TIL One of the main streets in Berlin is named after Karl Marx
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It was named in 1947 by americas regime
burgers named it. really makes you think.
Soon will be named after an imam
Oh shit, OP BTFO
Shouldnt have chimped out and declare war on us ahmeds
Yeah, it used to be East Germany, you complete moron.
That is a lot of green for such shitty looking zone.
Top tier urban planning.
petition to change the name niggers
So why don't they change it? Oh that's right because Karl Marx is Germany's idol.
so what? they also have multiple huge monuments for their old enemies in the middle of city
>street named after marx
>can probably buy and wear marxist/communist propaganda and maybe just get a weird look occasionally
>any mention of nazism and hitler is outlawed
First thing you see after passing by the Brandenburg Gate is the US Embassy.
Rly forces you to consider who's ruling over Berlin.
How can one city be so cucked?
Karl Marx was a German with a significant impact on world history. Why shouldn't they name a street after him?
pay debts
This is what the IRA did to monuments they thought were shit in Dublin.
Hitler was a German with a significant impact on history, why shouldn't they allow teaching about Nazism?
Lel I bet they don't even devastate their monuments dedicated to Soviet war criminals before taking them down.
i like you
>Hitler was a German
>IL One of the main streets in Berlin is named after Karl Marx
Those buildings you see on the photo have been made into nice, semi-luxurious apartments.
On the right side of the roundabout (masked be the buildings in front of it) is a really good, really nice and modern Italian restaurant.
Karl-Marx-Allee is the ironic embodiment of capitalism.
Austria is part of Germany!
Yea but didn't they replace it with an even shittier glass rod?
Get the fuck out reddit I swear to god
What was wrong with pillar btw? Was it built in honor of a Brit?
If you find THAT cucked, you'll love this
yeah, Rosa Luxemburg too (a street and an U-Bahn station), and they even have Allee der Kosmonauten
Yeah it's pretty cucked, since it's filled with Marxists anyway they don't mind all that gommie shit
>you'll love this
And you might wanna hold on to your tits for this one
It was to honour brit navy commander Horatio Nelson, what they replaced it with aint much better
I'm so sorry for what happened to your country
How much of a chimpout would Merkel have if someone projected the German flag on that?
Germany was a mistake.
Yea that looks gay as shit, couldn't they honor an Irishman to replace it?
Why did they build that in Dublin, I know it was still part of Britain, was Nelson an IrishProd or something?
Implying that they declared war on you.
FDR was a fucking kike
Erected in honor of the guy who invented vaccines perhaps?
Hitler had been ambivalent towards the USA prior to 1941, even praising FDR in some parts, but nearly as soon as the USA formally joined the war with the allies he declared war.
>I'm so sorry for what happened to your country
Hey, it's ok, don't feel bad.
>How much of a chimpout would Merkel have if someone projected the German flag on that?
She'd literally start WW3 over it.
Your face was a mistake.
Nope. He had nothing to do with Ireland, just the brits being a bunch of cunts flexing their muscles here.
It was to honored the turn of the millennium, how it does that I'm still not sure
He was also a liar. "Oh I won't bomb Rome, I swear" proceeds to bomb Rome. He also didn't warn Hawaii about the japs. FDR is worse than Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.
Typed in German couple into Google and this came up
Germany please, make it stop
>Germany please, make it stop
I know, right? She's kind of ugly. I bet she doesn't even have a penis.
After the US formally joined the war. What makes you think that isn't akin to the US declaring war?
I had a feeling that's what you were into Germany.
Feelings are for faggots, though.
>exterminate your men
>rape your women and children
>burn your homes
>destroy everything that you ever even knew
>turn your entire landscape into a giant crater
>crush your nation so completely and thoroughly that it effectively ceases to exist in any meaningful way - an act of genocide
>build monuments to yourself in their city, with their stones and their (slave) labour
>force their rape baby descendants pray at the altar of their own destruction
It's pretty fucked up really, when you think about it. It's the most brutal cucking of all time.
Seeing as you are gay, are you happy Syrians are being bused in to sexual please your women?
>Karl Marx
He was a kike
>are you happy Syrians are being bused in to sexual please your women?
Of course not. I want them to get bused in so they can sexually (it's "sexually", not "sexual", adverbs matter) please me too, and I find it pretty sexist that they don't.
ameriniggers are cultural cancer
No Hitler declared war a few days after Pearl Harbor, US declared war because Hitler did.
What ever makes you happy Germany, good thing the German people at least won't exist in the next 100 years
>good thing the German people at least won't exist in the next 100 years
Don't be so pessimistic, make it 20 years.
Adolf Hitler's bunker is sealed off for "good reason". Why is this?
10 mins into "refugees are welcome here" and she gives you that look
>and she gives you that look
Well, not YOU specifically seeing how you're in Irishman and she'd probably reject you, like most women.
Congrats, you just dodged another vagina.
Fuck the USA. You should have stayed out of it.
The USA was quite happy to sit there and watch the Nazis murder British and Canadian civilians in cold blood (and help them get away with it) for months.
Then when the USA finally rushes in to "help", you end up ruining the entire continent in the long term.
And when Churchill wanted to stop the Soviets before they even really got started (which would have prevented the Cold War and the nuclear arms race, potentially saving the entire planet), the faggot American military leadership (Patton and friends) had nothing but rude things to say about Britain.
Eat shit, 60%. Thanks for nothing.
The German women take anything and everything that is not white male.They are programmed by
(((them))) to think like that since the 1930's.
>The German women take anything and everything that is not white male.
So you admit you aren't white.
I'm white, I think you missed the joke that I was implying that she was giving refugees that look
So now you ARE white?
Please make up your mind, you're really starting to risk your credibility and reputation here.
The US did gave you Anglos some equipment and shit. The eternal Amerifat.
>risk your credibility and reputation here
>Sup Forums
God forbid.
At least you aren't cut. Probably. Who knows.
I think it's high time you stopped focusing on other mens penises and start getting those German birthrates up beifre it's too late, unless it already is.
Absolutely disgusting, and I'm actually triggered now.
I'll pass.
You must be retarded, if you don't know stuff like this. This boulevard represents the foremost GDR architectural and cityscapping project, originally Stalinallee, later renamed for Karl Marx.
I live very close by.