The meme that saved Sup Forums

>the meme that saved Sup Forums

Can anybody explain me who is it and what the fuck is wrong with his face?

>he's not bog pilled

Uh, user....

who is he?

do you fucks live under a fucking rock?

Do you want a quick rundown?

no, i just want to know, i want to get bogpilled af

Ok bend over

>"Its the hardest pill to swallow that you're not swallowing"

Can i have a quick rundown?

but, who is he?


This guy needs a quick rundown

I'll take the slow walk up

Quick rundown on them

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.?

How can none Bogdanoffs even compete?

How can our atoms even compete?

Have you taken the bog pill?

I always thought that this is some shitty meme being forced by some neckbeards but then I noticed that the mods kept deleting this threads over and over again. It seems that they want to bury the fact that the Bogdanoff brothers literally controll the wordl. The jews don't own shit. The Rothschild family bow down to the Bogdanoffs but thread about them won't get deleted. There is some serious cover up going on here on Sup Forums.

>-Control france with an iron but fair fist
my personal favorite

quick summary


Mods are being paid by rothschild monkeys but in the end the bogs wanna be lowkey apparently

welcome to the /bogg/

Is this the most infuriating meme of 2017?


Two twin brothers, in their late 60s, originally from a Russian Tatar noble family who mixed with the European high nobility, hence the highly inbred looks.

Well, that or they did Michael Jackson amounts of plastic surgery. Probably both.

I missed the meme though. I know they are physicists, there was a scandal about them a few years ago that they had falsified research papers, or used ghostwriters, I don't remember exactly.

Bogdanoff is the name, they live in France, and claim to have had contact with extra-terrestrials.

Sup Forums is putting DOWN BOGDANOV THREAD !!!

did someone say kjhehjk

>mfw I was the one who started this meme by making it easy to photoshop faces behind the black hand

Forced memes are embarrasing, just stop posting please


>bogthreads keep getting removed
What did the mods mean by this?


i think that the flag without the mast would look better

A Latvian did it with Varg and thus the meme accellerated.


what if you die tonight and your family discovers this?