how many of you have tested your dna?
How many of you have tested your dna?
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how dare you defile german soil, anglo!
Which company can you trust? Has anyone ever cross referenced two different ones to see if (((they))) are just pushing the we are all mongrels angle
what site?
at least im fighting for Germanys future friend.
Fuck the Shitskins, Kill All Niggers.
Im Australian too mate.
I should look into that
I want to do a test but I'm horrified that I'll find out that I'm 1% East African or 1% Ashkenazi or some other gutter trash race
With the level of Race Mixing and all that nigger shit going on its hard to avoid.
Best to play it safe and just kill all niggers.
You had better have a good explanation for being in Germany my Anglo brother. Are you working on the Ayran blood vats?
I would like to because I have unanswered questions. My mother was born in Korea and brought over by a GI, and she looks 100% Asian, but may be half. Judging by how crazy she is, she's probably HAPA. So I'm either 50% gook or 25% gook and 25% Russian.
I am married to a German. An actual German, not some nigger that was born here.
I have a German/Australian daughter. So, im here waiting to fight the good fight.
Kill all niggers.
Get out REE
gonna harvest my organs
I know but I'd rather just go on thinking I'm 100% white and not have that 1% rattling around in the back of my head
is this you m8?
Hello, brothers.
what a retarded test did you?
never seen it before
That's a Celt my dear.
Hello schlomo
>0.4% Jew
why would you volunteer your dna to a state database? not just yours, you are submitting anyone within three generations removed. If you 3rd removed great aunt submits hers, you are in the system.
What are these sites?
23andme gives all middle europeans a litttle jew so they stop hating them so much
>falling for the DNA jew
>yelly poor hartz4 german can't afford 300$ fun
I'm blonde, grey eyed pale and 6'1. What's the chance I'm some filthy mongol ?
nice damage control, mischling
Since you're a romanian gypsy the chance is quite hight that your more indian then mongol
>oh let us sell DNA test for less than it coast us to create human DNA database
>yes sure the reason wont be ///insert sinister thing here///
>believing anything you read or are told on the internet
my surname contains "von" showing nobility you filthy plebs
royality and nobility mixed exclusively with each other in the old days making me an absolute european mixture of the best
3% of the population Mehmet.
That's still 97% non muslim
What are you? This looks like the heritage of some Murrican.
only 3% wouldn't have made you penis average distinctively none european standard and more closer to the micro dick indian street shitters
>giving your dna to a random company
you guys are falling for a fantastic meme
> no data
>so big it cannot be measured
you can buy the kit in the superdrugs store, pay cash and never give (((them))) your real name or address
lol and my mother has the same surname as joseph goebbels
doesn't mean she's related, your family probably just took over what sounded fancy, seeing as they're mostly poles
W-watch out, user! That map is gonna eat your pie chart!
>superdrugs store
In Germany?
Like I care about some image on a mayonese business forum.
>"South Europe and Mideast, Mideast/Africa"
kek, it seems to be true
is this accurate? How can an European whose family has all been in Europe for centuries have at least a bit of asian blood...?
Shall i repeat what i said?
>giving your dna to a random company
So are you mixed with some Italian noble family from the days of the HRE then? And the rest is Eastern European nobility from Prussia?
I downloaded the one for iPhone where you press your tounge against the screen. I think it does not work properly because it said I'm 33% North African.
. . . you sound extremely naive, go to germany and try to get a "von" prefix to your surname without any proof of nobility
this isn't near the retarded "van" version you people have
checked, what is your argument tho.. I just said that your spit is nowere connected to your name or identity
german,french,and balkan the balkan also contains italian
should of said 100% retarded.
>press tounge against phone screen
>phone can somehow see your ancestors
If I could check my DNA, just by using my phone, I would've done it a long time ago...
Hopefully, you didn't pay anything for this
I-Im new here germanbro, I don't know all the memes y-yet
None all are owned by Bogdanoff Brothers
What is cctv?
If you walked into town and into a shop to give your dna to a random company, you will have been spotted on cctv at some point. it wouldnt be hard to find you.
You have no idea what they will do with your dna
It´s more about german history or Rassenkunde, and less about memes.
>falling for this
let's start with the funndementals, Argentina is an neo-african colonial settlement inhabited exclusively by people of african descent
Touché, you could crossdress while buying tho'
in the UK
flight tickets to UK are like 40 euros nowadays anyways
From where I live I highly doubt there would be any Mongol blood in me
Lel I can easily afford 300 euros for shits and giggles, but that doesnt mean ill send in my dna to some ((((research)))) team. All they want is aryan dna. Id rather blow 300 euros on food beer weed and a nice dinner with the gf.
