>This is Rebel Shoah. I’m your host Musonius Rufus. Joining me are the cohosts Mencken’s Ghost and Seventh Son. Since December, there has been a concerted effort to reveal the identities of the crew of the Daily Shoah. Mike Enoch was doxxed this past week and has decided to submit to tough questioning to dispel any rumours about TRS in the Alt-Right community.

>This cross-over show is that interrogation, and Mike is doing it just for the goys.


>mfw they continue like nothing happened.

Y'all niggas posting in a phishing thread.

God bless the GOYS at TRS, 'specially Mike Enoch.

Gas the Kikes!

You don't ever learn, right?
Fuck off with your shitty website, retard.

Eat shit, hue hue

Australians loyal to Enoch reporting in
Without loyalty a movement has nothing. Loyalty is the most important virtue in politics. When you operate as a faction, you stay loyal to that faction.

Wow, you sure showed me!

> implying TRS isn't a bunch of oldfag Sup Forumsacks who got together and made a set of podcasts between shitposting here

The restarted the Shoah with the "I'm Jewish and a women!" drop, they're taking it in their stride. Sven seemed resilant and happy to roll with the punches. McNabb was pissed off at the disloyalty and backbiting to Mike.

>implying they are
If they really were they would know how to shill in here the right way instead of all that retarded shitposting that made them get doxxed.
A few people they got in the past might have come from here, but after all that alt right bs I really doubt any of them are still there.

>Mike is based
Noice, I missed the kike

They haven't even addressed it and I'm 20 minutes in...

Back to antifachan faggot. 8gag shilling is a bannable offence.

Classic Jewish tactics, divert and avoid.

>i-if you aren't in our honeypot shitty self damaging website you are literally antifa
right thing, I mean, right stuff, shlomo.


He's obviously not Jewish, man, come on. That's just retarded

>bulbasaur is probably out again

Honey pot? Where is the money in this thing exactly?

Hello, FBI

nobody cares go back to 8ch

>1 post by this ID


You shilled for 8gagBack to antifachan faggot.

Go back to antifachan.

Mike sounds so fucking depressed and cucked, thank you based antifa

This is what will happen to all of you fascist cucks if you speak up

I still like Mike Enoch as a character. IRL Mike? Not so much.
I'll still listen and take everything he says with a grain of salt.

Didn't you know? They actually get over 6,000,000 donations every week. They only read a handful out on the air to trick us.

Why the fuck are they talking about their gay Facebook group from years ago?
Fuck this fucker.

I heard it was 6 gorillion

> shilling free podcasts that costs no money money for anyone to listen to
> shilling an invite-only forum that takes weeks of effortposting on a containment board just to enter the actual forum

> a fucking tranny
> no children

Jesus Christ do we have proof that this Jew is even a woman in the first place?

I second you twat. Eat shit

hi what r a honeypot XDXD

he sounds cool. Why are there so many people from 8/pol/ shilling against him?


I've never heard of them outside of these threads shilling against them. They seem cool to me.

This thread was started to promote TRS fucking fag

> doxxed
Spoken like a true redditor.

How about we get rid of the Pwediepie, Poppie, Shoeonhead and other degenerate youtube shillers first? The TRS talk here was minimal until the doxxing started.


I'd prefer to listen to 1000 fucking jews than 1 leaf.

lurk moar then newfag

Mike Enoch is a beehive-fucker

i agree

all retarded e-celeb threads, weather they have a podcast or a jewtube channel should be bannable offenses

wow I feel so BTFO right now

Enjoy your 57% white nationalism fucking subhuman

been here since 2012.

>The TRS talk here was minimal

except of the shilling of their shitty little podcasts

Leafs CANT be white.

I guess I still like Mike and the shoah but I feel a little duped. It's one thing to have some Ashkenazi DNA it's another thing to promote tranny degeneracy and be a member of b'nai brith. I guess we know who wore the pants in that relationship

>been here since 2012

>not a newfag

>has never heard of trs

sure kid

Meanwhile in Leafland.

8gag is down the hall and to the left

The funny part is that there are about a dozen alt right/ alt lite Youtubers who are both more well known than TRS and redpill more people than TRS, and yet TRS' shitposters come here to whine and attack them while pushing their slimy crap.

