It's official, he's /ourguy/.
It's official, he's /ourguy/
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no idea if he'll be any good but anything is better than priminister cuck.
Oh shit! Will he make Canada great again? Only kek knows for sure.
He can't be worse. We actually would have been better off if Harper had won another term.
>leaf tries to imitate the Don after his success
He's a closet liberal.
Better a closet liberal than a public retard. This actually happened. This isn't a dank Sup Forums edit. THIS IS A THING THAT TRUDEAU ACTUALLY DID.
Trudeau isn't elected.
The canadian PM is a non elected position.
And o'leary isn't the donald trump of canada. He's the rosie o'donnell.
What's this again shit?
Make Canada Cucked A Little Bit Less
He may as well be elected with the way parliamentary politics work
He literally only cares about money. Enjoy sucking Chink dick even harder
O'leary is socially liberal/ fiscally conservative. I'm way too afraid he'll just be another globalist shill.
He's also anti-military.
>being anti bombing third world illiterate shepards in a country thousands of miles away from your own
>a bad thing
Pick one
captcha: vancouver calle
They should chose Putin.
Muslim detected
bombing brown people is good
>irish fucker
yeah, no chance
Lietch would probably never win, she's to hardcore for the average Canadian, he's our best shot.
Too bad he could never win. Canada's general population is about as liberal as California. Everyone is in love with Trudeau.
Wrong. Everyone I know who voted liberal regrets it, he has no chance to win.
>Bring back jobs
Trump winning changed everything. Hope he wins. He's a huge asshole.
He's supported by about 40% of the electorate stop speaking ignorantly.
How can Canada be even more cucked than before?
Why do americans always feel the need to spew bullshit they know nothing about?
That's fucking rich coming from a leaf.
Dumb burgerposter
>he thinks he's Donald J Trump
>Big Kike vs Big Cuck
How about no?
Rich? Your ignorance only surpasses your obnoxious sense of entitlement. Stick to watching Jemarcus and deqwarius colliding with each other while shoveling fast food down your throat during the 20 minutes of commercials.
Hardly. British Columbia and Ontario are, the prairies and east coast are red pull as fuck.
Kevin O'Leary is definitely /ourguy/
That was a really bad comeback lol.
So Trudeau really might be a one term PM?
uncuck yourselves, leafbros
may kek deliver
Mad Max Bernier will fuck his shit up
>implying trutard isnt selling canada to the chinks
Fucking burger
> Prime Minister Wonderful
always reminds me of The Office
Why does he do shit like that? it doesn't make him look great, it makes him look weak and dim witted, pandering to every single person that can creep up with an agenda to shove down Canadian throats.
You know nothing, people here absolutely despise Trudeau. Even liberal college kids are scared of professing their love for him. He's not even going to make it to four years in office.
>39% of the popular vote
>75% of that is women
Hes gonna win
The people love his Dragon's Den bantz and we wanna see it on the world stage
Because you just described the liberal mindset, pander pander pander on the outside while you have two hands in the peoples pockets.
Trudeau isn't a dumbass, he's very good at stealing money.
KeK wills it. Guess I'm voting for O'Leary sendai
Go back to reddiit, Canidiots.
He's not anti military, he just wants our role to be peacekeepers. I'm fine with that having grown up thinking that's what he did
You don't know shit faggot
We are cucked but I don't know why that guys on about, the PM is an elected position
You're just mad because your gf fingers herself to the thought of Trudeau, all while choking on the superior refugee cock.
God Save The Queen!
Godspeed, Great White North!
Don't fuck this up leafs.
kwai desu :333333
Well it's him or nobody
>"There is a small island in the Himalayan Sea called Malderiki, upon which I own a large mansion. Every year afer the first rain, the Newport Beach Wine Society (of which I am a member) gathers at my mansion to watch the island's natives grovel in the mud as their pathetic straw dwellings are ripped apart by the rising waters. On this island there is also a fish, called a Piranha Giganticus. Coinciding with the first rain, this fish swims into the flooded island and begins to feed on the older and weaker natives of Malderiki. Unable to defend themselves from the killer fish and uttrly helpless, the natives make their way to my mansion in makeshift canoes. At this point, the Newport Beach Wine Society opens a bottle of pre-revolution French Chardonnay, dated no later than 1760, and places wagers on which native will be the first to reach the high ground of my sprawling lawn. Once the fish has fed and returned to the Sea, there are typically a handful of natives left on my lawn, at which point we activate the electric fence and release the crocodiles. Last year, during the crocodile feeding, a tiny speck of native flesh was flung from the lawn up to the balcony where the Newport Beach Wine Society was gathered and landed on my shoe. I retrieved the piece of flesh and placed it in my mouth, washing it down with a glass of Moldovan Pino Griggio. Right now, YOU are that piece of flesh."
We won't, I watched some of his videos a few months ago when he was just considering running.
People are right that he is somewhat liveral but shit, so is Trump. He is our best chance to have an alpha business man fix our economy.
He's also like Trump in that the MP's of provinces that are in massive debt he's like, "you motherfuckers shouldn't have a job if you run our country into the ground"
I like that
It wasn't the worst.
But he should've just used the tried and true "nigger".
