40% approval rate, worst in history

>40% approval rate, worst in history
>lost in popular vote by nearly 3 million
>only 19% of americans voted for trump
>over half of electorate did not vote
>multiple sexual harassment cases
>supported by kkk and racists
>""drained"" the swamp with lobbyists, millionares, soros supporters and literal idiots and washington insiders
>LITERALLY pulled an eric cartman in the elections

Sup Forums will still defend this

Other urls found in this thread:


Oh look its another thread where polls are all of a sudden accurate again

>negrito tries to assert himself
>fails miserably

better luck next time SEA monkey.

>foreigner obsessed with US elections
Loving that Big American Cock I see

Doesn't matter where you start, matters where you are headed.

Barry, going down.
Trump going up.



Good thing there's absolutely nothing at all you can do about it.

Feels awesome asshole

>over half the electorate did not vote
There's your fucking problem. Now kys

Thats how you know its bullshit

>(((media polls)))

>clinton won cali by almost 4 mill votes alone

>implying illegals in cali should decide the president

Every other poll I've seen puts him at 60% tops. OP is using some shitty source, he knows it, and it's why he's just posting screen caps.

He literally defied these same media moguls predictions during the election, why the hell would they start being accurate again?
>pulled an Eric cartman.
You mean a Bill Clinton?

Legitimate question: How do they calculate approval ratings anyways?

Not really. After elections, people enter a "honeymoon period" where they hope for the best with whoever won, the problem with Drumpf is that lefties think he's shit, the even the right hates him because he's gonna screw all over the party with his incompetence.

So what are people hopeful for from Trump? He will be the cause of a landslide victory by Biden or Sanders in 2020.

>same polls that said Hillary had over 80 procent chance to win
>Guy isnt in office yet but they have approval ratings

>40% approval rate, worst in history

Poll numbers are moot at this point. Easy to manipulate.

>lost in popular vote by nearly 3 million

That's possibly true.

>only 19% of americans voted for trump
>over half of electorate did not vote

This is what everyone should be focusing on. Small minorities of radicals on all sides try to lower the voting pool to keep power and that's unamerican. I went apathetic purposefully because this election got nasty. I'm sure many others did too. Won't be solved until the radicals kill each other in civil war, unfortunately.

>multiple sexual harassment cases

Sexual harassment is subjective. Can be defined anyway the 'victim' wants. It's a really bad law.

>supported by kkk and racists

Racists, maybe; KKK, no - they supported Hillary. He's denounced them publicly, but don't know how effective it was.

>""drained"" the swamp with lobbyists, millionares, soros supporters and literal idiots and washington insiders

When the swamp is drained, then I'll make a decision as to its effectiveness.

>LITERALLY pulled an eric cartman in the elections

Welcome to politics.

WaPo = fake news


>Unsubstantiated Claims: The Post

by cold calling at least 1000 people across 50 states, which they then extrapolate with heavy democrat weighting (because they have set their weighting in such a way that it is heavily influenced by population size) and never saw the demographics of who they actually called.

You can never know out of the 1000 people that were polled if a majority were from heavily democrat states (which makes sense since they have states with larger populations).

It would be similar to me asking 1000 randomly selected people in los angeles and getting a low approval rating 0-5% range and then extrapolate that data to the whole state and never show my demographics was only from los angeles not the entire state of California. In all weighted polls are fucking useless.


Sorry who won 3 million more votes?

a friendly reminder :^)

I remember the marketing that was really something back when noone knew what kind of a collossal failure obongo would turn out to be; there was a stellar campaign aimed at fresh normies that came on the internet for the cancer that is social media

That didn't count Michigan btw. If it did Obama would have won the popular vote.


>Polls about Trump

Bitch please not again


This, now Trump will finish his 8 years with a higher approval rating, kek


The polls showed Trump losing the popular vote to Hillary which he did.

