REMINDER: Unless you're ancestors grew corn in America for thousands of years before white people showed up, you're not a real American
REMINDER: Unless you're ancestors grew corn in America for thousands of years before white people showed up, you're not a real American
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Native Americans didn't grow corn, they just got it when they found it. Europeans came and domesticated corn.
The conquered don't dictate the rules
My great-great-great-great-great grandmother was Choctaw so I can stay right?
Well of course a bastard of a Brit would say that! How's them Maoris doing Nigel VI?
A lot of niggers in Oklahoma claim to be native american so they can double dip gibs.
the """""""Maoris""""" are a tame people, dumb and smelly but tame nontheless. Unlike Finland's Immigrant Problem :D :DDDDD fug
Native Americans arent even native to America, they came from Siberia.
Where should I go?
England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Galicia, or the Canary islands?
>same tired, rehashed bullshit
Native here. We should have been wiped out.
go back to your cuck fantasies, finn
Good luck telling this to the black population.
Don't confuse us with Swede-cuckistan. We have not become a no-go zone because of the niggers
>don't come here because we just plain don't like anyone else
>not a real American
They didn't create America. We did. We're the real Americans.
meant this one
Can confirm
I am american then, though i doubt my ancestors grew corn at all.
>posting this shit tier version of the gif
Reminder: "native americans" are just steppes dwellers who crossed a land bridge and kept walking south. The people in south America are a mix of that, and fuckers who hopped on boats.
A fucking leaf
They did
MAGA and fuck you, kemosabe.
Awesome instead of having to explain about European migration before the Asian migration, I can just post this picture.
>Don't confuse us with Swede-cuckistan
checked and kekd.
My family came from Oulu, Finland. I find this hilarious.
>Being able to see somebody else in the dark 5km out
Bit unrealistic but sure
The only real American tbqh famalamwhambamthankyouma'am
I will admit, downtown Helsinki is fucked, I stay away from it like the plague
What the fuck is the difference i'm not seeing it
Finland seems nice
In the shit tier version you can see that he's holding a hand of the 2nd nigger.
And how do you think it went in Sweden? Stockholm and Malmo got fucked, then the rest of the country.
I left Obamistan just as he started his second term. But now that Trump is getting in this year, I wanna come home.
>What if they grew potatoes in Peru?
Checkmate leftside.
Are you kidding? Domesticated corn is literally one of the oldest crops in the world and was domesticated by native americans (in what is now Mexico) 10,000 years ago!! Read up on the Maya.
Actually the Swedes FORCED the "refugees" on their people and into their summer homes and the bigger cities. As far as I saw here, the shitskins were placed up north in Lapland. You know, in the Arctic Circle were bumfucks live and eskimo ass cold. Only a few somehow got to the south. But they're not breeding and such as in Swedeistan
But seriously, why is that Liberals and SJWs like to bring up that "Native Americans" are the ones who should be living in America?
I really don't understand how the Native Americans never built a civilization of any worth. I mean throughout ancient history, we've always seen that the cultures with access to good farmland and trade routes were to first to develop advanced civilizations. The ancient Chinese, the Minoan Civilization, Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, etc.
And yet with the natives, they had all of these, and never really produced a society of any worth. Sure, I guess the Mesoamericans and Incas kinda built some cool shit, and they had the equivalent of Bronze Age civilizations, but the thing is, they remained stuck at that one point for thousands of years. In the case of North American natives, they never even progressed to that point.
What the fuck was wrong with them?
You played yourself
in the garbo version you posted he actually touches the mudskins, thus ruining the entire joke
The aztecs and mayans did pretty well, the northerners were busy getting higher than fuck on weed and peyote
America did not exist until my ancestors created it
Thomas Jefferson:
"You know, my friend, the benevolent plan we were pursuing here for the happiness of the aboriginal inhabitants in our vicinities. We spared nothing to keep them at peace with one another. To teach them agriculture and the rudiments of the most necessary arts, and to encourage industry by establishing among them separate property. In this way they would have been enabled to subsist and multiply on a moderate scale of landed possession. They would have mixed their blood with ours, and been amalgamated and identified with us within no distant period of time. On the commencement of our present war, we pressed on them the observance of peace and neutrality, but the interested and unprincipled policy of England has defeated all our labors for the salvation of these unfortunate people. They have seduced the greater part of the tribes within our neighborhood, to take up the hatchet against us, and the cruel massacres they have committed on the women and children of our frontiers taken by surprise, will oblige us now to pursue them to extermination, or drive them to new seats beyond our reach."
There's a book, Carnage and Culture, that explains it, more or less. The Siege of Mexico part of it, specifically.
Basically, even though Injuns lived on land full of all the resources they needed to beat Spaniards back with similar technology, they have never produced a culture "allowing" them for scientific inquiry.
Why do they give a shit what anyone thinks? I know better than to bore my non-white friends to tears with my heritage. Studying and discussing European history makes my bones tingle and my soul sing but I don't expect D'Tritus and Pedro to share that sentiment. I expect them to misunderstand and mock. It's what Americans used to do when you purity spiral like a faggot.
White people are the OG niggers
Daily reminder: The ancestors of the "native" Americans crossed the Bearing Straight from modern day Russia into modern day Alaska.
They are Siberian Americans.
>Left US
>Choose Finland
>thomas jefferson supported miscegenation
As an American, I do what I please. Go tap dance some more Justin.