What's up with all you fags thinking it's cool and edgy to be racist? When in reality it makes you look ignorant as fuck. News flash the Nazis would've killed you too! How you degenerates think Hitler would've agreed with you or your lifestyles is astonishing. God damn quasi intellectuals. You've done nothing to lift humanity let alone your race but you talk about white pride and being the master race, like you actually picked your race it wasn't completely left up to chance. There's nothing wrong with being proud but you're not better than anyone especially if you're a racist piece of shit that thinks a billionaire business man has your best intentions at heart.
What's up with all you fags thinking it's cool and edgy to be racist...
Other urls found in this thread:
>the nazis would have killed you too
*citation needed*
Let me guess you think I'm black and it's witty to call me a gorilla? You proving my point. That's a basic ass joke that took no effort and isn't funny at all.
>muh talking points
Ignorant of what? Using "ignorant" in your fashion is negroid idiom.
Why would German National Socialists kill me?
How do you know what anyone else here has done?
You just sound not all there.
>like you actually picked your race it wasn't completely left up to chance.
There is 0 chance that I myself would have been born as any other race than my own. Which vagina you pop out of is not a lottery, it's a result of who your parents are.
Well you confirmed it with that post.
I agreed with you until you made it political, sometimes the best choice for the future isn't the best choice right now
Seriously though either you fuckers have horrible parents that raised you very poorly, your really fucking ignorant or you're not really racist and just want to be edgy either way it's pathetic. You work a 9-5 and pay taxes like everyone else then give the rest of your money to huge corporations that convince you to buy shit you don't need. YOU ARE A SLAVE! to the rich YOU TOO ARE A NIGGER! stop spreading the racial divide and become a useful part of the fight.
So you picked your parents? How?
Race war when?
Of what, I ask again?
You honestly sound like a negro.
This image Is actual redpill. Too bad you don't understand how, and Why it means death to the liberal status quo
No idiot, my parents picked me.
If my parents were both Chinese or something, I would not BE me.
Yea I couldn't be Asian or middle Eastern decent or anything else right? You're making assumptions
the Nazis would've killed you too!
A reasonable assumption based on your manner of speech and what you get touchy about.
Im pretty fucking sure the nazi's wouldnt have killed me but used me to breed.
I'm not a liberal. The picture means what it says. There's nothing wrong with preserving your race or being proud of your race but don't discourage others from doing the same.
They'd never admit it, because they can't do anything about it, but literally every single non-white wants to be white.
For obvious reasons.
I like Sup Forums mostly because I'm against generations of broken families talking shit about being victims and making careers of it
I just want people to be able to do real productive work and stop their bitching that somehow gets rewarded
Christian values reinforce this
Based on my manner of speech? How can you determine my race by the way I type? You've never heard me speak.
True nationalistic white men kill and beat asian women so they white women like me will like them
Fuck minorities and get off this board plebbit fag
I'm not white and have no desire to be. At most I wish I wasn't American.
Then leave and get citizenship for whichever african shithole you wanna be the KANG of. You can leave at ANY TIME
I have "heard" you type.
>You [are] proving my point.
>basic ass
Those are American black mannerisms.
Ummmmm what?
agree, lets all preserve our races by staying in our own countries and habitats.
Niggers can preserve the race in africa eating shit or whatever they do there without running water.
Us white people can preserve our race in civilization with air conditioning, cars,swimming pools, tv etc.
You are 100 percent correct.
>There's nothing wrong with preserving your race or being proud of your race but don't discourage others from doing the same.
Then all the Arabs and blacks should get out of Europe.
>left up to chance.
no, i am my race
it's not just something you choose, or something you get assigned by chance. it's something so deep inside it is inseparable from who and what you are
Please don't reply to this fucking thread Sup Forums
just sage and hide.
What said.
Just like gender :)
Why? Can white people only appreciate and preserve their race when no other ones are around?
OP is a FUCKING RACIST, how dare you suggest that white DEVILS deserve preservation !
Ya think reddit would get bored of posting the same shit everyday. But alas, brainwashing spells don't wear out, and must be broken. If you're still in there OP. Please seek out professional help
I'm only racist towards pakis.
Fuck asian women
So you're suggesting that each race go back to their part of the globe and act like whites didn't destroy their culture and often times commit genocide?
