Ayy hispachan did it

Ayy hispachan did it


I dont speak sombrero
Please translate

shew shew dirty jew

can some wetback translate this into american

Some edgy kid post I'm going to be famous, and I'll make famous hispachan in the Sup Forums board.
The next day there was a school shooting in mexico.

hispachan is in full panic mode right now.

Tommorow is the day

My loved niggers, tommorow is the day
Im going to make internet history, eveyrthing is prepared
Im not going to give detauls because im sure that I will generate enough attencion
but the question here is Would you like to add an ñ to put a top Hispachan (??)
I was thinking about it and I think (???)
Then afterwards he shot up a school
My spanish is rusty as fuck, so dont take it as a 100% translation

Nuke South America.

school shootings by edgy r9k was invented by americans.
spic kids are simply following their american heroes.

not that bad user.

>implying it was him
Those faggots will never do something relevant

What happens on spicachan usually? Is it any different than here, or is it the same, but just in Spanish,

Stop asking questions goy.

This is cultural appropriation! Don't tolerate this, Americans

Nothing, is the one of the most cancerous sites i touched

tl;dr its even worse than here

too much of a coincidence, the faggot was called as mexican, the next day a mexican shooting happens.

Basically the same but pretty much dead.
The only non dead board is filled with underages, basically just like Sup Forums but filled with 12 year old minecraft kids.

>school shooting happens in the American College


What's with the "ñ" talk?

He was probably asking about adding a board or some shit.

Ñ is usually the symbol of our language, therefore it's hispachan also a symbol.
It's a meme there.

Its okay when someone appropriates your culture. I don't mind indians drinking milk and tea, but I wouldn't be happy shitting in the street.

>Shooting in Mexico

How weird!

you did well.