What is the final redpill(s)?

What is the final redpill(s)?

Other urls found in this thread:

biblebelievers.org.au/bb980916.htm#Esau/Edom and the Trail of the Serpent�II

Satan's minions control the means of production and the establishment political parties in order to further their NWO agenda of global slavery. Also they use daycares as a front for children farms, pizza places for their rituals, and art galleries for showing off their Satanic rituals. The ultimate red pill is Christianity.


theres only one: the bogpill


embracing the 2d way.


biblebelievers.org.au/bb980916.htm#Esau/Edom and the Trail of the Serpent�II


satan is real and the jews worship him.

Kek confirms. The Bog pill is the ultimate red pill.

That redpill actually means propaganda

All you have is your bloodline, no matter where is traces back too. The snakes will get to you if you are alone.

>The ultimate red pill is Christianity.
You mean "Judaism for Everyone"? Surely you jest. They control Christianity cool and clean. Best way to keep the population in line.

Even the Pope's on board with Marxism.


The iron pill.

earth is flat

>only one result
Fucking sheeple ITT.

Syrian education everyone

The world is like a game of RISK.
The Marxists are winning.
They are the teachers, the media, the politicians, etc.
Listen to George Lincoln Rockwell.

I never said Catholicism was the redpill, clearly the church has been infiltrated by the international banking cartel

Here you go prismagems.com/castaneda/donjuan3.html

>Sup Forums is the real cancer


Capitalism is for goys

That Islam is the true path

>Time is cyclical (four ages per cycle)
>blacks aren't the same species as whites, but are the descendants of ancient hominids who worked as slaves on the now-sunken continent of Lemuria
>Jews are slaves of the Demiurge
>All Aryan peoples had myths relating to a lost homeland near the North Pole, called Hyperborea
>Adolf Hitler was the ninth avatar of Vishnu. The 10th avatar, the Kalki Avatara, will return soon
>Agartha/Shamballah is real
>an occult war is being waged, and evil is winning for now

Fuck outta here Mohammed, don't you have German women to rape?

Lotta conflicting numbers in this thread....

>clearly the church has been infiltrated
Since the beginning man. Jesus was a stoic philosopher they used. Like Buddha, the old stuff doesn't seem very religious at all.

youll have to try harder that that shill

that you're never going to be redpilled :^)

Robert Nozick, and realising that everyone believes things that they cannot provide justification for.

>flat earth

>What is the final redpill(s)?

Realising Sup Forums is a leftist board.

That Kek is real:




The final redpill is hard one to swallow
But it's the truth m8

You can only be ascended once you've swallowed the bogpill

GTFO you fucking pedo

>Capitalists are the problem
>Leftists are pawns to terrorise and to push immigration that keeps the third world in sweat shops
>new immigrants are now customers
>promote race mixing to destroy roots from Europe and third world
>third worlds stays a sweat shop to make products for the first world
>the first world can't compete internationally with production so they just have consumerist economies which benefits banks
>9/11 was used to imperialize and get rid of third world countries that refused to let thier nation be sweat shops
>Ghadaffi was the last stand to protect Europe from refugees
>The Whole plan is to get rid of Muslims and Europeans so Jews will no longer fear genocide.

the universe is a black hole and there's another one outside the bubble which is just another black hole

the ultimate red pill is seeing both sides.

None of you exist, you're all figments of my imagination in a dream world I can't escape


Came here for this. Who got more bogpills?

White "genocide" literally does not matter. Yes whites will go from 65% to 45% in 2050 but it'll still technically be a majority. You can wipe all those infographics out and shove in people's faces, they still won't breed more. The middle class is practically destroyed at this point, none of them can afford a kid at this point. If you really want to "save the white race" then go out get laid and have kids, if you can't do that then shut the fuck up and quit bitching. Even though whites are lowering its not like you're in danger, it's not like you're going to disappear all of a sudden, you can still live your life. Collectivism, not even once. I don't care about you just because you look like me and have the same skin color, put yourself first and others last

stopping the usage of faggoty terms like red pill


The only reason you are not committing crime is because you are too scared.

