Obama final press conference
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Bye nigger.
You forgot to mention: 2 PM EST, 3 and a half hours from now.
>I uh I I I uh Trump uh I I Russians uh uh I hacked elections uh uh white people uh uh I I I *starts to cry* I uh jobs Obamacare uh I I Russians Trump
Good riddance
I spit on his legacy and his life after being the first and last black POTUS ever
Fuck off nigger
>Final press conference.
Yeah, that's what he said last time. I'm going to hold my breath.
Dude has said goodbye more than Taylor swift has been broken up with.
>implying Obama kept the lights on for them to be switched off
Obama here
I don't give a fuck what you right wing trump babbies think of me. At the end of the day, I'm leaving office having halved the deficit, killed Bin Laden, created 11.3 million jobs, restored the economy, the auto industry and passed affordable healthcare.
Ask yourself what YOU have achieved over the past 8 years, then compare it to what I have achieved as presidential. Oh, you've sat on your ass blaming everything on welfare queens and immigrants? Well done!
Obama OUT, lol.
Out, indeed :^)
>Obama's last press conference
Good day Americans. In 24 hours I'm freeing every black person from prison because racism. Don't thank me all at once.
Obama out indeed
Die in a fire.
Obama is a great man, and was a wonderful president. You're just salty that some nigger is smarter than you, better educated than you, and more powerful than you. No one will ever remember you, user, but the world will never forget Obama.
There was his final press conference of 2016, his final state of the union address, and his farewell address, and then this his final press conference as president. It's just news milking out their last months of Obama.
>Obama here
>I don't give a fuck what you right wing trump babbies think of me. At the end of the day, I'm leaving office having halved the deficit, killed Bin Laden, created 11.3 million jobs, restored the economy, the auto industry and passed affordable healthcare.
>Ask yourself what YOU have achieved over the past 8 years, then compare it to what I have achieved as presidential. Oh, you've sat on your ass blaming everything on welfare queens and immigrants? Well done!
>Obama OUT, lol.
Nah hes right
Betting he will only ask not-fox news and it will be a bunch of nice sweetheart questions like "how will your kids handle this transition"
>having halved the deficit
Fake news. He tripled the debt.
> killed Bin Laden
Arguably fake news, but he was kept alive so radical peacfulers would join organized easy to survey movements like al quaida and not chaotic ones like ISIS.
>created 11.3 million jobs
Population raise. Unempoyement % goes upbut jobs are still created.
> restored the economy
Fake news. The economy restored itself and Obama did nothing but increasing taxes.
>the auto industry
This is why Detroit is still the vibrant industrial powerhouse it used to be. Fake news.
>"affordable" healthcare
Giving more money of the working man to big pharmas and insurance compagny. Just because he force taxpayer to pay more does not mean it is affordable. Fake news.
It was pretty Obvious Bush arranged that Bin Laden be in house arrest in pakistan so he would not be a martyr and he would be monitored.
Then Obama just sent in seals and gave himself a pat on the back.
Yeah, you don't live for years in a house of the Paki secret service without the US gov knowing about that. It is obvious Bush know from the beginning where he was, but the death of Bin mean his movement divide in countless small ones and it would be a pain in the ass to spy that.
americans swapped out obama with trump.
the entire world is laughing at you.
So basically just like every press conference he's ever held. He's never answered anything other than pre-approved softball questions.
>the entire world is laughing at you.
lol who cares
Here's what will happen:
>Obama will suck himself off
>Media will clap and praise him
500$ he will be late again.
you're in for a rude awakening as to what happens when nobody wants to play ball with you. Read up on geopolitics.
My money is on this.
He will include a sentence about hate and suggest only racists like Trump.
>I'm the entire world, and my feeling reflect what will happen in the world.
stop being so butthurt
>Obama is a great man, and was a wonderful president.
no man he sucked, he attacked more whistleblowers than all other presidents combined
I don't dislike him because he was black, I dislike the lack of proper governance offered by his administration
>Read up on geopolitics.
You're in for a rude awakening when you are suddenly solely responsible for your own physical protection.
Hasn't the world been doing that since the ussr collapsed? What's funny is that more and more, we are laughing back.
inbred rednecks will stay ignorant forever.
He's been doing this for weeks now lauding his "positive press" as an example of how liked he was.
The press have been putting make up on Obama trying to make him look special when I remember 2013-2014 when he had an approval rating of under 30%
The other day I started seeing Trump articles "least popular president?" He isn't even in office yet
Get back on the cuck shed, Sven. An actual grown-up will be running the US govt by the end of this week.
don't forget to keep giving up those Nobel Peace Prizes for every American President in their 1st year of office
Ok man.
>last presidential conference ever as Trump will become a dictator that's literally Hitler
literally shaking
How many "final" things is he going to have? Something doesn't seem right
Actually, it appears the entire world is scared. And they should be.
Americas back baby.
You're a retard when it comes to global economic trading, but I expect no less from norfolk who welcome savages into their homes.
P.S. in trade there's competition, even if America became a total isolationist, which it certainly won't, people will be willing to trade with an economic powerhouse. If you want to be a whiny bitch and go "no I won't trade" there are ten other countries lined up to take your spot
yeah your protection sure is worth a lot. bunch of sand niggers with equipment older than WW2 smoked your ass
>wonderful president
He mad
"See you around motherfuckers I'm going to go home and watch Sanford and Son."
>Great man
Also it was right next to a Paki military base. It was def just done for show. He was already neutralized.
>mistaking correlation for causation.
You can only choose one.
He murdered americam citizens without a trial. That alone makes him a terrible president.
>what literally every pro Obama supporter does for 500 Trebeck?
That has to be traumatic being FORCED out of your home that your family lived in for 8 years. Where you raised your daughters. Having to pack your shit up and gtfo
Didn't he already do this in Chiraq?
Curious user here
List all the things how Obama fucked over the US
bye bye dick nose, check these sick digits
So many lists already online, lurk here longer.
Thanks, user
>Record 92,898,000 Americans over 16 years not working
Thanks, Obummer
>Lack of solidarity with Israel
>Disaster with the Arab Spring
arent you late for another alt right mandatory gay orgy?
Giving free money is not solidarity.
I'm not watching this
>*drone strike intensifies*
Obama is a house nigger to Soros
>killed Bin Laden
citation required
>he worked out for that
Murika sure does love to draw this shit out.
>doubled the deficit
>You're just salty that some nigger is smarter than you, better educated than you, and more powerful than you.
Yeah white people were never going to accept Obama.
I've seen it myself in the workplace. Let a white person find out that my salary eclipses theirs. They get PISSED. In their heads, no black person should ever be ahead of them.
Who cares? I'd rather we not interfere
Well aren't you a terribly racist individual?
This image is not complete.
>my lunch hour will be over when it starts
>he'll be like 40 minutes late anyway
Guess it's shitpost and jam our to Initial D eurobeats like usual over lunch...
It hits close to home. He has Ahmed fucking his mom while Putin is about to fuck his home.