Give me one (1) good reason why Bernie Sanders isn't the best choice for president
Give me one (1) good reason why Bernie Sanders isn't the best choice for president
Cuz he woulda won
I'll tell you if you give me a (you)
because he would have made college (and probably weed) free for young people. I am old (46) with no kids and I don't want to be taxed higher so kids get free college. I would prefer them and their parents take out huge loans to pay for it instead of me being involved.
Winners aren't losers.
Because money isn't free dumbass someone has to pay for it.
he lost
here you go
hes a fucking nutjob with money.. Imagine how much money you would have to print for this grandpas stupid policies.
He's a kike and a commie.
Best meme buzzword ever created.
If you let yourself get cucked out of a candidacy like that, you don't deserve to wield power.
I got my bachelor's from a lower tier state school and community college while living with my parents. I did so because of the cost and was debt free a few years after graduation. If I had known that college debt forgiveness was around the corner, I would have borrowed more money. Clearly I need to be punished for my foresight.
He'd die mid term.
Reminder to never trust right wingers with the economy
We have this guy
Spineless coward
Hes insane
user, what is flag? never seen before
Because he can't convince even most leftist cucks to vote for him. Because any time he's questioned about anything outside his "bilyonahs" talking points, he stutters and get confused. Because he's weak. Because he's never actually accomplished anything.
then your whole country is is trouble goldstein
It's Ukraine, retard.
He's a member of the Democrat Party.
Because even if he wasn't a disgusting gommie idiot, his one selling point (his supposed integrity) turned out to be a lie. He cucked for the "establishment" he claimed to be fighting and specifically for the people who conspired to out-jew and humiliate him.
he didn't win the election
Because his solution to the bank was "I dunno"
his entire campaign was built on stopping the banks and when asked how he said "I dunno"
What a fucking joke
>blind partisanship
top lel
Communism doesn't work.
Your welcome.
But Trump's tax plan would cost the US much more than Bernie ever could.
capitalist educaton
None if you can cut military spending. Shit, just cleaning up the waste would pay for single payer healthcare.
i've never heard of this country before, what is Ukraine? Is that another name for Russian clay?
This. /thread
>Implying I'd vote for a Republican either.
He rolled for Hillary, he'll roll for EVERYONE - He is not even close to being a legitimate candidate, lacks spine, common sense, integrity AND he's a fucking COMMIE. He has no game, just talk, just like the last 8 years you retards wasted.
I hope, for your sake and ours, Trump gets to fulfil his promises...we will hold each and every one of you amerifags responsible if he fails. We got you this far, it's up to you now - Step up.
Isn't that the same answer Trump had on every single issue he was asked to elaborate on?
"I dunno i will ask the best people, i know the most qualified people!"
he was making a subtle nod to the fact that it is your welcome and not OUR welcome
>yfw this man is actually a genius and you're the retarded one
Shut the hell up you communist faggot
Has never had a job in the private sector
Started working when he was 40
Socialist faggot
New York Jew carpet bagger
Economically illiterate
shall I go on faggot?
Because my money is not your money.
He's With Her
best reason
Good argument, mr. president
>Federal revenues would fall by $6.2 trillion over the first decade before accounting for added interest costs and macroeconomic effects. Including those factors, the federal debt would rise by at least $7.0 trillion over the first decade and by at least $20.7 trillion by 2036
But the government already had half your money user. We're just talking about what to spend it on.
Single-payer healthcare and college education or a bunch of tanks and shitty planes that the military doesn't even really need or want.
You're right, better make more tanks so we can auction them off to local police.
>believing kike lies
I feel sorry for you, truly.
Entitlement programs make up more of the budget than defence, retard.
Lol no. Those tanks are necessary to secure Europe against Russia, our moral duty as Americans.
Never trust American NEOCONS with the economy. Completely different than just 'right wingers' schlomo.
Those tanks that are sitting in an empty parking lot, not being used because we already have as many tanks as our troops can actually use.
Cause he can't win a nomination
>discretionary spending
Now show the whole budget kike. And individual state budgets on education and health services, as the latter two are actually state responsibilities, not the fedreal governments.
