Good Night Alt-Right

You fucking Quompfkins think you have a chance against this? You think a bunch of 50 year old bikers and weak old veterans will be able to stop to stop our antifa warriors?

Thousands of strong, able bodied men and women will be on the front lines this Friday. We will be their to show Grumpf and his regime of fascists that we will not tolerate his anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant, and anti-women policies.

Good Night Alt-Right!

Other urls found in this thread:

is that ISIS


Autists of the world unite!


>able bodied

My fucking sides.

Looks like even spider-man has joined in.
Shit just got real.

You ever wonder if, after taking photos like this, any one of them thinks "wait, are we the bad guys?"

At any rate the flag's in german so they don't have guns

>bringing broom handles to a gunfight
Say when, rejects

Just admit it, you're quivering just thinking of the thought of going up against us

Nice Sticks

We have Guns

See, even fucking spider man is against Mumpf

You racists don't stand a chance

Not even for a moment.

They are absolutely convinced of their righteousness. It's what allows them to justify all that they do.


Did you faggots get your uniforms at the Halloween store on Nov. 1st?

yea quirvering with excitment because we would wipe the floor with you

pick one faggot

This just proves how much of pussies you guys are. We come at you with sticks and you use guns.

>antifa warriors
>thousands of strong, able bodied men and women

An army of 9mm weilding niggers and rolling landwhales won't stop the gargantuan tank that will be all who arrive to defend trump on the 20th.

Get out of your fantasy land of liberal lies and wake up, you oversized blubbering football field-sized aquarium of lard and nigger jizz.

Trump's gonna save this county.

So what. A bunch of leather boys from the bath house are going to grab their pearls and faint on the couch?

>he bought the alt right maymay
lel you antifucks are such gullible retards.


LMfao, you scrawny fucks are going to get torn limb from limb.

These Antifa threads are all ironic, right?


>Antifa warriors

It's like the LGBTQIAPs, every time I look another letter has changed

I'm not even alt right but I'm sure your ''Warriors'' are just fucking autistic NEETs trying to make themselves interesting because they lack the social skills to actualyy get a job and contribute something to society, and hereby OP, you are a faggot

You cant call us pussies when you are dead.

That's all that matters.

>>Denial: the post
You belong to the garbage bin of history.

Honestly I wish there were antifa-ggots where I live. Baseball bats ain't shit against 6 good old boys with AR 15s. One of these little antifa tea parties could really use a firebombing or MRSA outbreak. Or both. These retards don't even have the self awareness that THEY ARE THE FUCKING FASCISTS!!! It boggles the mind that they can't comprehend this.

>We're here to fight you for the future direction of our country. Talk has failed, it has come to the point that there can be only violence.
>W-what!? No one said you can bring guns you cowards!

I don't think you appreciate the gravity of what violent revolution REALLY entails, and are just a kid who wants to belong to something edgy.


We will do all we can to stop white supremacy and make sure the Lumpf regime and his brainless followers of frumpfkins do not spread their hateful agenda throughout America


Why do they have sticks? Are they too scared to actually do something about "fascists"?

Fucking LARPing autists

>Sup Forums once agains proves their stupidity by not realizing that this is ironic shitposting
You xumpflards will never understand.

Like there are fucking rules to this shit. The only unfair fight is the one you lose. IE bringing a stick to a gunfight like some kind or retard.

>J-Just leave your guns at home when we come though...


Bring it

dare I say, /btfo/?

Yea, you know people are super brave when they are always hiding their face. the long sleeves to hide their noodle arms is also intimidating.

You have shown me your might! I am now a Shillywillydingdong

Why do these cowards always wear masks?

It shows they don't really believe in their ideals, otherwise they wouldn't be afraid to show their true selves.

Has anyone got that video of when the Belgian version of Sean Bean punches the fuck out of an Antifa NuMale???

Enjoy your time with Bubba, Antifa faggots. He'll love you long time when your little leftarded asses get locked up for your shenanigans.

The guy in the red mask is Peter Parker he is student in NY city

The next person in my life who tries to touch me in any way that is unlawful is going to be a DEAD MAN and any person attached to said person and tries to defend them will also be a DEAD MAN/WOMAN



>anonymous image board

Death to the fascists. Starting with the biggest fascists of our time - antifa.

Holy fuck I would love more than anything to see Antifa get absolutely destroyed by the bikers, it would be so glorious.


Some of our noble warriors have gotten hurt in the fight against evil. That does not mean we will stop and you should be scared, because we will prevail.

>able bodied

Kys ableist scum

I know I almost wanted to respond to the ALT right thing but like Slim Shady I am whatever you say I am In the New the Papers Every day I am!