A true alpha wouldn't be scared to square up to other men in the joint and prove himself. Sure, you might not become the kingpin, but if you fight hard enough then you will gain enough respect to not be messed around.

Today's society is so fucked up that criminals actually have more children than non-criminals. Here's a study:

>Convicted criminal offenders had more children than individuals never convicted of a criminal offense.

So crime is actually the better evolutionary strategy.

So why aren't you committing crime? Because you're too much of a pussy?

>they use daycares as a front for children farms
>The ultimate red pill is Christianity

How the fuck Christianity any better? The priests are absolutely infamous for being pedophiles.

There was literally a ring of 50+ priests plus the two former bishops all busted for this shit over the last couple years, and this was all in just one single diocese.



Suffering and death are the only two guaranteed things that all life has in common. No, I'm not Buddhist.

Pain and death are the highest forms of empathetic connection.

Jews have less dominance than Walmart.

The stronger you can hate the better you can love

I heard they saved Europe with one call...

That everything on here is ironic and just a meme and you shouldn't take it seriously.

Like Trump for instance. I think everyone regrets him by now. But you can't admit that. Just keep laughing at the libcuck memes. The country was going to go to hell one way or another.


everything else don't matter

Basically this

The victors write history

The victors determine the morals

The victors rule over you

The victors determine the share of the spoils

The victors allow you to exist

That's all there is to it

But who owns Walmart?

fucking jews m8

just trying to put in perspective the tangible dominance of our world.

walmart is quite literally the enemy. If the jews are destroyed, walmart will still be the enemy.

if walmart is destroyed, any business like walmart will become the new enemy.

observe your enemy's shape and form so that you can kill it. Like a plant that has grown too large and sucks all nutrients from the soil, yet also produces rotten fruit- it must be cut down.

It is Kek's will according to his prophet Pepe who told of the coming of the two witnesses

Christianity just means accepting Jesus Christ as your saviour. Fuck churches all they want is shekels

>being to weak to stand your ground in this life
the ultimate bluepill

Look at what the enemy advertises and propagates through its media


walmart seeps into the farms
walmart is in your video games
walmart in your lumber, your tools
walmart dictating slaves in china
china buying up US park land and monuments

put it together. Walmart is the SYMBOL of your slavery. Our slavery.

>accepting Jesus Christ as your saviour
That's messianic Judaism. Jesus had some sensible philosophies, but you've got to remove the Judaism to get them. Otherwise you'll be worshiping yahweh in disguise.

Look at the historical/philosophical Jesus, the stuff written about him pre-bible.

I'd say it's the coordinated corporatocracy that owns us, and not walmart, but then I think about the factories that only get the greenlight from walmart, and the shipping companies that are under walmart's control. Amazon is just digital walmart. The chains that bind us.

No human that has achieved the ultimate red pill came back to tell story

He claimed to be the messiah, but extended the concept of the Jewish messiah to all who would follow him, whether Jew or Gentile. You don't need to call that messianic Judaism, unless you are a Jew I suppose.

I will add that I think there are some very interesting esoteric dimensions to Christianity that are often overlooked. When he tells Peter "Upon this rock I will build my church," that could've come out of the works of Hermes Trismegistus (the rock or earth being the prime material for the hermetic Great Work).

There are other passages that show the depth of Christianity and its continuity with Tradition (with a capital T), but unfortunately modern Christians either ignore them or misunderstand them.

And then you have the fact that our life is based around the vehicle, or burning fuel to travel. It's our livelihood. Get to your job.

But you can have your license taken away. And have fines levied against you.

How can the state take away your horse? They've blown up the size of the cities rendering horses useless on the assumption that everyone has cars, then they sieze control of automobile culture and turn it into a state-run scam.

We are not free at all.

The bog pill

digits confirm

You are the jew.

