What does this mean?

What did they mean by this, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Lost leeches, proceed to stack money

If your enemies lose the election, they win.

It means they lost and they want us to feel their pain through retarded mind games.

It means they want everyone to agree with their exact political and moral beliefs and they won't stop crying until we do

It's a veiled threat of assassination.

>what did they mean by this

If you win the election, you lose.

They mean the greatest campaign ever run is already over.

We're lost like astronauts who return from space for the final time. They'll never fell the pinnacle of human emotion that their experience of astronauts elicits.

it means you worship a billionaire globalist and you're a right wing retard

We never saw Hillary shit herself on stage, so I have to agree.


Hello Obongo Leaf

It means they think you'll feel sorry for them when they commit mass suicide.

Is this classic Trudeau logic?

This guy again. Seriously dude. You're not fighting on the side of right. Just quit your job and do something honest.


>> Democrats not in power in a single branch of government

>> We lost

I think I'd call that the ultimate win, buddy


"Dear trump supporter,



it's Obama Leaf


It means Trump supporters voted for a plutocracy as a solution to socioeconomic ills. Hurting the feelings of your opponents isn't going to make you less of a slave but every election cycle people buy into that very notion.

krugman's warning about another GOP 9/11 was very prescient

Someone make a follow up that plots income by percentile, guess what they look the same

I'm starting to think you're an imposter. It would be very apparent by now if this truly were a Nigger Leaf thread.

>when you bend the definition of employment statistics to cover up your shitty job as president

it probably means they are going to whine and moan for the next 8 years

Trump has been backing off of his promises one by one and replacing them with normal Republican views.

He wont prosecute Clinton, he said Russia did the hacks, hired a bunch of CEOs and mainstream politicians for his cabinet, changed his view on issues like minimum wage, Obamacare, etc, supports Paul Ryan's tax plan...

Trump supporters are going to end up with pretty much nothing they actually wanted.


>implying we didn't already

So why didn't you vote for JEB! ? He would have given you all that from the start.

They got one thing right I haven't come down from this high yet

You mean iq percentile?

>Trump supporters are going to end up with pretty much nothing they actually wanted.

As far as agenda I expected only more of the same. If all I get is 8 years worth of liberal tears and a guy who can pronounce the word "ask" when he reads the teleprompter I consider this a huge win.

Lol. Obama never changed the definition of unemployment.

Right wing retards did because you're degenerates.

>when Obama does such a good job as president that right wing retards have to start counting my 80 year old retired grandma as unemployed

Only non retard itt


there still butthurt because being born with a vagina didnt win hillary the election

lol i am the one and only

have a compliment rare

>right wing retards

>is canadian

your prime minister or whatever you call him is another reason not to vote for the democrats,canada is a cuckfest

Don't worry Trump will get our leaf dollar back to par in no time

>income amount by percentile
>Savings by dollar amount
>no source

This is the most retarded graph I have ever seen. $1.3m savings for the top .01% is fucking TINY!

If you showed the savings by percent of income, the wealthy would save less. By you don't, because everyone would laugh at your /r/sandersforpresident-tier horseshit.

>The American and Canadian dollars affect in each other in tandem to such a degree that one will tank the other.

Keep believing that Al-Leafi

What does "lost" mean? What kind of nigger slang is this?

>oy vey it's time to double down goys

It's going to be fun passing amendments in 2018.

While I am socially and culturally far-right, I have to agree that too much wealth is being put into the hands of globalists who are destroying the west, and not enough is going to the furtherance of our people and society.

that's not what that shows

what a retard

It's hilarious really, a bunch of spoiled rich kids who never heard no and always had their way got the biggest fuck you ever

Still makes me laugh

I only wish Trump was literally Hitler for extra giggles, but this is good enough

>he's still posting the same shit

>This is the most retarded graph I have ever seen. $1.3m savings for the top .01% is fucking TINY!

That's top 0.1%. Average.

Top 0.01% will get an even bigger tax cut thanks to trump.

The truth hurts. Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires?

lol plz i stopped posting 14.6 million jobs created charts a long time ago

Don't be lazy.

The real leeches are the multi-billionaires who sucked the world dry.

Because they pay 40% of all taxes? (you dumb shit)

Like I said, right wing retards are nothing but cucks for the billionaire globalist elites

whoop-de-do, I typo'd a decimal. Point still stands.

give me a source with the percentage saved by income percentile, or I'm gonna disregard everything you say.

I probably should anyways, leaf.

These are just the same jobs added each month though. The Obama administration essentially allowed placed like fast food restaurants to count in his job creation stats, then when they fired someone or someone quit, the job opening that was created was also a new job.

>being this dense

>a leaf


that's what they mean by that

The truth hurts. Why is Trump cutting taxes for millionaires and billionaires?

Lol no they aren't. And no the Obama administration never made such changes. You retards just make shit up.

>He would have given you all that from the start
He was there to give the illusion of choice during President Clinton's ascension, that was the plan and you damned well know it.


what a retarded graph

I don't even know what is real anymore


>max savings for 1%
its literally nothing

>y-axis start at $200,000

Posts stats and gets attacked. The era of logic and reason is over.



i get that you're cucked for the billionaire globalist elites but it adds up

The problem with that picture and line of reasoning is that it still never refuted the original claim.

One could make a graphic depicting all the times Hillary has sympathized with the plight of working Americans, or go the considerably easier route of making the smug, cynical "No you" argument.

Still, the Trump supporter that made that initial claim cuz they literally heard him on TV and rallies talking about those issues, has no reason to be convinced by such a lazy, and condescending style of argument.

Oh look, he's back. Again.

>if you win, you lost

What the hell is utilities?

>ex-Soviet flag
>doesn't know what utilities are
makes sense

Dear faggot OP,

I'm pro-gun. I won.

this is now an anime thread


Those stats don't take into account the jobs that were 'created' which are part-time, which is most of them.


Actual unemployment is around 20%

Fuck off, i'm comfy af.





Yeah, all of our toilet cleaners moved to the uk


>bad thing


It means you should kill yourself OP



Liberals are going to beat the butthurt world record for sure

It means they're still thinking they are intellectually superior to Trump voters.

It means they're still delusional.

>jobs coming back
>Obamacare on its last legs
>globalist faggots the world over shitter-shattered beyond belief
>democrats eating themselves alive, driven to paranoia by their own delusions
I've already succeeded and the inauguration is still two days away.


*50 years later on Sup Forums*
Friendly reminder that Hillary won the popular vote not Drumpf.

Trump isn't really going to do anything to fix the problem that exist in america. In 4 years from now we will either be in the same place or worse than we are now.
