Post books that are red pilled and develop a cultured mind.
Post books that are red pilled and develop a cultured mind
>ayn rand
Get out
>not being an ancap
Get the fuck outta pol newbag
Wasn't she Jewish!
Last book I read that comes close to "redpilled" is All quiet on the western front.
Brothers Karamazov is great in the "develop a cultured mind" section, and some of the discussions between Raskolnikov and his best friend in Crime and Punishment are redpilled af.
Greek literature bonus: definitely read The Last temptation of christ and Christ Recrucified by Kazantzakis.
>inb4 Greek ""intellectuals"".
René Guenon: The reign of Quantity and signs of the times.
St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae
Knut Hamsun: Pan
Dostoevskji: The Brothers Karamazoff, The Idiot.
Diary of a Russian Pilgrim
The Fucking Quijote
The Divine Comedy
The Prince (If You can read)
SciFi, Fantasy and Comics, partial list.
Anything and Everything written by John C Wright
Dune, by You know who
The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
As a general rule, tho, start with the greeks and work your way up.
seriously this
if you think ayn rand is redpilled gtfo you normie trash
Shit book. The fountainhead is much better
Also among comics: the phoenyx and life of buddah from Osamu Tetsuka.
Red Pilled as all fuck.
>an injection of pure, unrestrained Jew into the bloodstream
>babby's first book
What do mean (if you can read)? I gave up on the Prince about halfway into the book for whatever reason when I was 16, I think I should give it a second try.
No one in his thread who is anti-Rand has read anything she's written, but somehow know her ideology.
Selfishness is a virtue in a society dying of pathological altruism, user.
Only kikes and niggers with iq lower than 80 think that self-interest means you don't love and support others around you though.
Ayn Rand's philosophy is a good base point for anyone seeking to break free of the toxic progressive marxism that our society is drowning it. It isn't the complete answer though.
Don't just dismiss it because she's a jewess.
Because people take it litterally as an "how to" to government.
It's actually Machiavelli shitposting everyone and everything.
42nd parallel
Good recomendation as long as you recomend Nietzsche as a poet and not as a philosopher. He can't into basic syllogism but speaks to your soul and instincts and to your drive to move ever forward.
>It isn't the complete answer though.
More or less agree as long as You remember this.
ayn rand
mein kampf
also helter skelter and turner diaries
these are the alt right manifesto
Shit this thread Is a goldmine of digits
I found On the Genealogy of Morals, Twilight of Idols and, Beyond Good and Evil a wonderful deconstruction of inherent values that were passed down through the generations.
>preaches individualism
>Is a pawn in the scheme of rich jewish publishing tycoons.
>Collected massive amounts of social security benefits
Brave New World.
Ayn Rand does give the TOOLS to know the full answer. There is her philosophy, and then there is how she applied it. Don't confuse the 2.
>preaches individualism
>Is a pawn in the scheme of rich jewish publishing tycoons.
She gave men the ability to be free- them giving up their freedom is their fault, not hers.
>Collected massive amounts of social security benefits
While Rand disagreed with the system, she did pay into it. Only a modern Libertarian (iq under 70) would belief that it is possible to live a a perfectly moral life in a massively immoral world.
I consumed most of the normie/slave material long time ago burger. Delve deeper instead of defending bluepilled slave shit to us
We have enough normie garbage in the world as it is
Read the book before posting, faggot.
Just because an ideology ALLOWS a man to become a slave does not mean that it MADE him a slave.
they're well written books but they don't follow a trail of logic that makes sense.
His conclusions don't logicaly follow from the premises, mainly because he won't define the premises.
Still better than Hegel.
Those who attack her act as though they themselves are not self-interested or greedy- and that freedom is bad because man may CHOOSE to become a slave.
recently purchased
Here I have to disagree.
Ayn makes excellent work of defining her premises and following them to conclusion but her premises are limited by ignorance of certain elements (she obviously become atheist in her teens and never re-analized her knowledge beyond plebbit tier atheism, for instance) so her own philosophy is inherently limited. She can't give you the means to Go beyond her conclusions in Atlas or Fountainhead.
>Ayn Raid
Lurk more, ur faggit.