>Moldovan Pino Griggio
I should run for prime minister
I will place sanctions against Germany for suggesting they place one on us during the Turbot Wars and ban Germans from coming here
Make being a homo illegal
Make abortion illegal
Make bible studies and prayer mandatory in all public schools, Muslims or atheists don't like it? Go to a private Muslim or atheist school!
Ban immigration from any country where the average IQ is 5 points less than ours. That means only people from Greece, Ireland, Bulgaria, Romania, Israel, Slovenia, Portugal, Uruguay, Slovakia, Russia, Argentina, Finland, Czech Republic, USA, Norway, Mongolia, France, Denmark, Australia, Spain, Poland, Hungary, UK, New Zealand, china, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea and Hong Kong can come to Canada
BUT I would limit immigration to 1% of that countries population here in Canada from coming.
So for China for example only 16,000 Chinese can come here every year we would only take the cream of the crop.
If niggers don't like it too bad they should learn to be smarter
Make Canada Okay Again!
Only people who think this doesnt make you look like a retarded piece of shit become career politicians
How so?
Europe got 1,8 million brown people last year due to that. And there are like 5 million more waiting outside our borders.
Yes, bombing them is just awesome
>there's a million brown people here how is bombing them good?
If you bomb them they won't be there
We have enough bombing here already. Thanks anyway
Whites are being bombed yeah
O'Leary and Trump versus China/India/Mexico/Tawain in trade?
Canada what the fuck
Okay boys, let's get to meme-ing.
We gotta get Mr. Wonderful into office.
Explain to me why we should listen to a guy that sold his idea to Mattel for $3.7 billion in 1999 and now his net worth is only $300 million.
of course the >leaf version of donald trump is still going to be a shitty copy.
Considering how canada is a country filled exclusively with idiots, O'leary seems like a good choice since they really don't have much to pick from.
>I'll give you two million for 0,1% of your business on a condition that I can pretend that you are my friend and that you will take a picture with me in any disneyland of your choice.
>the O'leary meme
This man is a liberal globalist posing as a conservative trying to ride the wave that trump sparked around the world.
He supports almost all the policies that trucuck supports (carbon tax, pro refuge, anti gun, etc) this faggot wouldn't change shit.
>Explain to me why we should listen to a guy that sold his idea to Mattel for $3.7 billion in 1999 and now his net worth is only $300 million.
Better yet, tell us why you shouldn't when compared to Trucuck?
Man fuck having policies and priorities an shiiieeet feels>reals ;_;
Trump has bulldozered the way for racist slimebags to weezle their way into politics where they can do more harm than saying "You're fired" or "I'm not interested in that idea" on TV, the only place where they belong.
Luckily people in Canada is not as stupid as Americans, so he's never going to get far.
But Kev has contributed ten times more to the world than whatever cuckdeau has done. All JUSTin ever does is cry about immigrants
>i-i look at this marriage
>those kids...uh, those kids work hard
>they're really smart, do great things...they're quiet
>the rest is just noise
Removing kebab is the best thing we can do to this world. Eurocucks can build a wall if they are so tired of all those boats of peace.
We must wage a massive war against islam, since the only way their followers will submit and convert is through the sword, so fucking be it.
Kebabs are easy to remove and yet nobody is removing them. It pisses me off.
he was paid in 3.7 billion leaf dollars, which is like monopoly money.
>born in Montréal
>not French Canadian
Guaranteed he speaks fluent French as well.
Fpbp I'm memeing for O'Leary now
The pendulum is going to swing so fucking right these next few years, it might get stuck there.
>Maxime Bernier, a Quebecois Conservative politician, attacked Kevin O'Leary for his statements, calling him a "tourist"[77] for not being able to speak French and wanting to be Prime Minister.
>dumb burgerposter won't even read something before sharing it
It's already happening all over the West. There's a massive awakening going on.
Can't explain anything. O'Leary is taking you hosers for a ride.
Noice. A conservative Canada would be something else for once..
I'm pretty sure he doesn't. Which sucks as winning in Canada pretty much rides on how francophone you are. Harper was the first PM in a looooong time that wasn't from Quebec, and he didn't make many inroads there. O'Leary specifically waited to announce his leadership bid a day after the Conservative Party french leadership debate yesterday. Considering he also does not have a won seat as a Member of Parliament yet either, he has a bit of an uphill battle I think.
lol every liberal voter will pull the lever for trudeau regardless because come election time theyll waffle that the ndp arent electable (or, hilariously, that theyre "becoming too centrist") and the conservatives are literally hitler
Canada used to be the most conservative country in the world
Our gun control pre 1920's was "no foreigners are allowed to own a gun" besides that we had no restriction
Abortion carried a life sentence for the doctor and prison for the woman
10% of all single girls in Quebec were nuns
Before world war 2 Canada had the lowest divorce rates in the world
We had the fourth largest Navy in world war 2 and 5th largest Air Force, we were almost equal in size with countries like Japan and Germany and America which had 10 times our population
Our biggest city had some of the strictest Sunday blue laws, even tobogganing was illegal on Sundays in Toronto
We outright banned Indian, African and Chinese immigration. Even eastern and Southern Europeans immigrants were considered undesirable
Fuck that guy though. Seriously. We deserve better than a dollar store Trump.
I've got a better candidate.
American Annexation.
Don't be a faggot, he's the best and most likely conservative candidate we have