Trump is what you get when nobody listens to the people


>On October 9, 2007, following Michigan's breach of DNC rules, Barack Obama, Bill Richardson, Joe Biden, and John Edwards withdrew from the Michigan Democratic Primary ballot.[8]

>currently 60% approval rate, 46% in his fifth year
>you are now aware that 3 million is about 1% of the US population and is pretty fucking irrelevant, especially when there is photo evidence of voters being shipped in to vote for shillary
>libs constantly use shitty 1000-person polls as """evidence""" but the fact that 50% of the electorate didn't vote is somehow relevant
>rich people never get falsely accused of rape, Trump is the only one :^)
>Obama is supported by black panthers and racists
>libs can't even wait to see how the cabinet performs before shitting on them
>LITERALLY a bunch of whiny children

Reddit will still defend this

The polls showed Hillary winning THE ELECTION which she clearly didn't

We get off on how stupid and butt hurt you libs are

>Trump is what you get when nobody listens to the people

Trump is what you get when you have rural and suburban retards.

>the people
>hires Goldman Sachs

>siting polls

yeah fuck off


>The polls showed Hillary winning THE ELECTION which she clearly didn't

That's because it was rigged for Trump.

You think it just so HAPPENED Trump won Wisconsin, Michigan, and PA by less than 1%?

Google Greg Palast you dumb Trumpnigger.

I think the election showed polling counts for nothing.

You're off by literally 10 million

>With the media completely against you
>With the media completely at your back

Also trusting polls in 2017? Come on man.

>I think the election showed polling counts for nothing.

It works better when 70% of legislatures are controlled by the GOP and they gerrymander and rig the election.

>With the media completely against you

So why did he get 5 billion free media coverage?

>comparing a man the media has been trying to destroy 24/7 since he first opened his mouth to The Chosen One who got a nobel prize right out of the gate for no real reason

>waaah muh media, they wont say nice things
Why are whites such crybabies?

Definitely NOT fake news wew

So because he withdrew, he should get votes... Hillary got all popular vote in Michigan. Genuine perplexed by this double standard. You don't want to discount 3 million illegal votes, but you want to count popular votes counts for Obama even though he withdrew.

>So because he withdrew, he should get votes.

Read more of the article you dumb faggot.

>So why did he get 5 billion free media coverage?

Because morons like you pretend that 30 seconds of on air media attacks = 30 seconds of free advertisement.

Get back to packing your bags Barry you lazy ass nigger.

If that had any validity to it the Democrats would have called them out as it happened instead of waiting months to have nobodies come out and complain about it.

Why do they oppose Trump then?


Golly I sure am concerned with Clinton's massive lead in all these polls. She's gonna flip Georgia.

79% approval but his party has lost more power nationwide.

Why aren't the democrats capitalizing and his popularity and riding his coattails?

Oh yeah, because he's not really popular... the media just says he is.

"We can't let the first black president look like a failure. Blacks need to believe."

keep crying libtard

Democrat logic: "Atlanta has a ton of fucking blacks... only the big cities matter. Georgia is gonna flip because of the blacks."

When will you cocksuckers learn?

According to shit rigged polls of the democraps

"Trump is Hitler" is not exactly the best media coverage.

> approval rate
Was the data collected by the same people who predicted 90% chance of win for hillary?

News polls said Hillary would win by a landslide now they say America hates Trump
Yeah nothing obviously wrong with that

>only 19% of americans voted for trump

Trump got 46-47% of the vote. What do people mean by this? If you're talking about voting numbers in general, then the same basic number could be said for Clinton.

52% of this country did not vote for Clinton, so she should be President, right? 29/30 of 50 states voted for Trump. He got the most counties. He got rural America and chipped away at dense population centers.

Clinton went after moderate Republican elites, and got them, but lost her common man/blue collar democrats/progressives in the process.

We all knew how this election was won. Trump used his strategy. Clinton used hers. She lost.

Trump is farther to the left than Clinton on trade, basic economics, healthcare, war, FP and lgbt rights. No wonder she didn't get the "liberal" vote.

>Washington poSt
I think we all know what bin this belongs to.

Fuck off, filthy malay.

You're not gonna see "Obama democrats" running in white parts of the country.

Bernie didn't run as an "Obama democrat." No one did.

