how does it feel knowing our future president is a pervert?
How does it feel knowing our future president is a pervert?
About the same knowing our past President Bill Clinton was also a pervert. Indifference.
Pretty good famalam. Ever since trump I've gained the confidence to grab em by the pussy.
Hey, if majority of Americans support the LGBT then it's not suprise.
pizzagate is more credible, both came from here
Goddamn is this the greatest presidential portrait of our lifetime?
Bretty gud. Bit of a perv myself, here.
No no, bill clinton isnt president again
Finally a president that represents ME!
I don't know. Kennedy's was pretty kino.
You're mad Tyrone and Jamal aren't leaving any pussy scraps for you?
Oh look it's Juán Pablo Sandoval being a shitskin commiefornia faggot again.
SAGE and report this cocksucker.
I wish we had someone like him
I mean we had Berlusconi that is pretty close, but we need a new one now to close the fucking border to niggers
24% of the population isn't a majority. I wish you autistic fucks would stop pushing that meme. Liberals are the smallest group in America, outnumbered by both conservatives and independents by themselves.
>Who is Lyndon B. Johnson
Well I'm a pervert, so I guess pretty good.
this copypasta is dumb
who is LBJ who is JFK who is Bill Clinton
>all Democrats kek
Hes a huge degenerate
(3 marriages)
>Just like in my animu cartoons.