i wasn't in the country in 2008, what were the protests from the far right like when Obama got elected?
I wasn't in the country in 2008, what were the protests from the far right like when Obama got elected?
is that her period? gross
There wasn't much of a far right back then. Obama's niggin grew their numbers.
Stfu faggot, the protests happening now are actually deserved, don't even pretend that Obama was anywhere near being as frightening as Trump is now to most Americans
Obama won in a landslide. Trump didn't even get a simple majority.
if thats granite flooring, shes fucked. granit sucks up color stains. replacements costs must be eating her
There weren't any really, it was just a bunch of Racist Republicans calling out Obama as not an American, and a mudslime, and thus being ineligible for President.
There weren't any.
why go so far as the "far right"
the regular right had it in for him from day one.
Its frightening because your fat ass needs to work for money
We have jobs so we had to work
And did nothing for anyone who voted for him lol
yeah, fear provoked by a fear monguering campaign. nice
nothing like tough talk that failed to deliver.
There weren't any. Just news footage of crying black people.
Point is most Americans supported him so there wasn't much protest. Trump basically won because our system is dumb.
>being as frightening
Maybe some people shouldn't base all their doing on emotions only?
>most Americans supported him
That's an assumption.
i dont remember people crying as hard as they are now
Get a job, hippy
>literally shaking
Man up ya cuckk. Also, fuck yourself.
Oh yeah I forgot about that. They pulled out "don't tread on me" flags and started dressing up in 18th century outfits.
No that's a fact you retard. He got the large majority of the vote. Trump didn't even get half. That's factual.
Tea partiers were already out, and they weren't protesting Obama, just his tax shit. Most of those guys were already against Bush, so they just did the same thing. Any """news""" was far-lefties sucking obama's cock about how racist America is.
Plus protest is a misleading term now. It gets used to talk about people looting and breaking cars, whereas Tea Party protests were basically LARPers standing around in colonial attire and talking about why taxes are theft. Different strokes, I guess
The blacks rioted and flipped cars because " they was president now!!"
so what your saying is they can accept defeat with maturity
Just NRA members marching on Washington. No rioting, no burning shit, no randomly attacking people, no desecration of flags.
Then it was Glenn Beck rambling for 2 hours every night on Fox. That's about it desu.
You seem autistic. Keep making up fact's nerd.
Getting more votes doesn't equal higher levels of support. Half of the population doesn't vote, yet they have an opinion about the president.
It remains an assumption, no matter how often you call me retarded.
other than the astro turfing tea party events, I guess conservatives dont/didnt really protest. they just go back to their jobs the next day and come to shit post on Sup Forums when they get home.
I gotta admit I wish I gave a fuck as much as Sup Forums does about mocking losers because look at pic related.
I see. I'm probably talking to a child. Before your time junior.
All of clinton's vote lead could be accounted for by her performance in california. She didn't even win 100 counties when trump won over 3,000.
If the electoral college weren't around, people who live in densely populated areas would control policy making for the entire country. I don't want to be ruled by california.
>be black and in HS when Obama was first elected
>every one going crazy running down the halls and shit
>my teacher asks me why I'm not happy we have our first black president
>"I unno, what did this nigga even do? He's just black that's all we know"
>my teacher(white) gave me a face like "hmm, good point"
>all the other students called me uncle tom
>mfw I'm the only one that graduated out of that history class
You people are such pussy bastards. Pure genetic trash. If a guy like Trump actually frightens you, you don't deserve to live to be honest.
That doesn't change the fact that more Americans wanted Hillary president than Trump.
> Said unironically while fear mongering ww3 if Hillary was elected
What?? You really are an autist, have fun being a NEET faggot!
fake news faggot
>Obama’s election in 2008 was preceded and followed by violent attacks and property destruction targeted against minorities.
I'm 39 married and a professional.
Great job winning that argument.
Hahaha 39 year old professional at being a NEET. 39 on this forum?? YIKES!
Thanks. Germans have no idea how dumb our electoral system works. It's not "majority rules"
It's frightening to gullible people because the MSM is constantly poisoning the well against anything Trump does.
And then when Trump rightfully points fingers at the media, they cry fake outrage like oversized babies.
More Americans didn't vote at all, than voted for Trump or Hillary.
I'm defending the system not trying to say the vote counts were wrong. Also you've already conceded that getting more votes doesn't equal more support by default when you didn't counter german bro's argument.
The far right (ironically) thought Obama was going to be some Nazi-Communist hybrid and were opposed to Obama doing anything about the economy. Now, 8 years later, they bitch about Obama having done nothing about the economy and praise Hitler. Can't make this stuff up
Trump wouldn't have won without the media. He should be thanking them.
>it's okay since, unlike you, we actually can justify ourselves
Sure, but that does not invalidate my point.
I guess it would be pretty scary being an illegal spic right about now.
You sound like a giant cuck, but I'm sure you're already aware.
Of course I know how it works, it's not that hard to comprehend.
>lying on the internet to fit a narrative
for what purpose?
I didn't address it because it's irrelevant . People who don't vote don1matter in politics. They are non entities. That's why old people hold so much power in the US. They have the highest voting rates.
There really wasn't a far right before Obama here in the US. There were conservatives, most of which hold pretty liberal views. Obama was the main driving force for why you've seen such a steep climb in nationalism and distrust in both the left and right.
>Uncle Tom
I'll never get over how the left literally puts down black people by comparing them to a fictional character who stood on principle and resisted being exploited
The entire crux of liberals arguments. "I'm scared"
>Stfu faggot, the protests happening now are actually deserved, don't even pretend that Bush was anywhere near being as frightening as Obama is now to most Americans
Crab basket mentality is very strong in the black community.
