Kicked out my daughter for being a coalburner

> I'm a successful 36 yr old auto trader business owner with an upper middle class lifestyle in Texas.
> Good looking wife and one daughter. Have a great relationship with them both.
> Find out my only daughter dates a black man in college.
> Sit her down and casually get her to tell me she's serious with Devon, that I would like him. This means she slept with him.
> Packed all her stuff while she's at college yesterday and put them all outside
> When she came back she found out she had no place in my home
> Disowned my daughter who is right now on my doorstep crying.
> Threatened my wife with divorce and that I can restart another life without them. My friends a Lawyer who at this moment is filing the papers. My wife showed her true colors by even daring to disagree with me.

So right this morning now have a crying ex daughter who I stripped of all inheritance and stopped all sources of income.

My wife just found out the divorce papers I prepared and is in tears for me to reconsider.

Oh and good morning guys. How is your morning or afternoon in Europe's case?

Other urls found in this thread:

very nice

Nice LARPing, faggot. But in all seriousness we can't let this man have the nuclear codes.

Early morning larping? Post pic of crying daughter

Blame yourself for not properly raising and red pulling your child during her development.

It is so sad that this is your best fantasy

If that's true you're the manliest man I have ever seen.

How big is your cock OP?

>never tell daughter that you'd hate her coalburning
>probably cuck it up and hide your powerlevel
>chimp out once she gets blacked

nice parenting, retard.

Ex daughter is now crying outside that I'm a racist which isn't one of my top managers is black. Not wanting black people in your family is not racism. Jesus Christ we freed them from slavery and given them all their rights and more. What more do they want!

I don't believe you but I want to meaning it's a good thing.

Now she will fuck with Devon even harder, she will slide up and down on that BBC and call him daddy.

You just go right ahead and post those divorce papers, sonny.

You are 36 and have a daughter in college? What kind of trailerpark redneck are you?

You'd love for all of this to be true wouldn't you? Sadly it isn't, and you're just another fat NEET Ameritard.

>daughter in college
>36-18 = 18

You're a degenerate teenage parent. No wonder four kid sucks black dick

I don't have kids yet but I've been planning for a daughter just in case. Do you outright claim to hate coal burning or just pray they make the right choice? Seems like a doubled edge sword

I fucking nuts! I raised my daughter damn well! It's a curse for white men to have daughters. It's highly likely they become degenerate behind your back and even coal burn! Most of all she knew what I wanted!

oh, another larping thread

Raising a coalburner is worse than being one.

There is nothing wrong with having children early if you have the means to support them.

They want our daughters, obviously. Well done on holding to your convictions sir, but as the Clockmaker said () did you at least give her warning that once she goes black she's not allowed back?

Finally someone who did something against coalshit


This post is 100% bullshit.
But I believe it.

>having a daughter at 18 makes you a red neck

kill yourself Jamal.

>Nice LARPing, faggot. But in all seriousness we can't let this man have the nuclear codes.
yr old

Stopped reading.

>18 years old
>probably 17 when pregnancy began
>means to support them


You cannot control your daughters no matter what they will go behind your backs! How naive are you?

Found the black cock fetish LARPER

Should have taught her that when you burn coal you pay the toll.

>Upper middle class

>disown daughter for being a fuck up instead of raising her properly

I came from a well put family, they were savy business people and helped me make mine.

>college aged daughter
>upset about degeneracy

troll post and a terrible one

kill yourself

How the fuck do,you have a daughter in College? Where you 15 when you had her? Smells like bullshit

Good job for sticking by your guns mate. I wish you luck

>36 years old
Sorry mate but you're pretty much out of time if you don't want any spergy kids.
Go knock up a bunch of white women right now because your clock is ticking.

post pics of the snow bunny

Amazing, if true.

well i think he tried to raise him but its hard this day, even for real natsoc's.
The propaganda-brainwashing going on in schools is literally...

People had families and careers by 17 not all that long ago, permavirgin

Literally what did your wife do? You fucking retard just make another child. You need to direct your failure as a father solely at your daughter. You're just as at fault as your wife for her being a coalburner. So work things out with her and make another kid.

Done the right thing, women need to know what they risk losing.

>> I'm a successful 36 yr old auto trader business owner

Used car dealer has no principles. big surprise there.

Sperm doesn't work like eggs. You're good as long as you can go. It's only women who have to worry about age related birth defects.

It takes a true man to stick with his principles. Especially seeing clarity in an emotionally fueled situation.

Good luck with it all user.

she got pregnant maximum 3 months after your 18th birthday?

My friend had a kid when he was 16, she's now 15,we are in our early 30s, I don't talk to the douche anymore, think I'll hit on her when she ripes.

And then become a single mother Crack head. Damn OP.. this faggot, I mean kruat, is onto something..

this is why i married a based black girl. you don't deal with worrying about some shit like this. my kids will trigger liberals because they'll be red-pilled and can't get disregarded by saying pulling the white male card

(pic related) proves race mixing is a non issue and ppl are getting less black and asian but white people are rarely race mixing.