Mike Enoch is a certifiable shabbos, and those around him defending him are nothing more than retards clinging to the fantasy that he isn't.

I think threads based on a specific media outlet, yes. We should still be able to have general media threads and I don't mind posts in there recommending podcasts or Youtube channels.

I've never seen a single thread about them until this giant shilling incident against them.

They must be cool if theres so much psyops against them tho.

TRS are the ones shitposting, that's the fucking point you idiot.

/baph/ is still actively trying to dox you fags

the fun isn't over yet

>some Ashkenazi DNA

Top kek

there were rarely threads about trs podcasts before recently. and it might be hard to believe but some of us just listen to them and have nothing to do with trs as a site/forum, mind boggling for an 8gag schizo autist for sure.

>I've never seen a single thread about them

like i said, lurk moar faggot

Lacheim COHEN

>my dad is going to beat you guys up

Wow you sound so cool.

I mean I spend at least 2 hours on Sup Forums every week.

We the Anonymous Legion are DOXing you! We will out you. WE ARE LEGIO!N YOu cant stop it!

>2 hours on Sup Forums every week.

lol get a load of this casual

Loyalty is a virtue of white men. People who don't show loyalty are either women, niggers or shitskins.

JFC I am 34 minutes in and they still haven't addressed mike's situation.

How I see it as an outsider who doesn't really care about TRS is anti-TRS people shitposting and people who like TRS responding because they're salty.

People are foolish if they think everyone is going to abandon TRS over this. But you're right about other media outlets, and that's part of why TRS will still continue.

We are all claiming to be part of a WN movement, but that movement is fairly leaderless. Instead, people are assigning a sort of loyalty to their favorite propaganda producers. It's a very Millenial thing to do. Those of us that are older are less inclined to do so, even more so those that have been in the movement since the 80s and 90s. So it does create a lot of factions and shilling and infighting, but it also keeps us from having a single head to be decapitated. The time may come for us to unite behind a single leader, though I've not seen anyone capable of being that man, but for now just hold the course, keep fighting the enemy, and let's deal with any potential traitors in secret from now on.

Yes I suppose true white nationalist spend all their time on the internet.

why is antifachan still here LEAVE

2 hours a week? Pleb. Pump up those numbers, hour a day minimum.

>My wife's Jewish
>I understand that people can't have me as a leader
>I hope they can have me as a podcast host

Step mother, her dad remarried.

yes give me more tears

they are delicious

Wow a legion thats does not forgive or forget, how ebin!


cry moar bitch lol

when trs is in ashes you have my permission to die

Why can't Mike just start working for Sven's business? It's a way he could still have a respectable career and not just beg for donations from neetzis. It would also help the alt-right start networking and community building in a way that isn't purely political.

Yeah, I only recently started listening to them (though I did listen to the Merchant Minute on Youtube for a while without ever knowing they were connected lol) and TDS just seems like 4/pol/ shitposting in the format of a radio show ala Rush Limbaugh but not out-of-touch.

Reminds me of going to work with my dad as a lad. We'd listen to Rush while we went and worked on stuff at the school or he rebuilt stuff in the shop. I really hope these fags continue on.

oh wow like ive been saying forever hes just some people who talk on a fucking PODCAST he isnt a leader he isnt anything just some source of entertainment anyone who does take him as a leader is a lebbit tier retard. You only put people up to the leader status who have been working many many years as a pro-white advocate

what shit memes stay over at 8pol its where you belong desu no one cares aobut this shit but you guys

Yes my white brother. We must never share external content with one another, because reasons.

Eat a dick. There are a lot of channels and blogs that I have only discovered because of here.

Because I am almost always here, I am genuinely interest in what Sup Forumss opinions on things.

The Murdoch Murdoch kids are from Sup Forums, and I would never have heard of them either if it weren't for us.

I ain't clicken that shit FBI how about you embed it like a good shill.


These guys run a radio show, they can't even keep clear communication.



I'm an FBI agent working deep cover at 8/pol/ ama

Antifachan pls go

Sven's a great guy who makes comfy content, Mike imo turned out to be a larper letting off steam over his turbocucked family life, but as long as he doesn't pretend to be a saint I don't mind too much. He's got to realize people will take everything he says with a grain of salt from now on.