>Can white people only appreciate and preserve their race when no other ones are around?
It's not quite that cut and dried, but pretty much.
Think Hitler would keep a bunch of NEETs alive?
Get out of this board nip, white people only
>So you're suggesting that each race go back to their part of the globe
That would be ideal.
>and act like whites didn't destroy their culture and often times commit genocide
Entirely unrelated.
How masterful is a race who's preservation and pride depends on the death and condemnation of every other race?
What cultures were destroyed?
Nips are fine
Just no African or Mudlsime flags.
It says harassment!
>it makes you look ignorant as fuck
Actual knowledge might seem like ignorance to those who themselves lack it. Earth is round and niggers are inferior.
>News flash the Nazis would've killed you too!
They wouldn't. We were their allies and would have probably had it far better than those who weren't
>your race it wasn't completely left up to chance.
It was indeed. Life is not fair. Some are born human, some cockroaches. Some are born niggers. Very sad.
>There's nothing wrong with being proud
I couldn't agree more
>but you're not better than anyone especially if you're a racist piece of shit
I am better than most of my own race, I'm far better than almost all niggers. I'm a racist too, but that does not make me a piece of shit. It makes me a realist and wiser than most. And that says a lot about the sad state of our civilization. I just hope people like you won't be in charge for long.
Are you not familiar with apartheid?
Living a respectful distance apart from one another is death and condemnation?
Rather, if it works. By definition.
What is the niggers heritage? I get the asian, but what about the niggers?
Hitler would make them breed by making woman have some fucking GOD DAMN RESPECT FOR THEMSELVES and being CHILD BEARERS!
Now i know you are a nigger.Apartheid didnt destroy cultures
Do your research, fucko.
I can feel KANGS coming on...
What was/is the culture of African blacks, and how does living apart from another race affect it?
Welcome to Sup Forums, now get the fuck out!
How does disliking someone based solely on their skin color make you smarter than most? And the comment about race being up to chance was a typo of course it is. You clearly weren't smart enough to catch that while others were so you might not be as smart as you think.
Kill the niggers, kikes, and towel heads!
There would be no NEETs .
There would be no way for people to become NEETs.
Cultural Marxism creates NEETs.
Ya fuckin NEET.
>the nazis would have killed you too
nice try nigger nice try
He thought gold medals for the ampunt of children a woman had would convince her to breed.
Unironically. His plan was doomed to fail.
You are bring very, VERY simplistic and reductionist. It's naturally not just about skin-color, that's not even important really, it's just chance that the low-IQ, low-impulse control races happen to have dark pigment.
confirmed for a goog
It's not cool or edgy.
It's correct thinking.
You have to be a fucking retard to look at the nigger population and go, "There's no fundamental problem with them as a whole, that's just racist whitey hate speech. They're just good people who are underprivileged" while a nigger rapes your wife and steals your car.
You mean where Johannesburg in its conception was 200 miles away from any nigger village but just because a nigger is around they have to have what others have. Which the COVET! WHY? Because a nigger can see things they want which there nigger shit race cannot create or WORK APPROPRIATELY FOR? Because a nigger shows up who had nothing to do with the building of a community or Gov. but a nigger NOW WANTS TO BE FUCKING NIGGER KING!
of course that is what it is..... because you niggers are to fucking stupid to realize you don't even deserve half the shit you got already!
Their is no such thing as racism. Just hating what you're supposed to naturally hate!
Stupid fucking protected species entitled fucking god damn nigger shit! BE GRATEFUL BABOON!!!
>entirely unrelated
Let's not be TOO English eh?
Can't have cake and eat it too.
Whites got what whites wanted, they took over the world. Congratulations.
Now that they've wrested control from the natives they want to bitch about how shitty the natives are without ever giving them a real chance to be non shitty.
Wew lads.
Every culture and heritage deserves to live, but I want to be surrounded by the culture of my own nation, not those of foreign states.
>How does disliking someone based solely on their skin color make you smarter than most?
>solely on their skin color
>And the comment about race being up to chance was a typo of course it is. You clearly weren't smart enough to catch that while others were so you might not be as smart as you think.
Learn to read.
hitler wouldn't even have killed a halfblood like me
he has no reason to
i could marry a cute white aryan gf and the state would probably approve
as far as I know
our children would even be considered aryan
A nigger would be on welfare. Being a wageslave is levels above being a nigger.
