>beat him up
didn't he kill a police officer
they usually kill you when they find you for that
>beat him up
didn't he kill a police officer
they usually kill you when they find you for that
>nigger kills people
>why white people, why did you hurt me.
they usually kill cop killers, this is a sign that dindus are winning their "cop a rayciss"
What have I missed out on?
Who's this nig?
Fire up your twitters
Cops don't get to break the law and do whatever they want just because they're cops, yet the opposite is by and large what they think. Its not just this incident. Its their scumbag behaviour in general.
And watch cops getting shot/killed become more and more common than it has already.
Righteous? In what world? Cops are not righteous. They are corrupt and dirtbags, racist shits, and tons are filthy criminals.
>bring back old school policing
Apparently dirtbag policing has "been back" for a long time. And with that comes real, actual "sovereign citizens," first amendment style.
Obey the law and you do not have to worry about
Muh was roughed up
Cops should have the right to slap you around.
They are essentially given the job to make sure retards don't misbehave in the community
You have to be high on bathsalts to defend a person who killed multiple people in cold blood and who waited armed up to the teeth to kill police officers.
>Righteous? In what world?
but they think of themselves as the righteous
even when they're breaking the laws too
Looks like he tripped to me.