old thread
old thread
ha good riddance hopefully more will follow
This is bad guys. This is the only way liberals could possible get enough attention to seriously threaten Trump.
You guys better hop in the oven before a racist bigot hurts your feelers when he has a limited amount of power in a government you don't care about.
That'll show us.
>this is bad
why? hopefully this becomes a trend
Link OP?
What a Fucking retard, was it intentional or accidental?
Either way let the idiots thin their own numbers out
This is really bad guys, they found the only way to defeat Trump
>was it intentional or accidental?
By the way the guy was talking it was intentional in protest of Trump becoming POTUS. If I can find the short interview I'll post it.
Because if a lot of them jump off roofs or at themselves on fire while in DC it will make the UN step in like in Tibet.
Is this Tibet now?
> off by 1
Nigga you better start acting like you don't want this to happen. If liberals start to believe we are shitting ourselves when they do it, more will follow and set themselves on fire.
Kind of funny since last night some guy on Fox News told the protesters to do something meaningful and light themselves on fire like the monks who would protest.
I guess he is still feeling the bern
I hope that's their plan on january the 20th.
fag thinks he's some kind of hero who's protesting an oppressive government going after his people
Really he's some faggot crying over a change of management
fucking lost
The glorious chimp out continues. Power level at omnipotent from channelling liberal tears.
He didn't catch himself on fire.
He tried but he failed.
He's literally every other liberal you would.
Here's him talking about it.
>he was from California
How? Did it even happen? No video, no nothing. Only lugenpresse report and a yeti-photo (in 2017).
I love you carlos.
libtards will say trump literally murdered him.
cool shit, man
How will he ever recover?
It's like that one Asian monk who set himself on fire except the result of carelessness and retardation.
> thinks it`s different in other instances, because of the same lugenpresse reports, where CIA wants revolution
Can't even die properly. Ffs these liberals are useless.
I think they need help, lads.
Oh no dont do this, pls be reasonable.
And the chinese did not give a fuck anyway so it's really stupid. Now he will be scared and live on disability if the burns got severe. Fucking up obama care was great since pricks like this should not lay his problems on the rest of the people.
This is how ((Arab Spring)) started with the guy burning himself in Tunesia..
Good luck with that,.. blue helmets equal targets if they operate on US soil.
>Anti-Trump protester sets himself on fire outside The Donald's D.C. hotel before putting himself out and surrendering to police
>putting himself out
>putting himself out
>putting himself out
>more will follow and set themselves on fire.
Again, how is that a bad thing? Saves us the trouble of having to kill them ourselves.
We need more brave souls doing this! Start a hashtag!!
Misleading title
He just made a fire outside the Hotel then laid down next to it
The protester is literally garbage.
Sanders supporters have taken their slogan too far.
Damn, Soros and his team sure have great powers of persuasion.
Will he ever be stopped?!?!
>The man said he was protesting againstTrumpwho he said was 'incapable of respecting the constitution'
This is what we are up against.
>liberals are literally burning themselves alive because of Trump
We are in the greatest timeline
> puts himself on fire
> puts himself out
> goes to police
Wows my asshair.
Lol and do what?
The UN has no effect on the US electoral process or the Constitution
>Follow your comrade
>.01 cents has been added to your account.
Now only a couple hundred thousand more to go!
Wait so he didn't even die? How do you fuck up that hard?
Tibet is still under Chinese control, last I checked.
It was Vietnam
But it was more than a protest
It was a display of will and discipline
This is just some fag who wants attention
Satan have sent him back.
He's saying to act astonished so that more people do it, retard
>'incapable of respecting the constitution'
Trump didn't even do anything yet and he even got the endorsement of the NRA for protecting the 2nd Amendment.
mein sides.
Anything that subverts Chinks is good
This guy reminds me of the protestor during the Turkey Civil War who ran in front of a tank thinking he would be remembered as a martyr.
More of them need to do this
Nope. Necks and armpits and crotches are targets.
>wake up
>shit, shower, shave
>coffee brewing
>finally sit down for my 20 minute Sup Forums update before I go head off to the office
>some flaming faggot libshit lights himself on fire to protest Trump
>my sides
Is this the best fucking timeline or what?
Can't wait until Trump starts building the wall and those two idiots cut their dicks off.
he just set a bag on fire
Here's the video
>mfw people already tired of winning
>mfw no face
Holy Hell! I can only feel pity for these people. Liberalism is a mental illness
>flaming faggot with cuckface
>turns himself into the police after purging himself
It's like pottery.
If you set fire to yourself, you win. - Justin "Please fuck my wife" Trudeau
thats right. If you kill yourself you defeat the enemy
I need a [citation] on that shit before I worry about anything, but do hope some random nog covered himself in kerosene and turned into brisket.
>tries to light self on fire
>chickens out because "ow ow hot hot hot"
What a faggot
Don't do it, you'll get aids.
We should reward this with attention, yes. Encourage all of them to do this.
trump wouldn't have done any harm to this guy. the protester did it to himself. irony.
Too low test to die properly. Typical.
Good point but tough slogan.
Dun dun dun...and another lib bites the dust
this is the cure though, to be fair.
Disgusting, who'd fuck Trudeau's wife? Do we even know how many niggers have been in there?
>if you kill your enemies they win
You could say it's a hot topic in burgerland
I just can't believe the idiot tried to mimic some of the most powerful protests of the past because he doesn't like the new management. Like what the actual fuck dude. These people are legitimate sick in the head. Their fears about Donald Trump which are not backed up by any actual facts are more prevalent than the reality all around them. Seems liek every day now some company is talking about bringing jobs back to the US and somehow these liberals are seeing themselves on a sinking ship. I'm afraid for them. No one should have to live the lives they live. They need brain enemas or something.
>libshits can't even politically hero themselves properly
These fucking people...
What an inconsiderate prick. Setting yourself on fire in a public place is clearly a healthy and safety violation, plus somebody's got to come along and clean up afterwards.
oh shit
yeah what about 2nd hand smoke?
He didn't even set himself on fire. Just made a little fire and got cozy next to it
We don't need no water, let that motherfucker burn.
Hahahaha, burning lefty scum. Inauguration Friday, it's gonna be a bloodbath, I'm already cooling Champagne :^)
>t. John F. Kennedy said in reference to a photograph of Đức on fire, "No news picture in history has generated so much emotion around the world as that one."
the ultimate sempai notice me tactic
Amazing focus on his face