Swedes hate fins

Why do sweden People love everyone else exept finns and russians? Is It because they are jealous? They always take shit from everyone else but when finns beat them In media or hockey swedes get buttblasted

>You can always deceive yourself. Except when someone rubs the truth into your face.
I think that is the reason.

>beat them In media

What the hell do you mean with this? Plus, your hockey teams have been garbage lately. We won't have a problem with them anymore.

My mother loves Marimekko textiles.

Sweden hates all its neighbours.

All its neighbours hate sweden.

As it always have been.

I meant when We critisize you In media.
>buttblasting detected btw

Ohh. Well I've never heard of your media talk shit about Sweden. Maybe we just dont report that because who gives a fuck. We have won more hockey cups than Finland has, who cares.

In my personal experience Swedes hate absolutely everyone, especially Danes.

And your media is always putting its nose into finlands business. Keep away before We wall you out of our Country, We dont need your stupid shit. Exept ikea, but technically its a finnish company anyway

Perkeles vittusvear

I love Finland! Both my wife's parents came here from Finland during the late 70's and both our children are finnish citizens and are taught both Swedish and Finnish.
I just took our 2 year old son to bathe his first sauna, because he is Finn I thought It would be appropriate to have him relate to his roots!
When he's 18 I'm going to ship him of to the Finnish armed forces since Swedish cuck Forces are not worthy, If he turns into a reality denying leftist cunt, I'm gona fool him into just going for a vacation and then use the awesome laws to force him to attend!
Finland and Sweden are one in my book, but the separation is good! I love you my brothers!

>The satanic Kike strikes again with weak D&C

Its good that there are fine swedes left and it warms my heart. I hope you can save your country

I think swedes hate swedes the most. Just look at their country, that shit only comes from deep despise and hatred.

As a Swede I know nothing aboit Finland except that ur hockey team sucks even though its ur national sport.

They're jealous of your diversity, you're a white country full of asians after all.

>quite salty :^)

No, all neighbors hate Sweden but Sweden doesnt give a fuck about any of you. Thats just what makes you even more mad. Sweden is too big and glorious for you bitches.

Dat salt tho

Btw Sweden has 2 Olpymic Golds in hockey, 2nd most in tbe world after Russia. Finland has zero. Finlands hockey team is completely irrelevant.

Oh btw, how does it feel to be forced to learn Swedish in school? Talk about being cucked.

I am not id 44. Theres a Polak writing here too.

Sweds are fags

I meant to say 2nd best after Canada. Russia also has zero gold medals. Theyre even worse than Finland.

>swedish damage control : the thread

Sweden got shit on by Russia historically so those nigger kuks are salty

Btw if not finns Sweden would be part of russian empire

this is accurate

Of course she likes it, Sweedcucks have shit taste

We don't hate you, but you are rightful clay

Asked a Swedish girl what she thought about Finns, and whether they were like Irish to Anglos (i.e. low-tier alchos). She said with disgust that they don't talk to Finns and don't associate with Finns. Realised they really do despise and look down on you guys.

And if not for Russia, we would've been a part of Sweden. Thanks Lenin

No we dont. All nordic countries are übermensch

Sweden is not ethnically Nordic anymore.
It will soon be a Muslim country
>Det Nya Landet