Daily reminder
>same species
Daily reminder
slide thread. we had this talk already. every. fucking. day.
>what's the difference?
well these morphs are actually really bad, because they all AVERAGE out the faces i.e. make them look more attractiev and similar
pic related is a proper comparison of all living races
i enjoy the super racist leaf posts
wtf i'm a racist now
Didn't know English women were so hot.
Welcome to anthropology
Where everyone is racist but, has to keep quiet about it
Day of the Rake soon leafnigger
Fixed after 6 gorillion hours in paint
elaborate on your pic
Reminder: not same species.
Not smae species
>what is a species
you wish leaf
i'm black but my face is like the two on the left
Germany is a cutie
You are probably blessed with some European genes from a coal burner or two down the line, which is likely why you can form a cohesive sentence that isn't ooga booga ebonics.
France looks really nice
Black american's typically have european ancestry
nice one poland
I like the English broad.
Get a 23and Me and then realize that jungle fever happened before Spike Lee had a brain cell to compose his tripe.
Then suffer the sudden realization that most of that occurred white male to black female.
And Europeans are the descendents of Africans, so you're blessed with African genes.
OK. So black people typically look like or don't they? Make up your mind.
Daily reminder Apes are not white people
welll look at pic related, on the left you can see a predominantly robust and progressive ethiopid , and on the right you can see a ethiopid + sudanid and other primitive admixtures
also their haircuts are funny as hell tbqh
She's aight but blondes aren't my thing, Med women are the best.
Depends, if you look a somolian skull, they have arabian mix and a more prominent prefontal cortex.
West africans will look like the pic you linked. (With 0- to little % european ancestry) What do you not understand?
African Americans are not pure african.
Do you under evolution? We do share genes obviously . Europeans developed new more advance brains, negros never did. A white mixing with an undeveloped nig is gifting them with our evolutionary advancements.
Is this concept too complicated for IQ80's?
so yea, letting the left guy in wont really ruin much, maybe even improve your population to some degree because his type is very rare, but most negroids are closer to the right guy and even worse in many regards and just a downgrade in every aspect
pic related is a comparison chart of progressive vs primitive vs infantile traits
>All those dark brown eyes.
What a shame.
You really think saying it like that is going to prove your point?
He's just going to call you a racist asshole. Do not insult someone who is learning about themselves.
>predominantly robust and progressive ethiopid , and on the right you can see a ethiopid + sudanid and other primitive admixtures
where do you learn the terms?
>hurr anthropology
Is there a source that lays these out nice and neat?
same species, different breed.
you wouldn't call a german shepherd a poodle, would you?
these dogs are both the same subspecies, you don't know fuck all about taxonomy m8
Try this,
We are the same species, but we are mad up of different sub-species that were evolving in different ways. Over the course of thousands of years, we would have became a different species
Idgaf about some nig ''''learning''''
Are you implying that a sculpture of the face is somehow more significant than the spiritual rune scripture? Are you implying scandanavians are somehow the pinnacle of white intelligence? The entire modern world is based off of white innovation monkey boy
>tfw pale skin and blue eyes
Would throw away my genetics for a brown-eyed swarthy Frenchwoman who reeks of garlic 2bh.
dude this is a battle u cant fight on here
the best english physical anthropology source is Carleton S. Coon , harvard prof until his death 1981
if you speak German then read : Rassenkunde und Rassengeschichte der Menschheit , by Egon v. Eickstedt ,
these two were also "non racist" kind of guys, like most physical anthropologists btw.
if you want some lesser rigorous , but more romantic and esoteric stuff, read works of F.K . Günther , who is focussed mainly on the nordid race
Bertil Lundman is also good, but he is often inaccurate and wrong , and makes a lot more errors than Coon (Lundman would completely change his map of race distributions almost every year or half year often)
pic related is an old and rather inaccurate distribution map of Lundman
>spiritual rune scripture
It's just some crude stone scratchings. The African bronze sculpture could be actually called art.
So then is pointless.
>Do you under evolution?
>Europeans developed new more advance brains, negros never did. A white mixing with an undeveloped nig is gifting them with our evolutionary advancements.
Based on this comment I think it's you who hasn't studied evolution seriously to any degree. Sounds like you've copied talking points from Sup Forums without doing any independent research. I wouldn't expect anything more from you though.
We're not swarthy, I'm white as snow
Middle class English women are hot, Working class slags are abhorrent
>who could be behind the post dividing whites
lmao, so you are just trying to argue? It DEPENDS because YOU use the term "black". which is wrong. Africa has more than one ethnic/racial group and it isn't "black".
Race is more than skin color
Why don't you post pictures of blacks who have huge heads just like scandis instead of cherry picking because posting cherry picked meme tier images might make some think you have a little man/inferiority complex leaf.
Honestly, if Brown Eyes weren't so dominate I wouldn't mind olive colored skinned women.
An olive colored woman with blue/green eyes would be pretty god tier.
I agree that the Romans were more advanced what's your point?
I don't but I have first hand experience around negroes enough to know that they are beyond retarded. And they all have dunning-kreuger syndrome making them think that they're geniuses.
you know these blacks that have progressive features exist BUT they are on average MUCH less common and most importantly they WERENT bred for it
if you just took a black person randomly and add them to almost any country in Asia or Europe they would be a downgrade , im not saying this because I hate blacks but because they are on average the most primitive subraces
scandis (scandonordids) and other races like f.e. north-indides were literally bred to dominate others by looking more dominant
pic related is a progressive aethiopid
Like somalis? They're arabian/jewish mix. Hell even their skin color shows that.
just what I said. but isn't the more important part that somalis are mixed with non africans?
