How come so many Americans support Israel?

How come so many Americans support Israel?

It's pretty much the only country on the planet left where a majority of people have a somewhat favourable opinion of Israel.

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Sorry to go full JIDF here, but unless you hate Jews there's no good reason to dislike Israel.

That doesn't mean you have to 'support' Israel though. For example I don't 'support' the Netherlands, but I admire some of its policies.


It's because their white bible thumping retards wont stop sucking jewish dick. They're lost.

Beats sucking muslim dick, to get it prepped for a white woman pussy.

>there's no good reason to dislike Israel
Jesus fucking Christ, someone give this guy the good goy of the year award.

But athiests in the US universally support israel, in fact, theyre the least likely to ever raise voice against them

Who said I'm a goy? :^)

Also, why am I wrong?

Typo alert

Before some goes "hurrr you is a stoopid no is write good hurrrr"

Sure, dude. Whatever you say.

I'm an atheist, I don't support Israel in the slightest, and I'm not a "free palestine" faggot either.

It's mostly the Christians that "stand with Israel"
For some reason they fucking love Israel.
I wish they knew what the jews thought about them and Jesus, maybe they would think twice.

Dumb Christcuck trash normally does support Israel. And a lot of Americans are dumb fat uneducated southern baptists. They're also marked as slaves at birth by the Jew by having their foreskins removed.

american here, my opinion of israel is basically "don't they steal palestinian land? seems like a bunch of delusional assholes" and that's about it


President Trump stands with Israel.
Sup Forums stands with Israel.
I stand with Israel.

We will do anything we can to support Israel and stop their enemies, as will President Trump.

Because Israel is the number one threat to Europe.

Implying that you need to choose between them.

Your country is 25% Arab, mine only 5%.

They kill Mohommetans in droves so that's good enough for me.

>implying they would ever do this
Don't be an idiot. They'd be completely wiped off the face of the Earth if they tried.

Ummm I dunno????

I support Israel as a possible containment zone for Jews.

Once they're all there, what happens is between them and the Arabs.

I support Israel because they are a strong ally of the west. Donald Trump will make Iran burn for the next 8 years.

5% is already too much, you underestimate their threat.

Usually the same people that attend bobs back country church who think da jews are somehow saving the west or that they are somehow friendly to Christians despite the countless times where Israel had supported islamist movements and bulldozed 1000 year old churches in Palestine. Also, they feel like special snowflakes because they are friends with Bibi.

>one Israeli Professor threatened Europe and wants to deport Palestinians
Yeah, Europe is really under threat.

Your leaders (e.g. John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Marco Rubio, etc.) would still defend them.

Yes, that's why you guys continue to build settlements in the West Bank so you'll eventually be forced to give Israeli citizenship and voting rights to the Arabs living there.

Our Christian churches were subverted by the Jews after World War II. The long-held doctrine that Jews, as a group, are responsible for the death of Christ was basically eliminated from the collective psyche of American Christians, and the term "Judeo-Christian" -- rather than "Christian" -- was pushed hard. The 1980's saw the rise of the "Christian" televangelists who, for many, defined what modern Christian thought was to be, and the brand of belief which these mostly shabbos goyim promoted was one in which Israel and the Jewish people are to be protected and defended at any cost.

Serious questions:
In what way is Israel an ally of the USA? What does Israel do for us?

In what way is Iran a problem or threat? Why should I give a fuck about Iran?

>Demand infinite military financial support
>Bomb our ships and kill Americans
>Try to pretend it didn't happen
>When that doesn't work continue to demand infinite military financial support and pay just a little of it back as a fine
>Spread war throughout the region and destabilize secular leaders in Muslim nations
>Especially the nations not connected to the central European banking system
>Use Jewish influence in Washington to go get Americans to die in sand countries to ensure the secular leader loses his war
>Have them install central banking before the war is even over to "help them rebuild"
Plenty of Americans hate Israel. We should glass it.

I'm Catholic and for the most part I'very never been a huge fan of Israel (or Francis), but then again the average "Christian" wouldn't say that Catholics are Christian, so I guess I am irrelevant. I do think it's funny though that they support a country that funds every other up and coming arab spring, bulldozes Christian neighborhoods, and is rife with homo sex

>shut it down

They might. Jews are known for being especially prone to having mental disease.

Nice try CTR. You lost. The Israeli/US alliance is going to destroy your kind.

Your president supports Israel. You are not smarter than Donald Trump. You should support Israel.

