US hate thread


Other urls found in this thread:


>using Sup Forums an american website
>using computers an american invention
>using the Internet an american invention

That image is so bullshit. Bald Eagles are known to pick up small goats and throw them off of mountains.


For fun?

>hating on the US

That's golden eagles you dip

Bald eagles also go on landfills because they are lazy and bad at catching prey

>wake up
>the race-mixing, border-opening, invader kike Haven still exists

>Bald Eagles are known to pick up small goats and throw them off of mountains

>brits will defend this

this is now a thread to worship asian women

What is a Muslim mayor with one term compared to an African president for 2 terms?

Stay jelly, yuropoor.

Brits will defend this

>white country

America will not be accepting Eurapefugees during the race war, might as well hate on us while you can


That smirk, is he shit posting in ultraviolet on eaglechan

Always sad eagles have such shit names like bald and wedge tailed.


Have a pic user

Swedish eagle names are pretty good. The king eagle and the sea eagle are good names.

Stop worshiping asian women.

The eternal Anglo's are gods true chosen people. Look at what the bible says about what will happen to "Jacobs" descendants during the endtimes and you'll notice the correlation.



Varg should go back to his country.

They are known to attack full grown men. They are fucking scary close up.

>stop letting white women be more shit than asian women

there we go

>only eagle in the world that can shitpost bbc threads

yeah those are better names

kek gives me trips in this worthless thread.

Why are their fake tits so much nicer?

They look like plastic people before plastic surgery


Sup Forums is a copy of 2chan a Japanese website the Internet was invented at cern by Tim Bernard Lee and Alan turings invented the first programmable computer and I thought American education was a meme

qt desu

Nah I'm good faggot.

That's the bird that routinely takes on larger birds by pecking at the brain stem of the larger birds. It also causes a tremendous amount of leftist butthurt.

>kicked the British's ass
>conquered and settle land about 2mil km bigger than Austrialia.
>nearly genocided an entire race of people
>only country to use nuclear bombs in a war
>indiscriminately starts wars in brown and yellow countries

The Bald Eagle also doesn't screech like it does on television. In reality it only chirps.

The signature screech that you hear on Colbert Report is actually a hawk.

and only 1 of those is an actual achievement, you are a bully merica!

no bully pls


>not knowing that ARPNET set half of the framework for the modern Internet
And I thought American education was bad.


>attacking parachutes & paragliders
>strayan animal trying to kill people
why am I not surprised

Fake tits done the right way
The internet was made by Americans.

>Australian "Eagle"

>implying those freedom raptors aren't partying hard

thats holland

Without a Brit, Sup Forums would be and FTP site?

Also Charles Babbage.

That explains why the kids are white

Perfect symbol for Americans then.