Goddamn I'd fuck the shit out of that ethiopian chick.
Ethiopians are the most white black people on Earth in the sense that they have none of those abnormal monkey facial/bone structures. If you paint them white, you'd never know they were niggers.
someone pls make france black
well not necessarily, arabids are generally gracile mediterranids (metrically) with very dolichocephalic and narrow faces and narrow hooknoses (extreme hooknoses are bad, but convex tendencies are progressive)
"Convex noses are somewhat more common among males, masculine-progressive types even, especially in comparison to concave, which is more often associated with females or infantile-feminine types in general.
ethiopids (which somalis also belong to mostly) are really their own type, and not necessarily a result of mixture , the problem is is that they look similar but ethiopids are more robust (more boney, taller, more mature body type)
im not saying that mixture doesnt/didnt happen though, its always hard to say without a side profile since the transition between arabid to ethiopid can be quite fluent
he could be arabid+ethiopid, he could be ethiopid (progressive) with some reduced berberid
f.e. in pic related the guy on the left is almost 100% not mixed, hes extremely progressive , if his body proportions fit aesthetically to his skull , you could call him a nordiform aethiopid
Yeah I was thinking of the Somalis and Ethiopia. Also regarding their skin color, it's practically the same tone which the ancient Egyptians had, were they race mixed?
>inb4 muh r1b admixture
There's a tribe in Africa with almost just as much r1b as some Irish/Celtic people who have the most of it in the world.
How is that inaccurate? Looks pretty spot on for me. A lot of things in Coon's work are inaccurate as well. He distributes Alpines and Mediterraneans very randomly for example and his pigmentation maps are not very good either. At least that map doesn't make that mistake and only distributes the subtypes in the areas they are known to be predominant.
>tfw black germanic
She is paler than everyone else on the pic.
Also unlike Britain there is a real difference between omen in north and south, especially if you include basques and corsicans.
Here's the swedish average face
Obviously master race.
Never noticed Dutch women look this good.
They're savages! Savages!
Barely even human
Savages! Savages!
Drive them from our shore!
They're not like you and me
Which means they must be evil
We must sound the drums of war!
They're not, by ANY stretch of the imagination. Although all of the faces in this are hot tbqh, because of how many faces make up the composite, their 'averageness' makes them look attractive.
>average swedish face 2040
I don't think this is taken from average women/men. I can't find a source for the samples, but the ones about athletes usually look different, much less good looking on average.
Well GB has lots of Borreby for starters , its the "ugly" white trash bulb-headed look , south-mediterranid would be berberid (which can also be reduced since its north-african unreduced cromagnoid variant , think Zinedine Zidane) , no mention of atlantid in Switzerland, France or Spain , no mention of east-nordid variants which are very rare compared to the reduced cromagnid types but still exist (and which are the cause of all the muh white slavs memes)
east-mediterranid should be iranid, iranids and mediterranids differ a lot in their soft parts (but not metrically on the dead skull), scandinavia has a lot of cromagnoid+nordid mixtures , saying they are all scando-nordid makes me believe that this was one of his earlier maps
then assigning arabids a special subtype but not iranids again makes no sense , since arabids are really just gracile-meds in every way
so yea, its not terrible - but it gives the wrong picture, because you have alpinized (reduced) types even in Scandinavia , and germany has a HUGE amount of pure Nordids (in absolute numbers anyway)
and Coon uses alpine and mediterranean differently, alpine mostly for reduced cromagnoids and mediterranean for "the original aurignacoid" stock
dat was monaco
pic related comparison of a nordid (aurignacoid) vs reduced eastbaltid (cromagnoid)
Go on, tell her she's not superior.
>Med women
>The best
They bout to be
hyperdolichocephaly is not progressive, in fact, most ethiopids and even other more primitive negroid subraces have on average much longer skulls than the robust aurignacoids (nordid/north-indide/atlantid/iranid/atlantomed)
its not only the length that counts, its also the breadth thats important
Ya and? Taxonomy is very subjective. Hence why all modern breeds of human are classified as one sup species of Homo Saipan. Why have Highland Goriilas be a different sup species than lowland Gorillas? Face it feels determine science nowadays
This is
brakykefale & dolikokefale
no , only the NAMES are subjective, nobody would say that f.e. the top skull in pic related is more evolved than the lowest one
for one the top one doesnt only look closer to the ape, it also looks DUMBER (socially less dominant) than the lower one
the rulse at which taxonomy works are based on the hominisation of humans , i.e. evolutionary biological tendencies which comes from the fact that different races evolved in different conditions and environments
Those 2 dogs are actually closer related than human races.
yea sry, i didnt check your pic, just the name of it and thought you were posting some esoteric pic of ancient longheaded niggers
compare f.e. this north-indide face to the australid in the next picture
who do you think would be the "boss" of a group? i mean, its not even a competition at this point
and i dont have anything against australoids personally, but in terms of racial progressivity they are so far behind that they shouldnt be allowed to breed
Well I'm saying the way species and sub species are classified is now determined by feels. Not that actually biological facts are determined by feels.
West africa and cameroon look alright desu
Any but england top.
Hey >cnn
>this based swiss poster is blowing my mind
I mean. That doesn't necessarily mean their dumber per se, right?
i.e an asian (even sometimes with a smaller cranial capacity) can be more intelligent than a european but appear less dominant
>That doesn't necessarily mean their dumber per se, right?
It means you are.