What did you think of American history x?
Sup Forums movie discussion club
some subtle red-pills throughout, the Supermarket scene ect. But it get's pretty blue pilled towards the end
Bluepilled garbage. Every character is a caricature. The right wing people are degenerate neonazis that believe in the anti-German propaganda.
They made you sympathise with the illegals though
Great film but I'm sure half the beta Nazis who circlejerk around it have never seen it
i cheered for the neo nazis in silence when we watched in in highschool.
its a sad story about a virtuous man falling from grace
a point seldom made the is that niggers being nice doesnt make them not niggers.
in the movie the guy stops hating subhumans because he worked laundry with a nigger, its pretty much a liberal wet dream. liberals are women, they think the only reason there is conflict is because people just dislike each other senselessly like how women will have petty catfights with other women, and if you stuck both in a room long enough theyd be friends
back to the original point tho, i know plenty of niggers and id kill em all in the race war, them being nice to me temporarily doesnt make them persons, they are animals.
Watched it last night for first time(can't believe it was released in 1998)
Same message as romper stomper, made in Britain etc
"Now you be a good boy and let them tell you to live by societal rules that they themselves refuse to believe affect their society."
>i know plenty of niggers
Man, I know the yellow peril doesn't have much love for the negro race, but 'fantasy fights in the shower' =/= 'hate'
Good film.
Been a while since I watched it, but I seem to remember it being about this Neo-Nazi pictured routing out the degeneracy in his fellow neo-nazis.
more like a neo-nazi becoming a normie when he magically forgot the reality of race while in prison
The story seemed to focus far more on him realizing his Friends are degenerate at fuck.
Cameron was starting to say that their tactic of raiding supermarkets was childish and they would change.
>Swastika tattoo
>Self proclaimed neo-nazi
Not even.
Ok movie. Can someone post the Donald Duck making Daffy Duck bite the curb?
>Donald Duck making Daffy Duck bite the curb
Degenerate nigger kills white boy in the end.
Made me hate niggers more.
Wait, wasnt he bummed in the ass by a nigger in prison and went full tolerant?
has anyone seen this is england?
Same old "anyone who dislikes a multiracial society is a tatted up, disfunctional skinhead lowlifer" propaganda. American History X, The Believer, This Is England, The Believer, Imperium (or whatever it was called) etc.
Anyone who thinks this is a bluepilled movie probably thinks Animal Farm is about livestock.
>I hate how its cool to be black these days
this is a true statement.
and the media knows its true. when the media finds an honest criticism they actually voice it quickly before any reputable opposition becomes bold enough to say it. they make sure the honest criticism looks controversial, as if only a nazi teenager could make this criticism. therefore it is silenced and wveryone is now afraid to say it. its similar to fox giving james o'keefe a platform but then decided theyll just take his work and filter it through their preferred interpretation.
pic related is a better movie
nah he was raped by skinheads and went full nigger lover
good film.
Really don't understand all the hate from /pol.
Spoiler alert!
At the end when the nigger kills his lil bro, you can see that nignogs never change. Shit only white people are able to change.
Threads with less traction, means more action
>I'm sure half the beta Nazis who circlejerk around it have never seen it
lolwut, why?
> implying it's not
>"put that out, weed is for niggers."
very good analysis
yeah, good movie, but a little more bluepilled than american history x
>comparing AHX with Imperium
imperium is a shit movie and is a thousand times more bluepilled
It's fucking great.
>"it's blue pilled cos at the end he likes blacks!!!"
You're a retard.
>Movie starts off literally showing us why these people hate blacks
>The idea of cultural appeasement is there
>The frustrations of a restrained white youth being let out all at once
>Kills a nigger defending himself and his family, while sending a message that he is not to be fucked with by them
>Goes to prison
>Niggers continue to nigger
>Befriends one slowly
>"But they show him as a good black guy"
>They show him as a thief
>Gets out of prison
>Does the equivilant of trying to tell his retard "muh alt-right" friends to not show their power level so obviously like autists
>Tries to stop his brother going down the same retarded route
>His brother is killed by a nigger, because nigger culture is defined by violence
>Moral of the story is that the difference between blacks and whites is that whites can choose to be violent, while blacks are naturally violent
>The black headmaster who lets armed miniboons into his school
Regardless of the protagonist's opinions, AHX is a great portrayal of why the answer to blacks being blacks isn't neo-nazi faggotry, it's collected and level-headed action that is respected.
It also shows why a lot of people are as racist as they are-because they are told their culture is worth less than that of another/that any protest or wish to study their own culture/take pride in it is an act of hatred and bigotry.
Loved it as a libertarian leaning kid.
Haven't rewatched since becoming redpilled.
From what I recall it was actually quite balanced and more about portraying 'the circle of violence' rather than just being 'OMGS ALL WHITES ARE NAZI KKK MURDERING INNOCENT DINDU NUFFIN BLACKS!'
Take it to
You left leaning parasites, you expect me to sit here and listen to your dribble?
>black man saves your life
>you aren't supposed to change your views that all blacks are animals.
He wasn't just nice to him in the laundry room. He saved him from being killed by black gangs. Did you even watch the movie?
>made you
That's pretty desperate
This isn't Harry Potter.
The real hero is the father - he dies protecting ghetto scum who kill him, his wife marries a sheister, his kids go off the rails and turn his good ideas into extremes and then overcorrect to the other extreme