American public radio is like a degenerate CIA furthering degenerate causes all over the world.
Congressman Alberto de Belaunde commented: "Hello. I'm confused by the event date. I thought every day was heterosexual pride day."
American public radio is like a degenerate CIA furthering degenerate causes all over the world.
Congressman Alberto de Belaunde commented: "Hello. I'm confused by the event date. I thought every day was heterosexual pride day."
Cholas de mierda! Regresense a la puna!
I never understood how letting your pancake tiddies flop around covered in paint is a form of empowerment; but then again I never understood how feminists take themselves seriously either
Lefties are surrealists and live their lives like hyperboles, they'll pursue any crackpot cause as long as it's jarring, contrarian, and gives them more power/"freedom" to act like fools
> new public school curriculum introduces the gender wars
> it says that male and female are defined each day in interactions
>Dont know if I should care happening here
The fuck? IS there any South American nation left that isn't full of socialist cunts?
Can't we just start to make a list of the organisations who instigate such protests for each nation. I'm sure the connection is enough to pinpoint the warmongers
Also that picture is fucking stupid, has nothing to do with the article since those women were protesting the candidacy of another fucking woman
even in Peru they can shut the fucking mouth!
>protesting the candidacy of another fucking woman
Apparently Soros has been investing in Peru since 2000. This seems to follow his modus operandi.
yes, keiko
OMG OMG CALL NOW! This is perfect.
Is "KEIKO" spanish/portufag for "KIKE"?
>make a list
Some other country ask this, pleez
>“Sometimes I hear and read that this is the modern agenda,” Cipriani told Radio Programs of Peru (RPP) in a recent interview. “I think that it is the agenda of Soros or of a foreign country like the United States, that wants to impose its agenda on us.”
no, that is the name of a politician
Good find.
What's with all these Japs in Peru?
Who wants to start the Alt-righ SA here?
Could we get some FBI buck once Trump gets into the office?
2018 is a crucial year for us, so we need to hurry
I know just the goys for the job.
Just when I was starting to doubt Cipriani.
I am converting to orthodoxism but still
Uncle San pls.
This Marxist bitch is going to ruin everything if we can't stop her
It's best girl's name
Peru has way bigger problems to deal with, like the fact that their country is a third world shithole. But no, lets get all up in arms about this shit.
>This divide and conquer bullshit.
Soros, pls.
Nope, I'm pretty sure globalist cucks have infected every country on Earth, with varying degrees of success.
Latin America must have been a particularly easy target, since it's simple to turn public opinion against free helicopter rides.
We along we Brazil took loots of them during early 20th centruy
Send help please
Soros invested about 1millon dollars In the "marcha de los 4 suyos", a protest against the expresident Alberto Fujimori, then Alejandro Toledo was elected as president but he wasn't more than a puppet from Soros and the jewish community in Peru.
> DO YOU SEE ME NOW DADDY??!!!! - the march.
Why don't peruvian fathers notice their daughters? It may lead to issues later in life.
Slaving themvelse working so they could send them to one of the many private universities in this country
Latins and the hue, would you please explain your feminism problem?
yup, some women have no respect for the sacrifices of their father for their behalf
Soros makes the government push his social engineering programs in exchange for investments.
This is what you get for ruining NA Dota servers!
>NA trash
>worth something in Dota
lmao, you created LeL because you could handle dota