>>mere christianity
>>nicomachean ethics
Good additions
>redpilled books
>ayn rand
>tfw to intelligent too post the pic
thank you doublegreentexting Jose
download these
She wrote "Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology" in 1979, which says how man knows, long after Atlas and Fountain. I find that while her application is shaky (and her objections to Kant are based on strawmen), she does say how man SHOULD act.
Mario, actually. Italian living in Spain.
Not that I mind, actually, the Spanish are bros.
A lot of interesting reads, overall good stuff on various topics, time periods, etc.
Anything by Julius Evola and Joseph de Maistre.
I'll check it out, didn't read it.
>pretending to have read the book
Either way u r fag
I read "the fountainhead" in high school and I wanted to cry it was so bad, but I had to look like a cool intellectual infront of my peers. I don't even know what the fuck happened, he was getting sued because his design was so shitty? The story made it seem like he knew that was gonna happen but he did it anyway.
So the moral of the story is be a dick and everyone can eat it because you're a great special snowflake?
Evola Is good, gets sidetracked by bullshit tho.
The northern part or the sandnigger part?
BNW is very good and shows the other side of 1984.
Logic is for the untermensch. Why do you think (((modern))) society values it so much?
Her """""philosophy"""" is the perfect recipe for creating the perfect slave. A materialistic, selfish soulless drone who is solely ruled by the logic and reason of the intellectual mind
>inb4 "hurr durr thats not what she meant"
Keep it to yourself friend, I've interacted with normies enough already for today
It's a boring piece of shit dude, her books are too preachy and her understanding of humans is just what I'd come to expect from a Russian Jew. Bad and cruel.
>Ayn Rand got her idea of America from watching Hollywood movies. In her novel, she promoted the Russian Jew’s fantasy version of what it meant to be an American. It was, of course a caricature, but it was a caricature which spoke to the deepest aspirations of deracinated second-generation ethnics. The irony, of course, was that in her desire to assimilate, Ayn Rand proposed as the ideal American a caricature of the avaricious Jew.
More true than 1984.
I tried to read this as a young adult but got bored and stopped after only a few pages.
Hearing about it afterwards it is probably because I'd already been there done that and moved on before I heard of Ayn Rand.
The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich Hayek.
Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl.
Flame away on the second book. But read it anyway.
try harder newbag
Atlas Shrugged is now lads. Rand's pinky finger was more red-pilled than any shitposter on Sup Forums, shadilay.
Do we need a dose of Starship Troopers to avert extinction?
>, he was getting sued because his design was so shitty
He was getting sued because he destroyed the building that started out with his plans (but did not follow them to the end), which is Rand's analogy for previous philosophies.
Agreed. Ayn Rand is very redpilled, even though there are flaws in her ideology. Saying that it is redpilled doesn't mean the full scale endorsement of every single one of her beliefs.
The fundamental premise is important; live life for yourself, do not be tied down by the inferior people, who would force you to live entirely for their sake. You have to break free of the thought that doing what is good for you is somehow mean; doing what is best for you is what moves the human race forwards.
Does this count?
>St. Thomas Aquinas: Summa Theologiae
he was mocking italians with that title, right?
Thanks, man, I had actually been looking for a few of those books
Book of the New Sun was really a unique experience for me. It felt like the book was actually from that world (future?) and I somehow had acquired a copy of it.
I laugh my ass off at Aliester Crowley's liberal fans, if they actual read his material they'd realize he's redpilled as fuck.
I found Camus overly hedonistic and nihilistic. The Stranger was a good read, though.
Tuscany, the Texas of Italy If Texas was full of SJWs as much as of armed separatists. It's a funny place.
Highly recommend Brave New World. The sexual aspect is very interesting.
>Her """""philosophy"""" is the perfect recipe for creating the perfect slave.
>mfw Turkroach understands
Have never seen the movies, don't give a rat's ass about them, but the book is an excellent discourse on political philosophy disguised as a "American Boy's Big Book of Lasers and Blowing Shit Up."
>>Logic Is for the untermensch
Tipical Roach.
>Her """""philosophy"""" is the perfect recipe for creating the perfect slave. A materialistic, selfish soulless drone who is solely ruled by the logic and reason of the intellectual mind
Without logic/reason, one is an animal. Animals get ruled.
>Materialistic, selfish
Is it possible to live without being selfish (No, it's not).
And she does not preach materialism- per Rand, "each relationship has its own type of currency."
The Fountainhead is pretty solid, desu.
