memes aside, can anyone explain what he meant by this? I've really tried to wrap my mind around this comment and I cant.
"if you kill your enemies, they win"
It only means anything if you're a liberal, at which point it makes perfect sense.
Think of it as a liberal way to weed out Newfags
i think he meant if you kill your enemies, they win.
did he actually say this?
He never actually said that you retard. It's just a meme.
I'm assuming he means that if you kill terrorists, you only create more terrorists.
>Kill achmed
>His 10 brothers all say fuck it let's be jihadis too then
The only option is to genocide them all but I think we all know that's going to be unacceptable to a majority of the population
He claims that his enemy is a mythical hydra and chopping off heads only make it worse.
What he fails to realize is that the hydra will eat you even if you don't cut off any of its heads.
Liberals are all about feels and emotions and being nice. For some reason they have maternal feelings towards shitskins. Nobody knows why.
He has just played too much Japanese rpg games. If you kill your enemies then you are just like them - in other words you lose according to libcucks
>American Education
the meaning isnt that if you kill enemies you will consolidate the resolve of their friends.
it comes from the idea that liberals have towards terrorist attacks. they think that mocking muslims who attack us will only make the other muslims mad and so we have to be nice to those who attack us so they dont keep killing our people. and since we are white, we deserve to die to this, somehow
Liberals have this dumb mindset that if you kill a terrorist, it will just make more, and while that might be true to an extent, you really can't let the middle east get any worse than it already is by standing idle.
I'd be happy to lose if that was the case.
>gets in fist fight with Putin
>Putin beats him to death
>Trudeau wins by default
He's right you know. Putin is an old fuck
Holocaust proves the opposite
>memes aside, can anyone explain what he meant by this?
he didn't acually say it
wen u kil ur enemy they wins
be putin
undergo kgb torture as anti-espionage training if captured by enemy
gets told by metrosexual trudeau he could beat him in fight
he didn't actually say this, it's a Sup Forums meme that has been taken as fact... he said something along the lines of if we attack isis that's what they want or something.
read 1984 by orwell
in room 101 they only kill you once you agree with them
its the lack of confidence to do anything, it would be too costly to go to war and our military isn't capable of fighting terrorists.
Doing that would trigger all the sjws and immigrants that voted for him if he enacted anti muslim measures.
From his point of 'they' is everyone else but him, he is outnumbered 1:10 and if he went against anyone he would no doubt lose and they would win.
You can say he is in a state of paralysis like most Canadians too apologetic and afraid to upset anyone.
>maternal feelings towards shitskins
Because they see them as weak children (intellectually they are). They are just as racist as we are.
It's a fake quote. Propaganda.
It's a blatant lie that he said for the simple reason of subverting his people.
He means that the Canadian way of life is tolerance and acceptance and anything short of full integration of hostile cultures is a loss for Canada. Apparently within every human person is a Canadian dying to get out. Sounds cucky.
>not posting the full version
yu nee to dna tezt him.
It a really dumb way to say violence is not the answer.
If you ever saw Gundam Seed It is like when Athrun Zala is in the hospital and Cagalli Yula Athha is all like "One guy's killed for killing another and then he's killed for killing him. How is that kind of twisted thinking ever gonna bring us peace? Well?"
It means if you kill yourself, you win.
When you've infiltrated your enemy and you destroy them from the inside out you win is what he meant according to the logic his father used.
The Mother
I do not grudge them: Lord, I do not grudge
My two strong sons that I have seen go out
To break their strength and die, they and a few,
In bloody protest for a glorious thing,
They shall be spoken of among their people,
The generations shall remember them,
And call them blessed;
But I will speak their names to my own heart
In the long nights;
The little names that were familiar once
Round my dead hearth.
Lord, thou art hard on mothers:
We suffer in their coming and their going;
And tho' I grudge them not, I weary, weary
Of the long sorrow - And yet I have my joy:
My sons were faithful, and they fought.
Blood is a cleansing and sanctifying thing, and the nation that regards it as the final horror has lost its manhood... there are many things more horrible than bloodshed, and slavery is one of them!
Patrick Pearse
There are in every generation those who shrink from the ultimate sacrifice, but there are in every generation those who make it with joy and laughter and these are the salt of the generations.
Patrick Pearse
Pearse was also influenced by a mystical belief in the assumed benefit to mankind of blood spilt in violent conflict. He wrote in 1913: ‘Bloodshed is a cleansing and sanctifying thing’, and two years later, ‘the old heart of the earth needed to be warmed by the red wine of the battlefield’. Such ideas were then widespread in Europe with roots in contemporary philosophy, science and economics. The dominant artistic group in Italy glorified war, describing it as ‘the world’s only hygiene’. The German Chancellor, at the outbreak of World War I, stated that the war was at first regarded as appropriate and regenerative. Its outbreak was celebrated with popular rallies and demonstrations across Europe.
If you kill a man, another will take his place. If you kill the idea, none shall.
MAY 3rd We paraded at the time appointed, marched to Kilmainham Jail. At 3.45 the first rebel MacDonoghue [Thomas MacDonagh] was marched in blindfolded, and the firing party placed 10 paces distant. Death was instantaneous. The second, P.H. Pierce [Pádraig Pearse] whistled as he came out of the cell (after taking a sad farewell of his wife.) [Pearse wasn’t married, and was visited only by a Capuchin priest, Fr Aloysius.] The same applied to him. The third, J.H. Clarke [Tom Clarke], an old man, was not quite so fortunate, requiring a bullet from the officer to complete the ghastly business (it was sad to think that these three brave men who met their death so bravely should be fighting for a cause which proved so useless and had been the means of so much bloodshed).
5am: This business being over, I was able to return to bed for two hours and excused duty until noon.
The executions sparked a wider insurrection.
They killed pearse It made him infinitely stronger.
Lib logic.
Terrorists are actually freedom fighters. They fight for freedom. When you kill them, they achieve freedom.
Hence, they win through losing.
How do we win? By dying?
Pearse wrote the lyrics to this
Oró sé do bheatha 'bhaile
English translation of Padraig Pearse Version
Oh-ro You are welcome home,
Oh-ro You are welcome home,
Oh-ro You are welcome home,
Now that summer’s coming!
Welcome lady who faced such troubles
Your capture brought us to our ruin
With our fine land usurped by thieves
And you sold to the foreigners!
>How do we win? By dying?
Worked for Pearse.
He was executed in 1916
In 1922 Churchill ordered the British military out of southern Ireland leaving their arms behind following a ceasefire and negotiation in London.
Seeing as he never actually said this, you don't need to understand it.
>Seeing as he never actually said this, you don't need to understand it.
He did not. It is actually true though. Martyrs are more dangerous dead than alive.
I'm slightly fascinated by this quote, and maybe the fact that the entire thing is a troll. First, because he never said it at all, and second because it's very similar to the Abraham Lincoln quote: "“Do I not destroy my enemies when I make them my friends?”
My interpretation of the quote is that if you kill a member of a group you are fighting--a martyr--then the group has more reason to believe you are evil and continue to fight you. When they become the victim of your murder, then they win an ideological victory within their own circles and maybe on the public stage. As such, it's always better to take a defensive position, rather than an offensive position. If you look around, you'll see that victims almost always win in the long term.
Whoever came up with the quote, though is a genius, because it seems to really resonate with people who hate him, but at the same time is actually a profound idea. The Abraham Lincoln part also makes it that much more amazing.