>without ever giving them a real chance to be non shitty
When we were in charge these places actually worked. The absolute worst thing we did to many of these places was leave.
But it's the post war paradigm now, and running other people's countries for them is no longer cool. Which is fine, so long as it's not one rule for me and one rule for thee.
THAT is trying to have your cake and eat it.
>not an argument
oh yeah, and
>News flash the Nazis would've killed you too
idc, I'm not german and I'm not advocating for german supremacy.
I'm just not fucking blind, so I can actually see the difference between civilized, sophisticated white society that encourages growth and progress, and barbaric nigger civilization that only breeds destruction.
>wrested control from
>not absolutely btfoing the natives from their own homeland
>implying the natives weren't shitty tribesmen when the Europeans arrived
True. Any neets would be able to work an infrastructure job, but if they just plain out refused to work they'd starve to death.
>" If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
-Lyndon Baines Johnson
If you posted thatpic on normiebook youd immediately be ostracized as racist
You mad, üntermensch?
>mfw I agree with her meme
>mfw she doesn't realise I believe races and traditions are valuable and should be preserved
>mfw she doesn't realise that means they have to be kept separate
Welcome cunt now tell me how my people would've been worse off under fascism,without russia raping and destroing our country and with literally no gypsys.Because that would've happened if the geemans won ww2.That is what made me hardcor natsoc and i will stay like that till the day i die and there is nothing you can do about it faggot.
Yeah and your KIKE media said Hitler snubbed Jessie Owen When even Jessie in his 1970 autobiography said Hitler had at least waved to him.
You're a slav. You'd have ended up in the oven.
I dont hate all races I just think whites should not be a minority in their countries
Only race I hate is niggers but at the end of the day I more feel sorry that they were born that way and just want to stay seperate for them
Basically I believe in your pic except niggers did basically fuck all for culture and heritage until they got to countries run by other races
If they refused, they'd be sent to a camp with a black triangle.
>Let me guess you think I'm black and it's witty to call me a gorilla? You proving my point. That's a basic ass joke that took no effort and isn't funny at all.
>Uses nigger speak like "basic ass"
>not a nigger
Pick one jungle bunny
That little guy with the hat is really adorable
Hi Shill. Tell your jew master you need a coffee break.
How does it feel knowing the bvil racists are winning the culture war right now.
1. Not a NEET
2. Hitler was one at one point homeless because the economy was absolute shit when and where he grew up
3. Under national socialism there would be work available for everyone. If there is work available that actually pays enough to live on and you make the choice to sit on the ass instead of working I couldn't care less what happens to you
Nah. I don't hate you. I think you should be in Africa. The only racial divide I need is the entirety of the Atlantic ocean. You have to go back.
Slav.....Romainia...american education at its fines for 1,for 2 there were quite a few slav countries under germany and none suffered,they did not hate slavs they hated commies and from what my grandfather told me about the Russian soldiers that passed raped and pillaged they were uneducated,stupid,starved and almost animalic people so....
Every culture > Black culture
Black culture is just tribal hunting + testosterone.
You and your nihilistic generation are truly the worst that America has ever spawned. Karma is a bitch my man. It's like litterring in your neighborhood. At the end of the day you have to live in the world of lies and hate that you have created for yourself.
Of course, considering that he himself was one at a point and especially when there's people working in the industry or soldiers needed.
Who do you think you're going to convince with that baseless fearmongering, user?
When will you realize that it's always a cause and effect, whites are becoming racist en masse due to the obvious double standards against them. That OP pic is true, but when it comes to white heritage, everyone calls it racist and evil and that whites should be destroyed. No wonder why people are becoming actual racists
>quote about blacks and whites
>I never said a thing about race
A nigger is any and every useless person in a nation, this includes everyone on welfare, I do not care for their race or their heritage, they're niggers and scum and should definitely be killed off. Being a wageslave is levels above being a nigger, or if you want it politically correct, levels above being on welfare.
Well if every race stayed in their own part of the world there'd be no genocide?
And also are you trying to say that we deserve to be flooded because of something a small minority of whites did way in the past? I didn't participate in any fucking genocide and neither did my family ancestors
>race is just skin colour
Rev up the infographics boys