How is wanting laissez-faire capitalism being red pilled?
>> self-serving
>> slave
Self serving's called being a human, autists.
The first movie is great. It's a big gory action movie done in Verhoeven's tongue-in-cheek style as in Robocop.
Really not much to do with the novel, although there are a few scenes of Rico in his moral philosophy class that touch on the novel's themes.
He's an obvious troll.
I did read that huge, poorly written behemoth. Rand and Objectivism are a textbook example of the Jewish intellectual cult described in Culture of Critique. It's scary how similar her clique was to Freud's and Boaz's.
I'd answer ironicaly but I honestly don't understand What You mean
the real redpill is to realise they were both right
and that what both of them wrote about is happening at this very moment
The ultimate redpill.
This is great analysis. My girlfriend had zero idea of anything politically so I put her on to Ayn Rand and it completely re-framed her mind in a direction away from progressive cancer she had been fed in society. She was much more accepting of red pills when no longer dug in to leftist ideology.
>Total individualism is redpilled
>indulging in everything that's self serving
>sex, pleasure & consumerism
>not a slave
>A materialistic, selfish soulless drone
Like every woman, she is unable to think and generate a original thought.
She read some text about classic liberlism and libertariansm or her father taught her.
She went full autism and created a social hierarchy that favors people with this traits.
>Im a ugly girl
>beautiful women get all the good men
>new boyfriend is into libertarism and shit
>time to manipulate my new social group
>create a new social hierarchy model
>ut myself to the elite cluster of the new social hierarchy i created
Only beta faggots support Ayn Rand, because they want some old necro pussy.
Well that is true, Camus does not in a sense see meaning in life but he is not a nihilist for he chooses to struggle and live his life in spite of apparent hopelessness and indifference of the universe.
Hedonism is in my opinion on of the only reasonable meanings one can find.
Just watch the shills who equate "self serving" to "being a slave to others." Literally retarded.
You first
Yeah, I hear good things, I just am not that interested. I am pleased if the movie spurs anyone to go back and read the book, though because of its intended audience, if you are over about 12 you have to take that into account when reading it.
The Admiral is amazing; even when he goes Full Retard, he does it in a way that non-ironically makes you think about WHY what you just read is retarded.
Exactly. That book Is gold.
On starship troopers: I love how assblasted liberals get at it's mere mention.
>>Being a slave to oneself.
>mfw Burger does not know the definition of slave, in that one cannot be a slave to onself.
You are either a moron, or very, very clever.
Ty, Also got this one
>Anything by Ayn Rand
Underage b&
A little bit barebones but I'd recommend the following:
>For historical perspective but not to necessarily follow the thoughts per se
The Republic, by Plato
Ethics, by Aristotle
The Odyssey, by Homer
The Aeneid, by Virgil
Consolations of Philosophy, by Boethius
Some Seneca
Medieval philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas and St Augustine
Torah, Bible and Quran (so you can see how bluepilled they are)
Some Hegel, but be warned he's a massive autist
Fear and Trembling, by Kierkegaard
Some Schopenhauer (try to read through this one with as much ironic distance as possible, it contains some of the cringiest anti-women/turbovirgin/mommy issues stuff you'll read)
The Prince, by Machiavelli
Inferno (and other parts of the Divine Comedy if you wish), by Dante Alighieri
You can add some Islamic and Far Eastern philosophy such as Rumi (which is more mysticist than Islamic per se), Lao Tzu, Confucius and Buddhist stuff (e.g. Tibetan book of the dead) if you like to spice it up and get different perspectives
>The actual stuff
Meditations, by Marcus Aurelius (this is THE book to see how a great man should live, don't confuse it with Descartes' meditations which is autism)
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, by Wittgenstein (quite dense and extremely difficult in a subtle way, took me years to appreciate)
Critique of Pure Reason, by Kant (I don't know if Hegel or Kant is a bigger autist though)
Ethica, by Spinoza
Thus Spake Zarathustra, by Nietzsche
>Bonus round, not for necessarily life guidance but to educate yourself
History of Sexuality, by Foucault
The Second Sex, by Simone de Beauvoir
Rest of the French psychoanalytic faggots if you like/have too much time on hand (i.e. Lacan, Derrida etc)
I'd also highly recommend educating yourself on the natural sciences and math
Woke af brit.
I recognize the image but It's all blurry.