The insight that there is no god and we are just biochemical reactors

America saved blacks from centuries of oppression in Africa.

Realizing that the good guys lost WW2. Took me almost 4 years to accept this.

where can i learn more about based Bogs and the phonecall that saved Paris


literally digits on all bogposts

its reawrl

the bogpill is a suppository but it feels good man

But it all comes back to walmart. Because ultimately you gas up (at walmart, these days) and shop at that big box store, stocking up for all your gay ass needs. Needs you only have because you are a slave day in and day out to the idea that you have to contribute to this clearly broken monster if you want to enjoy society.

And the judges, policemen, agents, the dmv, lawyers, everyone knows it's broken. People have been rebelling against the system for ages. But they all accept it. Everyone bends the knee.

someone give this guy a quick rundown

fuck off jew-wop, how are those J1 genes treating you?

>what are seasons
>what are eclipses
>what is Coriolis effect

That we're really all shills for our own ideology and that most people would rather die on their self made molehill than climb the mountain together.

>What is the final redpill(s)?

Satan is a giant douche and he's gay. I'm not even kidding.

Everyone is complicit in enforcing our own slavery. We all have the choice to wake up and actively rebel. But that's the problem. The illusion of choice makes people complacent. As long as that "choice" isn't taken away from you, you don't have to act- it can be put off until maybe someone else leads the way.

As long as we think it's possible to someday free ourselves, we will passively accept our chains, and keep the system running.

That's the essence of the redpill, and why you can't wake everyone up.

This my friend is the blue pill leave and kill your self

>The material world is a prison and the body is the cage
>The only goal in life is to keep living everything else does not matter
>We already know everything there is to know, what will be or could be, we know it all yet decided to subject ourselves to torment humiliation inside the material world to reject our knowledge for a chance at momentary happiness
>We're all really fucking old and very bored that insist we all have to keep playing

Young's double slit modulus

Imagine if we just started fucking building a city. Who would stop you? The police. What if he understood your ideals? Then who would stop you? Maybe someone at the department. What if you split that department's ideology, and some cops helped you build your city/defended you? What if this inspired others, and a ton of people started working with you. Total guerilla construction.

What is freedom, really? The idea that at any moment, we can say "no" to our old life, and make something new. But how can we make that happen? and is that really a choice we have or just an illusion?

who let neo in here

>acts bogpilled.. isn't

>Magic is real
>Demons are real
>Christianity is truth
>Whites truly must destroy every other race to end degeneracy and bring back a golden age of humanity

thats Catholicism not Christianity dumbass

Say no more senpai

>Strong ties to the French prime minister; evidence to suggest that they influence his every move, pushing for policies meant to weaken the nation's moral fabric so that they might rule over them without difficulty
>Belong to an ancient bloodline which has been associated with royalty and untold power
>Evidence which suggests that the Rothschilds are operating under their supervision
>Own DNA editing research facilities throughout the world
>Extensively funding NASA research regarding sustainable life on Mars
>Rumored to possess psychic abilities and are said to have IQs upwards of 600
>Largely believed to be in contact with alien life for
>Keep the electric car down so they can get their car based on string theory on the market
>Reptilians fear them
>Are working on several secret military projects

>Final redpill
Mods are almost exclusively underage faggots.

this and basically how you can't do anything about it. the ultimate black pill.
so your only way out is

Two Witnesses

An Allegory

Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible. Instead... only try to realize the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
Neo: There is no spoon?
Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is only yourself.


>magic is real

This was a hard pill for me to swallow because belief in magic is viewed as cringy and weird as hell. I am now completely convinced, though, and I'm still not sure what to think about it.

9mm aspirin

>Not Absolut Bogka
missed opportunity

>How the fuck Christianity any better? The priests are absolutely infamous for being pedophiles.

Agreed. And if Islam and Judaism received equal treatment in the media, people would bash the fuck out of those two religions as well.
But it's not. So next no one knows that Muslims worship a pedophile and Jews think they're "god's chosen people."