I'm sending in 23 and me today for DNA annalysis. Did I choose the right company? It was a gift. I know I'm not 100% white and I'm interested to see if all the blood our family says we have is true.
>tfw you're a fucking mutt with no clear ethnicity, having spanish, amerindian and asian ancestry.
>tfw you'll never be proud of your heritage.
>look at flag
>I know I'm not 100% white
color me shocked
There is so much mongolian and jew i dont want to know
yet good enough for Hitler to take shelter from ((them)) am I right?
Also, we didn't have many africans until the early 2000s, when the government started importing them as a means to hasten kalergi plan.
We had some remnants from the time we sold slaves, but they died of either smallpox or yellow fever, and the remaining ones were sent to Uruguay, they have taken them in gratefully and mixed as well.
I have
I'm mostly German, secondly British, third Scandinavian, and I am actually 1% Jewish
I know I'm a true European because I have blond hair and blue eyes.
Fucking niggers plaguing my streets selling plastic jewelry REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
that's the joke brother
Family was supposedly Irish immigrants and one way down the line was Cherokee family that escaped the trail of tears and settled down in the Appalachians with an Irish family. How are all those muslims though, Hans? Lol. I'd rather have Cherokee blood in me then be a completely beaten down cuckold.
g-guys i swear i d-didnt know, am i still welcomed on Sup Forums? im white i swear
so post the picture dumbass
>mfw i realised but had already pressed post
saw 2 of them nigs already dating white women
why so salty? hope it's not some form of inferiority complex
maybe you just need your nicotine rush you ancestors crave for
as a part indian do you hold whites accountable to the mass extinction through western viruses and bacteria your ancestors weren't accustomed to?
If you're in the US I understand that they send copies to the govt. Do you really want that?
I've done 23andme, ancestry, and myheritage testing. All came back with the same result; 100% Norwegian.
dont have dna test but pic related is what i know
non-white be gone!
Not salty just bants. Most natives were stupid and should have seen the changing tides like the Cherokee did. The American government did fuck them over in the end though. The smart ones integrated though. Fuck a reservation.
Says the abo
That's actually a pretty common sight where I live. And they all reek of tangerine.
the "places youve been" made me chuckle
are you 12?
post picture
>send copies to the govt.
nice sauce you got there, for the record that's not true
>The American government did fuck them over
also you dind;t answer my question, do you hold the whites accountable for the mass extinction your population went trough?
AncestryDNA got me as 100% European but the useless fucks put Scottish, Irish and Welsh all in as Irish so I'm listed as 35% Irish even though both sides of my family come from Scotland.
Someone explain this to me?
> Female chromosomes
X1 X2
> Male chromosomes
X3 Y1
Men only pass on the Y chromosome.
So if a black person breeds with a white person, why is the child a black person?
Does this combination always pass X3 to the new female? Is it possible that the offspring is X1 X2, or does the male always pass X3 onto the offspring? Where the product of both is a female.
You're a good man
nope, i copied this map from some brit
and im 19 janusz
79% British isles
20% West African
1% native American
I consider myself black but a lot of people just think I'm a white guy. My brother looks totally white and considers himself so.
say that to me, I live next to at least 9 niggers.
they are yelling 24/7 and when they cook, the smell, my blood just boils. You hear them throwing pots around and dishes, its like they cannot figure out how to use those...
I yelled a couple of things at them lol
nigger skins isn't just one gene so you got someting mixed up
also your assumption that white=black makes another black is wrong it makes a mulatto which is not black but also not white it is something in-between
They aren't "my people". Do you hold whites responsible for destroying your people and keeping them under foot to the point that if you ever tried to rise again the entire white population would strike you down because of Muh ebil notsees? My people are my friends and family because I'm not a forever alone
>4.4% EE
>2% Finnish, 1% Jew
>31% EE, 1% Jew
>56% Jew
Remember 1 drop rule
You all are not white
I'm surprised the flag in this post isn't American. You could even make an American bear edit of it.
Not mad at all, but you cannot compare negroes to amerindians. At least the former knew how to fucking ride horses instead of just eating them.
youre tottaly misunderstanding my question, i'm asking since you are a part native about your opinion about the mass extinction of the nativ people by plagues brought in by europeans