I just hope bulby and ghoul will be back soon

I don't think a fat programmer who hates jews, niggers and mexicans can work at a hardware store in New York.

Here's the thing TRS. You thought it was all fun and games didn't you? The Pepe memes and the Chanspeak were funny right? Funny. You newfags should have known our history better.

We will ruin you just too see you suffer. We are evil and we revel in human suffering. Maybe you fags sincerely wanna larp about saving the white race? it's cute. Well we don't want to save the white race, the black race the chink race or the human race. We want it all to burn. /baph/ is doxxing all you faggots right now and it's funny to us. You are scum just like us, and pathetic hypocritical human scum. It just proves what we knew all along. Normie attention whores are all shit.

We are giving all your info to Antifa because we want you to suffer because it's amusing to us. Antifa and the media will destroy you and your idols and you will cry and we will laugh. You have already proven to be epic lolcows and we will milk this for as long as we can.

no one ever posted about TRS as much as they do now because of fucking antifachan constant talking about them same goes for Spencer. we have better things todo if we want to have some entertainment will just go watch them. Fuck this ECELEB shit. The only one I ever had genuine threads was MDE or specifically Sam Hyde.

Antifa chan is well on ther way to trying to dox FtN next for reasons. They've become a 5th column. The got retard lucky with Enoch's wife and now they apparently want to take down everyone ever affiliated with TRS.

please fuck off with your cringe worthy leejum shit. it's not 2006 you collosal autist. die.

Ghost blogtalk radio is next faggot

Mike worked in tech, Sven runs a small record store

What's the Tldr? I can't stand to listen to this larpy faggotry for two hours anymore without my blood boiling

This whole alt-right stuff is just cringy as fuck. Those fat neckbeards using nazi words makes it even worse. Hitler and co. would have executed everyone of them.
White nationalism is cancer.

TRS was a honeypot, don't you think that's bad enough?

yes keep crying shill, your shitty little site will never return to its former glory

(((Mike Enoch)))
>owner of TRS
>wife is Jewish
>real surname is Peinovich
>surnames ending with -in, -vich, -man, skij/-sky have Jewish connotation (Abramovich, Berezovskij, Waltsman, Zvezdin)
>caused controversy yelling "Heil Trump!" and doing the Nazi salute at conference
>knew full well the place was full of cameras and it was going to go viral
>wife worked for NBC
>The Atlantic is a subsidiary of NBC
>The Atlantic was doing a documentary on Richard Spencer that day
>the documentary crew recorded them doing the "Heil Trump!" stunt that went viral

>works promoting diversity hires
>leader of the Jewish supremacist lodge B'nai B'rith
>B'nai B'rith has ties to Mossad, ADL and SLPC
>regularly promotes LGBT degeneracy
>performed in anti-Christian "this is how we Jew it" event last Christmas
>knew about and participated in her husband's radio show

>claim they are relevant yet site is ranked 40,090th
>claim they expand the base yet need shilling on 4pol and 8pol
>claim they expand the base yet regularly attack transitional ideologies
>take credit for literally everything that 4pol and 8pol create
>pretend wife is just 1/4 Jewish when she is a full blown kike
>complain about purity spiralling yet had zero tolerance just a week ago
>complain about division yet spent the last months attacking everyone in the right
>degenerate fascism into "fashy" and call each other "goy"

Are Jews infiltrating white nationalists to make them look stupid?
>another one of the persons involved in the "Heil Trump" stunt was Tila Tequila
>not even white
>porn actress obviously connected to many jews
>acts like a Nazi parody
>Jews have been regularly infiltrating far right movements since WWII

>Heres the thing TRS

Stopped reading here. Its fucking funny as fuck because I am literally listening to the third podcast from TRS. I seriously never really cared for talk shows but I am listening to TRS right this second. You guys drove me to listen to TRS buddy not TRS but antifachan. The only person I actually had actively watched was Ghoul on youtube. I thought he was funny as fuck when he went to some leftist protest in California and talked to a weak beta leftist "TEACHER".