almost won.
He is an embarrassment, just listen to his nasal voice. He is also a manlet.
Compare that with BIBI who was in the military commando, has a deep voice, has polished speeches and public image and it become obvious why he is the most popular.
So Israel is just gonna be an Apartheid state then?
Because they deserve it?
No, I can respect Israel's military capabilities without kissing their asses but you Afrikaners take this shit to a whole new level. Israel can do no wrong in your eyes because OY VEY they're the children of god.
No. Jews are a 1st world people, ergo their patch of the middle-east is a 1st world country.
He is right though, go to the middle east. Israel has the living standards of a 2nd world western European country (like Germany for example) while everyone else are muslim savages living in african-tier conditions.
>2nd world
Godamn people just using they dont understand
>Second World" refers to the former communist-socialist, industrial states, (formerly the Eastern bloc, the territory and sphere of influence of the Union of Soviet Socialists Republic) today: Russia, Eastern Europe (e.g., Poland) and some of the Turk States (e.g., Kazakhstan) as well as China.
Is holland really a shit hole as much as they say it is?