FUCK THEM. It will be good chance to kill some of them legally!


based russian

>spiderman is an antifa faggot

Hmmmm...yeah really, we hide our faces because are too scared to reveal our true selves, kind of like the KKK and alt-right racists that hide on the internet huh?

Why is it always the same picture?

Fucking losers.

Noble? You are all commie faggots who duel weld dildos..

You are an insufferable faggot. And ironic or not, no one is afraid of you quinoa eating pussy farts. God even if I had to do it by myself I would throw you a beating. On the day of the rope we will hang you slow, son.

>wear mask
>say anti-fascist
>silence free speech
>tries to stop democratic processes
>too weak to fight anyone but assholes
>thinks anyone gives a fuck about them
>doesn't realize they're about to get fucked by the DOJ
Keep dreaming mexifag. You have to go back.

Scared of what exactly? Some millennial 20-somethings with sticks? Personally I'd be more afraid of kittens than I would be of you. Just stay home and let the real men take care of business.

> Noble Warriors

"I'm going to a rally mom, ill be back by 7. Can you leave my tea in the oven???"


War Hardened Veterans, Bikers, The Police and Security Service.

Mate, I am literally scared for some of you cucks if you try anything.

>implying the KKK has been a thing in years
I didn't know it was possible to be this delusional. The only KKK that are left are edgy RP faggots.
And the alt right is legitimately a media meme

Jesus fucking christ you must be fucking 16 years old if you think there is something "noble" about fighting with sticks. We will fuck your shit up pussy. My AR-15 will eat you bitch.

>sucking the cock of the worst corporate billionaire tyrants and acting as their attack dogs silencing anyone who disagrees through violence
>better than anything
Fucking isis is a more respectful organization than antifa.

I'm not KKK or racist, you have my complete permission to go after those retards, you are just like them.

Antifa is a group that tries to shut down free speech and attacks normal americans.

The KKK haven't been relevant in years and were democrats.

Gassing trump supporters to silence them is the definition of fascism...

>KKK literally irrelevant for the last 40 years
>shitposting online = making a faggot out of yourself irl

Really tinkers with my thinker

Also whilst we are talking about evil, what are your thoughts on Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and the Kim family?

They have killed over 100 million people in the name of your retarded ideology.

Post pics of right wing death squads

pic unrelated

What is the definition of fascism? How does this relate to trump
Not true, also not fascism. Any sources for this belief?
Also not true, also not fascist. He's against illegal immigration. Just like every single country on the face on the earth.
Again, not true, not fascist.

What are you doing with your life? Is this to impress girls? What is your plan once you become an adult?

what's this?

>war hardened veterans, bikers, the police and security service

All pussies to us. If they support Drumpf then they are fascists and we will RESIST. You underestimate us, racist. We are not scared to fight the good fight

Winning becomes a habit (see Trump)
As does losing, you can see it in Antifa's eyes, they know they don't have a point in the modern age

All I know is there's gonna be a lot of armed people with itchy trigger fingers there and I'm excited to see what happens.

Do you even know what a fascist is? Because I think you don't.

>silencing ideologies opposite to yours is the definition of fascism.


I know this thread is sarcastic but they need to just stick with one name and stop sounding like children
oh wait


Okay 8)


why does antifascist action have two logo, one with the red flag in front and one with black flag in front?

What's it like to serve as a peon for plutocrats?

I am an adult male and my life plan is to crush the patriarchy, defeat white supremacy, and devote my life to the success of a multicultural America

I'd gladly fight antifa not because I'm fascist, but considering their goal of disorder, communist proliferation and restriction of freedoms it makes sense to uphold rights for everyone else.

Ideally I want a Libertarian/AnCap world, but I can go from free market to authoritarian block really fucking quickly when commies roll around

>Thousands of strong, able bodied men and women

Did you just assume their genders?

>Tranny phobic

Pls no haet

>tl:dr: I am a massive faggot

Fuck you Shrumpfkin

How's multiculturalism working out for Germany?

Communism doesnt work.

Come on, guys....FPBP

Fuck you all for supporting racists. We will not let you win

That is the real good fight commies aren't even Human beings so don't worry about them dying. I bet their families wouldn't even hardly notice them missing. I'll help you put as many of them 6' under as possible!

KEK wills it!

Same here. Dead liberals make baby jesus smile

If you can't name Mussolini's self identified ideology then you have no idea what you are talking about.

Hint, he did not refer to his ideology as fascist. Fascist was the name given before the ideology was chosen.

NatSoc ( BTFO antifascist after he spat on the ground. He went to hospital and left it. Days later he dies.