Communism thread.
Communism thread?
The most idiotic ideology in the history of man.
American leftists are fucking inhuman filth
Fuck off to venezuela and quit trying to force your garbage ideology down peoples throat we dont want you here
We lost the meme war in 2016. We have to seize the means of meme production.
Did you know that the 1% of population that is the most right wing controls over 90% of all memes?
When these commie suburbanite kids realize they will have to start sharing daddy's money with everyone else, then they will quickly abandon the ideology.
>True communism has never been tried
>The thread
Daily reminder
Lots of shills out there today!
Hi comrades.
cyka blyat
I knew something was missing from these retarded threads...
Communists are autistic but not as autistic as capitalists.
Strasser, the real National Socialist
Not an argument.
Epic meme dood XDD
Always a pleasure comrade.
Look man, capitalism is great it's just never been tried
You can't blame capitalism for America haha that was crony capitalism learn the difference
>The army of the Soviet Union 2.5 million people
>6 million German soldiers and over 3 million allies are preparing to attack the Soviet Union
>German spies and diplomats, including Ernst August Köstring (who lived 18 years in Russia...) misleading the detailed layout of roads, factories, military units and provide information about the climate.
>The Nazis make an attack without a Declaration of war
>They get a kick in the ass and finished his war in Berlin
>"It's the Cold's fault!"
But in fact it is the teachings of Karl Marx and the cunning Russian commanders helped defeat the most powerful army in the world.
America was and always has been infinitely better than any communist country
I've been watching documentaries on East Germany, Yugoslavia, and Czechoslovakia and I kust say that although quality of life is lower and liberty is almost non-existent, Communist oriented socialist societies seem to have an almost hypnotic quality to the level of fraternity and societal unity they give off. Either no one goes hungry or everyone goes hungry. Either everyone likes the government or no one does. Everyone either suffers or prospers the exact same.
Depends which region of the USA.
All regions
>The army of the Soviet Union 2.5 million people
Wut? Even the Soviet Union's numbers say there were over 11 million Soviet troops.
Except no one claims capitalism has never been tried.
>The army of the Soviet Union 2.5 million people
>6 million German soldiers and over 3 million allies are preparing to attack the Soviet Union
>But in fact it is >>>>>the teachings of Karl Marx
All of it
posting in a no food zone thread
Top fucking kek
Have any of those retards saying "communism is feeding the lazy, what's the incentive to work" showed up yet? Did they care to explain how they like to slave away for their CEOs and what's the attraction?
You're right, that would be retarded because communism doesn't feed anyone.
Daily reminder: DON'T fall for Mensheviks ruse. They will sell out to capitalists not even for 30 shekels.
It does, "to each according to his needs". But those who are able to work but don't want to, have to be forced.
Funny jokes about mass starvations in a country torn by WWI, revolution and civil war have nothing to do with communism since redistribution system wasn't implemented yet.
Can we make this a Soviet thumby thread? I'll start.
These are the only 2 I have. Looking to add to my collection. Post them if you have them.
I will gladly slave away for the CEO for the rest of my life and die of black lungs, rather than slave away to uninspired, lazy piece of shit communist for a single second.
Speak like a true cuck.
Top kek. Thanks for the memeories.
Quality of your memes and skills put into them is an explanation why the retarded system always fails. It is not the human nature, it is nature of communists.
One more, just for you
Cuck is preferable to communist, in every way. I would be ashamed to be in any way associated with communists.
Why is it so awful to work for a CEO? Why is this always brought up? Working for someone is as old as humanity.
You both benefit and get paid. Its not like you're a slave.
Which is funny that commies always say that considering they'd rather have everything taken from them by their heads of state and be left with nothing.
Btw I don't get that picture. What do workers have to do with communists? Communists are not workers, they never were. Probably taken after the Marx, eh?
Because commies don't like the idea that some people are simply better than others.
Its true but they hate it