Phenotypic difference between Georgians and Armenians
what do you think Sup Forums?
Georgians and Armenians
pick related
i didn't see much armenians
you can see them in this video ^
What I don't get is why are Armenians so prone to pox. Sarkessian, Maddox, Kasparian, all SJW and I'm sure I'm missing a few.
no thanks, armenians disgust me
no idea, but yeah it's pretty common among them.
more than kurds?
Who gives a fuck, you're both subhuman in my eyes.
you're both subhuman to me.
t. 100% pure bavarian phenotype
>you're both subhuman in my eyes.
no one cares, since you are biggest subhuman among europeans
>Who gives a fuck,
your mom
ain't Bavarians partially Meds? Bavarian folk is pretty based
didnt know armenians were this similiar to turks
post some georgians dancing
hardmode: cant be some organized traditional folk thing, has to be in a similiar setting as the linked vid
wanna see how georgians really are
you can watch random wedding videos on youtube.
check out this ^
this vid is basically shows difference between Merchants and Nobles
a fucking barbarian talks about subhumans
>Phenotypic difference between Georgians and Armenians
try mapping out the genetic distances between your people first.
Are there really big discrepancies between physical appearance? Not savvy to Armenian culture, so.
I have the same nose as the Georgian, with the bump.
>ain't Bavarians partially Meds?
no. bavarians are most based germans.
100% pure Hyperborean Aryan-Nordic phenotypical archetype here. Yes I have the Vril power, no you can't have it. I'm literally the last white person on the planet.
Looks cherrypicked tb h
Remember how I said in a similiar setting
I found this
From what I have seen armenian culture is basicly the same as anatolian culture. Some similiarities but georgian is def different.
The Young Turks bringing the bantz
>you're both subhuman in my eyes
Says Russia's retarded offspring
Sorry fellow roach
its love hate relationship desu
I love that obligatory kid in training suit & track pants.
show boipussy
such is life in ex soviet blocks, cyka
Genocide dodger with the bantz
Privet Lasha
— Baлик-джaн. У нac в Дилижaнe, в кyхнe, oткpывaeшь пpocтoй кpaн — вoдa тeчёт, втopoe мecтo зaнимaeт в миpe!
Neither are white or produce beautiful female specimens. /thread
inb4 Ana posts here
God bless Georgia absolute orthobro absolute dancingbro absolute fleecebro
literally who theres georgian trip on pol called ana?
Armenians from the middle east look alot more like left in pic. I know I do and there hasn't been any mixing on either side of the senpai for the past 4 generations.
Henrikh MkhitARYAN
armenians are predominantly armenoid , while georgians tend to be predominantly mtebid/caucasid
pic related how they are related
pic related , all living races sorted according to progressivity - infantility - primitivity
Bavarians are the Appalachian hill folk of Germany. I suppose it makes sense that you'd be proud of it.
And you are not even a real country
pic related a progressive armenoid, notice that progressive armenoids are essentially not differentiable from dinarids, they just have different origins
another one, more lighter one
and this one is a pure armenoid , mtebids/caucasids are between dinarids/progressive armenoids and pure armenoid , with more alpinid admixture
Thank you for your input, Kirill
why does the armenian look so jew