This just tells you why Obama sucks. Obama didn't rally or inspire SJW whites. He don't make them feel good about being white liberals.

% approval rate, worst in history

(((mass media poll))) and their (((approval rating)))

Quit with the fake news from your lugenpresse, Mr. Goldstein.

You anti-American communist kikes aren't fooling anyone anymore.

The goyim are waking up.

I did read the whole article, Obama got delegate votes yet didn't get a single person voting for him. And you want the uncommitted to be counted to his popular vote i'm assuming. Even if they included the uncommitted to Obama's popular vote it would only take it too 17,822,860 votes and still lost the popular vote.

>Why are whites such crybabies?
>Tuba music intensifies

It is funny to see how the leftists in social media dig themselves deeper by further alienating blue collar democrats. Granted it's usually some black liberal complainin that another liberal brought up the need to bring back the wHite vote.

Didn't their poll say Hillary would be president?

How many people voted for Obama, I wonder.



The heard is always wrong, by design.

What did you mean with your first sentence?


Hillary WILL win.

>most corrupt candidate in US history
>multiple investigations and lawsuits involving corruption
>mass election fraud -- worse than watergate
>sold uranium reserve to Russia
>takes money from (((arabs)))
>video of her falling down due to pneumonia
>LITERALLY looks unhealthier day by day

Well at least he's not a nigger.

o no ching chong you are going to lose your job and an american will take it.

Trump is sooo bad i'm sorry ching chong, he's literally worst than hitler

>>most corrupt candidate in US history

Second most

Record, Corrected.
Gratitude, Given.

I would love either of those kikes as president.

>mfw 3.5 years of grandpa bernie as prezzo

How were the polls inaccurate?

I would focus on the indies at 34% to 51%. Democrats will hate Trump by default and Republicans will love him by default, but if nonpartisan people think he's shit then he's probably shit.

it's because democrats and half of "independents" hate trump so much

Well, then the obvious question is, who's the most corrupt?


>media never holds Obama accountable and cover up all of his scandals
>dude we polled all of these democrats and they love obama!


Hasn't it already been conclusively established that the leftist media's polls are complete horseshit?

The last white-American president.
RIP Anglo-Saxon and Germanic race of USA/UK/Germany.

>Sup Forums will still defend this
This, and it's sad. I'm still pro Trump because he's not even president yet but Sup Forums aka /r/thedonald will defend him no matter what he does. This place has become a retarded Trump echochamber but at least some people are still redpilled and not brainless sheeps.

The national polls were fairly accurate. The statewide polls, where it counted, we're not.

>heavily political people participate in this polls
>libshits and cuckservatives hate Trump

What a surprise?

leave it to a socialist (((canuck)))

% approval rate
Demonizing someone for a year, using bullshit as facts is bound to create blind prejudice. The ironic thing here is that he isn't even president yet and somehow he's got low approval rate, it says alot about the tolerant left really.
>>lost in popular vote by nearly 3 million
Your 3 gorillion, statistically speaking, is less than the illegals voting from California.
>>only 19% of americans voted for Trump
Yes, yet Republican turnout was massive. A lot of the population dont or aren't eligible to vote.
>>over half of the electorate did not vote
More of an argument against HRC
>>supported by kkk and racists
He disavowed KKK, and anyone that isnt a socialist is a racist these days. More of a compliment. HRC and Bernie "no refunds" Sanders was supported by commies, yet he did not have to disavow anyone.
>>""drained"" the swamp with lobbyists, millionares, soros supporters and literal idiots and washington insiders
[Citation needed]
>>LITERALLY pulled an eric cartman in the elections
It still won him the election, also, fuck off back to le leddits with your shitty bait.

>Media Polls
>Millennials are too stoned and lazy to vote
>3 Million illegal immigrants voted in California
>Did more while running for president and as an elect, than obama did in his last year as president.

>Thinking polls matter

The scientific polling for weeks straight told us Hillary Clinton was guaranteed to be the first woman president.

Look what that got you.

The polls also gave him a 1% chance to win the election you faggot.

She won the election. Trump only won the electoral college.

With the CIA attacking you every day your approval would be low too.