This, why else does Ggggghhheeeerrrrttt Wilders say the West was founded on "judeo-Christian values"?


Nice proxy. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

Geert has Jewish ancestry.

>How come so many Americans support Israel?
I think it only appears more pronounced because of the politicians and MMS on both sides of aisle support it but your average person at best could give a shit less about Israel, and at best hate Israel. Now people may have different reasons as to why they hate or don't care about Israel, but it's more of a media illusion, that and all the hasbara make-Israel-look-good-campaign (paid by US tax $). Any American who really can do the olympic lelvel mental hamster-wheel, acrobatics to support Israel need his or her head examined. Or maybe even a monthly check to stay home, like they give the black people here....

>Our Christian churches were subverted by the Jews after World War II.
After 1 AD*

Christianity is literally 100% jewish/semitic thing. Subversive instead of being honest, promoting avoidance instead of head on confrontation, the direct opposite of western values. All the "good" parts of Christianity were taken from Stoics.

Maybe your ship shouldn't be 10000 miles away from your shore spying on another sovereign nation (Egypt)?


You haven't given a single reason to support Israel except "you're not as smart as Donald, and Donald supports Israel". I really hope general Mathis cuts off the military money that is given to them every single year.

Fuck off schlomo. Trump may support Israel more than we'd like but he loves America too much to get us involved in their shitty wars so he doesn't support them in the the kikes want.

(((American Media))).

I don't support middle eastern countries.

I guess you're right

>blaming the victim
Good goy.

And if Egypt had attacked it would be a different story. That's what the kikes wanted us to think.

Was that a serious post or does that kind of idiocy fly where you're from?

Do you have any actual reason for me to support Israel?

why it's not the Saudis? Russia? China? Mexico? or even India? (they took muh jab)

we're eating lots of other nations' shit.

America is a corporate whore to 3rd worlders.

He ain't McCain. He may not be fully Jew-wise but he is not gonna fall for their tricks either.

>Demand infinite military financial support
No one's forcing you to supply it.
>Bomb our ships and kill Americans
>Try to pretend it didn't happen
>When that doesn't work continue to demand infinite military financial support and pay just a little of it back as a fine
The US could've stopped their support any time.
>Spread war throughout the region and destabilize secular leaders in Muslim nations
Is this not legitimate if they are a threat to Israel?
>Especially the nations not connected to the central European banking system
So you do perscribe to the international Jewish banking conspiracy theory?
>Use Jewish influence in Washington to go get Americans to die in sand countries to ensure the secular leader loses his war
I'll agree that this is wrong, but supporting Israel is not the prime motive behind the US's wars in the Middle East.
>Have them install central banking before the war is even over to "help them rebuild"
Which Arab countries didn't have a central bank before their regimes were toppled?

LMFAO victim, really?
>US military conducts an illegal spying operation on egypt
>Gets mistaken with egyptian ship by israel who was at war with Egypt during that time

Maybe, we don't know what was going through Israeli's prime minister mind at that time. Maybe it was a mistake. My original point still stands, you are spending your taxpayer money, spying on a country, 10000 miles away from your shore.

Now you're just being contrarian.

Now you're not arguing.

The whole point of that endeavor was to blame Egypt. Jewish power in banking is not a conspiracy, its what their people are known best for. Iraq didn't. Syria didn't. Iran doesn't.

>How come so many Americans support Israel?
Because Israel is a white country. All good white people, Trump included, support Israel.
If you're anti Israel you're pretty much anti white.

I'm fine with spying on Egypt. I'm not fine with supposed allies intentionally, not mistakenly, killing Americans, then having them remain "allies."

SA kike detected

you SA kikes are so blatant

There are kikes in SA? Shit, I wonder if they were behind its demise.

>The whole point of that endeavor was to blame Egypt
>Jewish power in banking is not a conspiracy, its what their people are known best for
Sure, there are a lot of Jews that run banks, but that doesn't mean that they use NATO's power to topple governments that won't deal with them.
>Iraq didn't
Central Bank of Iraq: founded 1947
>Syria didn't
Central Bank of Syria: founded 1953
>Iran doesn't
Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran: founded 1960

Crappy conspiracy theory, Muhammed. Israel had no reason to intentionally blow up your ship. So... yeah proofs?

Also if you are fine with spying on other sovereign nations, don't except people to shed a tear, when your spy ship gets blown up.