Do anything good and they will drag you back down.
Not lying, literally people in my neighborhood thought Obama was going to be Hitler and create some totalitarian regime to kill off Conservatives. There was a whole "get yer guns while ya still can" movement down here in Texas where every gun shop put up posters alleging that Obama was going to create a "snatch and grab em up" policy so "protekt yer 2nd amendments, ferget the other amendments like that abortiun won"
She's a qt.
At least she isn't in the fetal position crying over it like Hillary supporters.
right wing media went full on "hate obama" for 8 years. 8 years of hatred and fear propaganda maybe had a little to do with this new "far right" movement dont you think?
>People who don't vote don1matter in politics.
The constitutional right to vote also give the right to abstain from a vote. Don't be so judgmental.
Yeah this guys just an ass, anyone who thinks pure democratic elections will work in the US long term is naive.
If you're against the electoral college, you might as well support abolishing the senate too.
What does that say about Democrats when in 2008 they win by a landslide and then in 2016 get beat silly by a guy who can't get a simple majority?
I'm actually the kind of person you guys worship here. Except I'm a liberal. Wealthy, father, Christian, tall, liberal.
Didn't Hillary win the popular vote against obama
Sure however, they are irrelevant in politics. No one cares about them. They don't matter.
There wasn't any protesting iirc
So did Trump.
There are people who think Trump is the second incarnation of Adolf Hitler and that he will toss gays into camps and commit all kinds of other atrocities. I can understand not liking Trump but there is a frightening number of people that have been deluded by the media thinking that we are on the brink of a fascist dictatorship and that we are in need of some kind of violent revolution to "seize back" our country. The people themselves are to blame for this but the media has been continually feeding this mindset and causing people to reject discourse in favor of violence against a perceived enemy that isn't there.
there are plenty of crying righties pictures on obama election night and reelection night, you can google "republican reactions to obama win", i posted that pic because of the text on the bottom otherwise its just a white person with red white and blue on crying.
NYC & LA don't get to dictate and control the rest of the country. Popular vote only matters at the state level for a reason.
it is majority rules, just not by popular vote. whoever wins the majority of the states wins the election. this is a better system because smaller states have smaller populations naturally. it makes things more equal, and we know you liberals love equality.
trump won 30 states. clinton won 20.
majority rules.
Wow it's like you are trying to imply that Obama and trump are equivalent so the left protesting trump is hypocritical or shows them to just be cry babies. But the thing is...
>trump is an evil, racist, sexist, sexual predator
Obama is by no means perfect, but there was no reason to fear he would destroy the country with his gross incompetence paired with his evil beliefs.
>whereas trump is grossly incompetent and has evil beliefs
You mean like all those so called "hate crimes" done by "Trump supporters" that all turned out to be hoaxes?
Rage more faggot.
Old people in parks with signs.
Honestly I don't remember much outside of some grumbling and threats to move to Canada, nothing near the level of salt coming from the left today.
Yes but you'll never hear leftists or the media state that
Fake news, faggot.
>And while anti-Trump protesters have engaged in mostly peaceful demonstrations against the president-elect, pro-Trump supporters have been responsible for a wave of attacks against Muslims, Latinos, blacks, and the LGBT community.
>According to Mark Potok, senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center civil rights group, there haven’t been “such a rash of hate crimes in the United States since Barack Obama was elected America’s first black president in 2008.” Muslim women are reporting having their hijabs ripped from their heads,
She made up the attack.
>No one cares about them.
The whole campaigning process is only there to get undecided and non-voters to cast a vote. You don't need speeches a rallies to get you base voters to vote for you, they'll do it anyways. If anyone is important, it's non-voters.
Being a upper middle class man in all likelihood i will benefit under trump. I still don't support him
>i wasn't in the country in 2008, what were the protests from the far right like when Obama got elected?
there were none, wtf are you talking about?
If they vote they aren't non voters now are they?
Voted for obama in 08, I wanted some change
Voted for Romney in 12, figured out change obama was talking about wasn't for me, the white man.
Had to go out and work this whole time because I like to buy things, now i'm happy we'r back on track with a pro-American President.
Still at work and am grateful I've kept a job through these past 8 years. Had to start my own side business because I haven't had a good raise in 8 years...
Alright, that isn't my point. Sure you don't have to like him, trust me I don't fully like him either and memes aside, I don't think that the majority of Americans are truly happy with Trump. However, you can't say that the MSM has been helping anyone. Fostering feelings of hatred through lying and feeding hyper-sensational half-truths to gullible people who think we are now fascist Germany is detrimental to everyone.
He is scary to free loaders, illegals and enemies of the west. You may be standing on the wrong side of the line here buddy.
When Obama became president the Democrats had a supermajority in the House and Senate. It was a terrifying time, it looked like we were going to turn into an actual communist country. Shortly into his term a Democrat senator died and every single Republican senator had to vote against Obama or he could do whatever he wanted.
The right waited for him to get elected and then formed the Tea Party movement. It had huge support from the Rupert Murdoch-owned media to promote it. This wasn't a far-right movement. It was a movement of regular conservatives doing completely legal and peaceful protests. It was thanks to their efforts that the 41 cuckservative Republicans in the senate came together and blocked everything Obama tried to do.
black crab mentality, they can't get a leg up and fuck ANYBODY who tries. Why they'll always be nig nogs
If people cast a vote they become voters, right. Your children must be proud of you.
It's all sourced from one place, SPLC. Which pretty much all they do is advocate against hate crimes and by that I mean white on black.
Meanwhile if you so much as sneeze in the direction of a black person you get mainstream coverage and yet none of this is covered anywhere else.