How do we stop race mixing?
How do we stop race mixing?
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It's too late. Prepare for war instead.
Bong knows what's up.
Race men to not be faggots who will go on to race degenerate daughters. It's too late for anybody currently alive though
Why does it bother you?
Don't you think it's selfish of you to try and deny white women the opportunity to finally see what a real dick feels like after their white ancestors had to deal with less-than-satisfactory sizes thru out history?
Really simple, you just need someone with balls in charge, deport nigs, ban interracial everything. But who can do that in the current year? No one dares.
beta detected
Why has most bbc porn shifted lately to show girls younger, shorter, and more petite.
While the guy is always growing larger?
check the demographics of mixed amerifats, like 90% of them are whites claiming native ancestry, the remaining 10% is split in half: white-asian and white-black
meaning blacks, who are 13% of pop, are as popular breeding mates for whites as asians, who are... what, 2% of pop? and the raw numbers are really low - keep in mind interracial couples are made of liberals, and liberals dont breed
there is no problem, pol is exaggerating, interracial couples in articles/pictures/movies do not make people want to interbreed, they just increase acceptance, same for liberal brainwashing in education/academia - you cant wash away what's in your DNA/instincts, some people simply have different wiring in their brains, so they dont mind, but they are a minority
how do we stop slide threads?
cause they just started porn? if they go for bbc straight up they cant ruin their careers later on - theyre simply known for doing IR porn from the get go
We don't stop it, we keep it contained in the US.
Stop funding single mothers.
We can't.
BBC is superior in every way to Miniscule White Coquetté
That is one step away from Child Porn.
They're getting the smallest girls possible and ten trying to get the biggest males possible.
This is one level away from fucking a child.
It disgusting on more levels than racemixing.
T.Ahmed Mohammedan
Fucking this
>Checks Flag
Nothing to see Here Folks
Size difference, they're also all or mostly pale.
u sure bout dat
It's funny whoever spent the time to photoshop this specifically for this board. I bet he is white.
>It disgusting on more levels than racemixing.
I'm 6'5", my wife is 5'3". It's really nice.
by whining about it on a malaysian usenet server
having a little kitten around you is really nice though. you can throw her around as much as you want EASILY.
End welfare states. Tell your daughters you will disown them if they marry a nigger. They would have to face starvation or living in a nigger shack.
jewish pedosexuals
keep mixing until there's only one race
all "girls" in interracial prawns are actually boys. prove me wrong. protip: you can't.
Makes the nigger look bigger. It's all theater. Niggers aren't bigger than whites in reality.
Re-instate freedom of association laws.
Defund the humanities and social sciences in colleges.
Throw global capitalists in jails.
Mandate that all news/media watermark their broadcasts with who their owners are and editors/directors and the political groups they have donated to.
This will fix organically fix the process.
you can't.
This is just me guessing, as a black guy. It's probably a couple of reasons.
1. Interracial porn probably has one of the highest turn-over rates of new actresses. Both because of the high demand, and because most girls probably don't want to be doing blacked for too long.
2. Smaller girl helps the illusion that the cock is way bigger.
Give all of the shitskins a free ticket to Balkan, they will not survive
Get niggers addicted to traps, duh
Then the AIDS will sort them both out
Oh god the degeneracy. My race is genocide.
Please stop making babies.
We can't afford.
Pic related.
Stop being parano
Kill all white women.
keep the slavic ones, at least they're not cucked
>not cucked
come on now, turkey is full of ukranian/russian/polish whores.
Same for white man and asian girl though
Kill all the inferior race pretty easy desu...
Keep posting threads about it on Sup Forums in an attempt to demoralise the regular posters.
Oh wait, thats what you are already doing. Ok.
Stop being weeb betas.
My gf is white, I'm not, and she said a lot of the guys she knows are toon beta
Gas chambers
nice story bro
i'm barack obama and i fuck your mom
>My gf is white, I'm not
what the fuck are you doing here, NIGGER
Stop being racist goy and enjoy them blackies we keep sending
Look at how Rome progressed.
Current western civilization has two options:
1. Fade away, and find new land to form a new country on (not looking too good).
2. Culture war that progresses into an actual war.
I'm betting there's not going to be enough sympathy for that type of endeavor, though. Welcome to the new human race. it won't take 800,000 years to get there, either.
yes, i had my way with a polish blonde/blue eyed aryan qt previous year. she was such a nice gal too.
tbqh wish she stayed more and we could have a proper relationshit.
fake as fuck
rip, i've fucked a austrian and a norwegian girl this summer. I wish i lived in norway mate
I'd love for a black man to hold me like that
Sexbots are going to be a thing in the near future.
Which is pretty sad, pathetic, all kinds of wrong, etc.
But these are marketed towards men.
The female equivalent of a sexbot is a nigger.
>or any woman sleeping with a lower race
These women are using these men as dildos.
They know subconsciously it's wrong.
Just like men will know it's wrong to fuck a robot.
But it still happens.
Both parties are guilty.
I'm not interested in any woman that fucked a nigger.
And I'm assuming no woman would be interested in a man who fucked a robot.
seriously, she was an exchange student in my university, asked for some directions and i was going the same way so suggested i could take her to there and we met.
after the tumble i literally asked if she was going to stay more and she said shes going to leave after semester so i didnt go for it.
even norwegian man are good looking girls :DDD
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Something is being slide.
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You can't. Well blacks are just...superior.
>bigger dicks
>more artistic
>bigger iq than the average white man
etc etc
Is she really that short?
You know it's too late.
You're in luck whiteboi. My services aren't cheap though. I can humiliate you for £100 an hour and make your white GF writhe in ecstasy from my 10" inch mandingo free of charge.
You won't stop peoply by shouting at them. You will stop them however if men a women are taugh to be proud of their race and nationality and realize on their own termsthat they don't want mixed freaks for children.
I only care about my own. Even with that, there's no guarantee that my great great great grandchild won't disappoint.
Nuking USA
What the fuck did you just call him? *Stands up*
triggered negroids are amusing, they only post porn since they can't understand anything else
Lauren NO!
Just buy a BBC dildo for your wife for when she wants to be satisfied and she can have sex with you want you want to make a baby.
create "Serpentor" using the dna from Dylaan Roof, Hitler, the Korean from the Virginia Tech shooting, Anders Breivik, and Rowdy Roddy Piper. then have it kill ALL blacks and muslims.
because niggers are pedophiles.
This is the only right answer
Sorry to hear about your thumbdick
this is how you can tell if a white chick is a coal burner, by this big fucking gap made by a big fucking wide black cock
Stay mad whiteboi
Oh user, every country has nice girls and whores.
Interracial sex tape when?
Yeah because only niggers have big dicks.
>bigger iq than the average white man
Lol wat
He's a big guy
Let's meme her into doing it. That would be some quality tape right there.
Piper Perri is so cute. I want her coal burning ass.
Sure another white woman racemixing is a wonderful idea.
It's a fantastic idea.
Get bigger dicks,
stop acting like a typical white beta ''male''.
>tfw when no short qt wife to get fucked by refugees in front of me
>me guessing, as a black guy
Honest question, why do you come to Sup Forums? To shitpost like me?
But Asian girls aren't niggers.
Honest question.. Why stop race mixing?
With Meme Magic anything is possible, plus you know she browses Sup Forums so she'd be bombarded with fakes of her going black everytime she got on here to make her new video for
Because we don't want to end up like Brazil