>Blame yourself for not properly raising and red pulling your child during her development.

>I-its your f-fault for n-not s-stopping it.

How is it his fault? Doubt he was the one that voted for the brainwashing TV to dictate shit. From the looks of it he did his part. The wife and daughter didn't.

People need to learn that their actions have consequences.

You only had 1 child and you're white.

You failed.

Miserable Texan.

Teenage birthrates in the USA are pretty high.

Also, if ur daughter starts her Sup Forums
and this thread

That is great buddy, well done. All you need now is another nice, hunky man to date.

Well done man. Brass balls. At age 36 you can roll the dice again. Stuff all your assets into gold/bitcoin, move to Alaska and try again.

>not giving her a proper honor killing
>just letting her leave to fuck more niggers

bro dont divorce your wife over your daughter asshole

>yfw your daughter lives with nigger for 1 month and come crying back to you

We really should make a "best Goy of the year" award of something.

Demoralisation thread.


Few men of integrity left, you are a true son of Texas OP.

It's up to you to believe it. I've been working none stop to make my business successful other wise I would be begging for hand outs. My Parents help me and my grandparents gave me a good inheritance. I'm a privileged white male and an obedient son lol

He is not wrong you know

You need to never be angry about your daughter, starting at adolescent age, i give 100 respect points, if she does something degenerate, she lost points and I give less attention and assurance. When she does something I like, for example instead of watching trash usa tv, she reads a book, she gains points.

It works out pretty well and she eats it up.

Sometimes, the right thing to do is to walk all over your heart, even if its hurts.

You did good, honestly, restart your life.
Age doesn't matter to men.
You can't control, you can just educate her, showing her blacks are purely laughable and pathetic, not legit equal competition.
Her having a relationship with a black could be because of daddy issues or something else.

Why did you divorce? Give her a day or two.
And why haven't you rep pilled your family on Nigger and other subhumans? Is this bait?

seventh post best post

this is false


LARP and Roleplaying

you are doing the right thing

stay strong my ameribro friend

kys kike

Thats what i was thinking...

Just force them to read pol a whole day or divorce
guaranteed 14/88 after 24 hours

You did the right thing.

Where will you be starting your new life OP? Did you learn anything? Maybe getting the next daughter married to some local traide in a small isolated white village town is better than sending her to a city collage.

Pro-tip you aren't redpilled if you racemix, and your mud-gene kids will never be. You are an anti-traditionalist and that makes you a leftist no matter how hard you try to LARP. Get the fuck off Sup Forums nigger lover.

Daily reminder you will never have a beautiful white wife and beautiful white children.

Tbh. I don't even care anymore. She's not mine. My parents all agree we are strict especially with our money. I told them send the inheritance to my brother if things go wrong.

it really doesnt have much to do with parenting fellas...

>Senior year of highschool a couple years ago
>Every decent looking white girl always hung out with jamals and daquans and other dindus
>when dindus made up a mear 8% of the school

God save us all lads...

And you think kicking her out is going to make her burn LESS coal?


OP is full of shit.

plz be real

anus rupturingly based

Legally speaking, what would someone potentially be liable for if they suddenly pulled a stunt like this?

Even the Rothschildren are not immune to the effects of forced diversity.

Shit tier B8 M8Y

It was hard to have another child. Sorry but I had my business and did hope for a son.

Modern society places so many avenues of pressure that even the best parenting cannot repel the sway of the media outlets and political institutions. It's not as if the internet is some kind of refuge either, many ideas here are far more radical and it's not as if her friends wouldn't be under constant exposure thus placing it upon her as well.

There's no reasonable way to keep kids from experimenting in such ways when it's all around them and their parents is one, often quite disdained, voice in a sea of billions.

You knows what's up.

>telling lies on the Internet

We all know who you are

Once you've been infected with the virus you're tainted for life.

He did the right thing.

Rooting for you man.

t. working 2 jobs to barely afford rent and daydreaming of having my shit together.

I went to a 40% black school and every girl hated niggers.

And come crawling back to daddy in a few years with a niglet.

KEK agrees

>Her having a relationship with a black could be because of daddy issues or something else.

Maybe so because I worked a lot but I like I said. It don't care going black was a betrayal simple as,

>Threatened my wife with divorce
Hahahaha retard.

Nice LARPing though.

OP is based if this is true.

Why should OP care. It's not his daughter anymore.

>tfw it was just a shit-test and you're doing the right thing

I know it goes without saying but you'll thank yourself later

I approve. Women who betray their race or talk back need to be punished ruthlessly.

Ι honestly think that you are LARPing but if what you say is true, then good for you mate. some women need to start appreciating some things and when they don't and they fuck your life over you have every right to fuck them back.

You are no man, a true father would snap his coal burning daughter's neck with his bear hands to insure she doesn't become a welfare mooching single mother with half-nigglet mud children. The nigger should be castrated so he doesn't soil more white vaginas.