>I'll agree that this is wrong, but supporting Israel is not the prime motive behind the US's wars in the Middle East.
Yes it fucking is you kike apologist. Fuck you,

Daily reminder, the eternal Anglo's are Gods true chosen people.

We must turn back to him now if we wish to continue our empire like we use too.

Of course they were.

over 99% of Euros that don't support Israel don't because they love Muslims.

One of Nelson Mandela's closest advisers was a Jew.

Yes. Prostrate oneself before the mighty yid.


The fuck are you on about? There's no question about it being intentional, its historical fact.

Oy vey, what a coincidence.

And remember
We spend a small fortune to protect these assholes.
If they'd pay us for protection I could tolerate it.

I support Israel because Donald Trump supports Israel. You must be new to Sup Forums. This board has always been pro Israel.

t. deracinated burger

No it's not. Maybe in Sup Forums's alternative timeline where holocaust didn't happen.

If it were you wouldn't have any problems providing proofs.

I'd rather support Israel than be a libtard. Israel is everything that America wants to be. A far right ethnostate with massive influence over world politics.

>muh six gorillion

There's nothing honorable about Israel. It's a parasitical state full of welfare queens.

hit a nerve?

You really are a Jew aren't you. Where's your proof six gorillion kikes were killed then? Or could it be there were no death camps and the Red Cross numbers were closer to the truth?


When did i mention 6 million Muhammed?

>There's nothing honorable about Israel. It's a parasitical state full of welfare queens.
Israel labor participation rate: 64.2%
Netherland labor participation rate: 64%

If you say so, Muhammed.

>You really are a Jew aren't you
No i'm not, and it's irrelevant to the argument.
>Or could it be there were no death camps and the Red Cross numbers were closer to the truth?
I don't really care? It really has nothing to do with the state of Israel or support for it.

The holocaust is real and no amount of conspiracy bullshit will change the facts. Hitler commited one of the worst crimes of all time when he ordered death to the Jews.

>How come so many Americans support Israel?

I guess they love the taste of Jewish dick. Trump sure does.

Alright, so instead of 6 million, 1.5 million jews were persecuted, deprived of civil rights, deported and killed. What's your point?

Nice rebuttal you colossal faggot, now go back to your spinning your fucking menorah you potatopancake cooking jewrat

Im atheist and think everything hitler said about the jews was true
They are parasites

What we should do is retake both Constantinople and Jerusalem. For the glory of Byzantium. Gas all the kikes and slaughter the Saracens.

>hurr white people aren't allowed to criticise Israel or Jewish power

because we respect fellow warriors
israel won the 6 day war
they earned their land fair and square

This email only says that toppling the Assad regime would benefit Israeli interests.

It doesn't say that the US is against Assad mainly for Israel's benefit. Given that the US is an ally of Israel, it makes sense to discuss the benefits to allies while discussing the war.

Did you even read the email?

>posting a infographic that you can only read half of instead of arguing
Also, I don't think the US should be funding Israel at all. I think they can do well enough by themselves. Cooperation is fine though.

>there's no good reason to dislike Israel.

Not the general population, but their government? Absolutely.

Netanyahu was shilling his ass off for America to invade Iraq. He managed to send U.S. soldiers to die for his interests. Let that sink in.

You can always spot muslim immigrants with European flags in these jew hate threads, because their posts are just bunch of raging without any real arguments. Muslims countries really haven't developed those skills, critical thinking is mostly European thing.

>spinning your fucking menorah
dreidel, you mean?

>you potatopancake cooking jewrat

>How come so many Americans support Israel?

Because the Jews control the media and Americans are born and raised being forcefed the belief that being an American patriot means you have to be a passionate Zionist.

Don't worry about it though it won't last. The Democrats are being taken over by minority groups who don't give a flying fuck about Israel - or are actively hostile to it - while the Jews as a group are too anti-White/WASP to do the rational thing and switch to the Republican Party.

They aren't really our ally. All Jews must die.

It's called brainwashing. How come so many of your women open their legs for mudslimes faggot?

>He managed to send U.S. soldiers to die for his interests
He didn't send them, congress did. That being said, I personally don't think the Iraq War was a good idea.

>were killed
Most of them died of starvation (due to food shortages) and typhus. The 15 million Germans who were expelled from Eastern Europe after the war were treated far worse, as 2.5 million of them were actually brutally murdered in various ways.

Because we hate Muslims more.

But muslims were the ones who took over Constantinople and Jerusalem, not jews. It's what caused the crusades against muslim world.

Because baby boomers are stupid