>believing kike lies
He's your president, not mine. I feel sorry for you.
He's a deranged senile Jewish socialist
Then why are you here?
you should check out my blog. i wrote a new article "15 Ways We Can Still Feel the Bern"
So what you are saying is, we spend too much on the military. Thanks goy.
Obamaleaf fag became a kike...
Not surprised really
>Too much of a nutless cuck to beat Hillary
>Trump slaughtered Hillary
>But somehow Barney sandals would've beaten Trump
>waah people disagree with me in my ironic unironic nazi safe space
He fucks kids and therefore left himself open to blackmail
>gets proven wrong
>resorts to spewing slurs
you have to be 18+ to post on this website
kys you uneducated twat
Show the whole federal budget or just admit you're lying.
If you really think Trump is pro-zionist you're not really paying attention. He's just blowing smoke up their asses because he'd have never made it this far without getting killed if he hadn't. Pic Related
>lost popular vote my 3 million
Soon to be known as Russia
Gommunism is shit and could never work with human beings.
He's a fucking commie that doesn't realize that his tax plans would ruin businesses. Mostly because he was a bum half his life and haven't done anything productive.
That's not the whole budget, retard. See:
>what are native americans
>Who is being inaugurated this week again?
He's a retarded old commie who never grew up.
It'd be the equivalent of electing a 20 year old liberal college retard pursuing his liberal arts degree.
We *need* to have a bunch of tanks sitting around user. It's necessary because a parking lot full of unused armor *creates jobs* user.
Better bury that report showing 125 million dollars of military waste. Wouldn't want our budget to be cut, oy vey.
>Isn't that the same answer Trump had on every single issue he was asked to elaborate on?
No, actually not a single one. He had more platform detail than any candidate in recent history, but leftists like yourself never watched his rallies or speeches or read his website so you think he never said anything except "build that wall", "you have to go back," and "grab em by the pussy" because that is what your Jewish media overlords told you
I never said he didn't win
I'm just pointing out the fact that "slaughtered" isn't the right word choice
how about neither?
>hey if youre handing out money give it to my broke ass instead of giving to the military?
no one gets my money. thats the answer. go earn your own shit faggot
Tribal Hierarchies that routinely attacked other tribes and took their stuff and enslaved their women
Also a stone aged people who had not even invented the wheel when discovered by the Europeans
He obviously has no clue about why Scandinavia has been successful yet he wants to implement our policies in the US.
Got it, so you weren't lying, you're just so ignorant that you didn't realize discretionary spending /= federal budget. Sorry, didn't realize you were a complete idiot.
Reminder that the US Supreme Court has openly ruled that Candidates for President can't be held to ANY campaign promises. They can say literally anything and then do the exact opposite.
Why do you insist on proving how stupid you are?
These are the same people who insisted that he could never get jobs back, and he's already brought back thousands of jobs without even taking office yet
>winning states that hadn't gone red in almost 30 years
>completely blowing the fuck out every prediction
Get fucked retard.
Never claimed military spending was greater than anything. Except greater than what we need, since they are wasting money.
What is your problem with smart spending user? It's almost like you are stealing money from private citizens and don't want it to stop. Oy vey.
Losing by 3 million votes still doesn't constitute a slaughter
>He had more platform detail than any candidate in recent history
fucking lol, this is what trumpkids actually believe
the amount of detail to any of his so-called plans have been pathetic by any measure, they have been unfunded and unexplained.
Because jew
Losing states that were "solidly blue" for decades kind of is a slaughter.
Except when I pointed out that most of our budget wasn't spent on military shit, you countered with your little misleading graph. You clearly wete trying to say that, or at least thought it. Jesus Christ you're fucking stupid.
>Understands our electoral system as poorly as Hillary did
>and he's already brought back thousands of jobs
Trump could shit in a can and eat it for supper and you people would call it a genius move
He's not exactly wrong. Hillary wouldn't even TALK about so many issues. The same ones the media never reported on, coincidentally.
Even addressing them at all is kind of a huge deal.
still have yet to claim that trump didn't win fairly