This is why the white race is doomed
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Just don't date fat women
So American has thick women while Third World has lady boys?
1 vag vs 2 penises.
No competition here.
ill take ladyboys over lena dunham 10/10 times
Because of women? I agree.
That women is not fat. OP is making the point that women are whoring themselves, both for validation (left pic) and for money (right pic).
More like, this is why America is doomed.
>An American
That's a Jew not an American
Kek. This.
Alt-fag, everyone!
I'll take lady boys over the vaginal jew ANY day.
Those are female prostitutes.
Why because we don't have enough ladyboys?
afraid I gotta agree
>That women is not fat
Nigga she fat af.
>>Has thigh gap.
>>Is fat.
Pick one.
>not fat
Lena DumbHAM is most certainly fat as fuck.
I imagine Lena's vagina must be absolutely putrid.
Disgusting woman, deserves the ovens.
>>Has thigh gap.
>>Is fat.
Pick one, and stop projecting AmeriFat.
Even ham hocks curve in a little bit, you stupid maple syrup.
Burger beauty
It's no wonder Americans are being outbred when your women's bodyfat is too low to be fertile.
Those aren't women
I want to destroy lenas vag forever
Says the Cucknadian.
I'm with you on this one.
White women belong to brown men.
Not All Canadians Are Like That (NACALT).
Eastern Canada is like CommieFornia/NY combined. Western Canada is alpha.
ironic thing about this memepost is that it's a real life issue too.
You live below sea level. You are literally below me.
Americans are either too fat or too skinny. And most of the time the females are too skinny, get married, then become too fat within 2 years.
Women need to constantly and endlessly be reminded that fat is not attractive.
>That women is not fat.
For you
Bet you would not mind some meat on the bones when your banks start collapsing. RemindMe! 2 months.
You don't understand, because american women are SO fat, the ones that are average, get treated like 8-9s. Every. Single. Day. I keep saying, "come on, she is average, she looks like an average young woman." "No, look at her, just look at her, "etc. It's almost like native born American's simply don't know that in many third world countries, young women look like the "8-9s" here do in bunches. Except they don't over-do the make up, which I fucking hate overdone make up.
us Citizen immigrant here.
She is pretty fucking fat m8. I wouldn't bat an eyelid for a 60 year old woman to look like that, but its not right on a 30 year old.
Jews aren't white
Fucking Americans want their women hairless and fatless. Sounds like you want to fuck pre pubescent boys IMHO.
>white race
ralely mad erme ghink
White woman vs Asian tranny
who wins
No we're doomed as a result of dismissed values and a lack of pride. The world isn't a farting rainbow with unicorns coming out of its ass.