Prostitution is paid rape. And johns should be criminalized. Money doesn't make it ok, put your cock into someone who doesn't want it there, but are forced by socio-economics, mental health problems- It is the single most devastating trade, and will be shamefully put in the dump of history alongside child labour and slavery. Real men don't pay for people.
Totally, real men just take what they want.
Wait a second...
Working is paid slavery. And employers should be criminalized. Money doesn't make it ok, put someone to work who doesn't want it there, but are forced by socio-economics, mental health problems- It is the single most devastating trade, and will be shamefully put in the dump of history alongside child labour. Real men don't pay for workers.
>Implying prostitution isn't the purest example of the free market at work
Fuck off statist cuck.
Shut the fuck up, faggot. Women are our equals. They can make decisions for themselves. Stop treating them like they're inferior and incapable.
>Women can't be held responsible for their own thoughts and actions
They are equal you sexist white cis male god
being penetrated ten times a day is not work. It is soul shattering on levels unlike flipping any burger.
Child labour and slavery is free market as well then?
Prostitution is always entered in on account of lack of decisions or options. It is a last resort of victimized and violated-
won thread. good night idiots.
Slavery involves force so no. I dentures servitude is fine though as long as both parties consent.
Child labor is only acceptable if the parents consent.
>being penetrated ten times a day is not work. It is soul shattering
Vaginas are designed for penetration, you're projecting your dad assraping you onto women, it doesn't work like that
lmfao too blinded by his bias to see that some prostitutes enjoy their occupation. Same way some people like their shitty jobs.
Insisting prostitutes aren't fucked mentally
I feel like if prostitution was legal, there wouldn't be so many cucks. Beta fags orbit around bd girls tochave sex, but obviously it never happens. If they can legally and willingly pay someone tovhave sex I don't see the problem. Men want sex and women want mone, its a way win win situation
Prostitutes aren't forced.
They're just lazy niggers who won't work real jobs.
It's legal in Germany, which is currently one of the most cucked country there is.
>being penetrated ten times a day is not work. It is soul shattering on levels unlike flipping any burger.
I fail to see how this is any worse than a man working all day outside doing landscaping or in a coal mine.
>but but hazardous to their health
Seen the figures on industrial accidents? Health problems from mining?
feeling bored, gonna ring up an escort tonight just to spite you. I dunno should I eat Mexican or Asian tonight?
People conveniently ignore male prostitution exists, and everyone knows men can't get raped. Therefore prostitution doesn't have anything to do with rape :^/
Prostitution is the only time women are honest about what they want from you.
I fucked a hooker today.
I always end up asking about her personal life.
She was from Romania. She told me she has studied at the university, but that prostitution gives much more money.
Then she told me she is doing this for just one more year because she wants to have a baby. I asked her with whom. She told me she has a boyfriend which is also a escort that fuck both men and women, but that it is OK for both since it is just fucking and no feels and they accept eachother.
Then she told me a lot of clients end up asking her for dates or even marriage.
Something I have learned today is that there are more steps on the ladder of degeneration and I am still fairly low.
I'm sorry you had to hear that.
Thanks rare flag I cannot check because I am on mobile.
This is retarded; if two adults agree to have sex in exchange for money, it is by no definition of the word "rape".
Trinidad & Tobago
Go slav my friend
I have a 40 year old escort I often fuck
A 22 year old who I let dominate me and a 29 year old erotic masseuse who I see regularly
I spent near 1000€ a month on them
>being penetrated ten times a day is not work. It is soul shattering on levels unlike flipping any burger.
Having been raped, this is a false equivalence .
I'd ether be raped than work 10 hours a day.
Christianity is all I needed to instill how prostitution is wrong
Gå i seng
You are feeding human parasites, congratulations.
A job in drywall installing is always entered in on account of lack of decisions or options. It is a last resort of victimized and violated-
>Prostitution is paid rape
No it isn't. They choose to do what they do. No one FORCED them to do anything. Why does everything have to be rape now? It's argument like this that let people fool themselves into thinking they have no choice. Just stop.
Women are fucked mentally.
There are tons of Venezuelan prostitutes arising over here, they can't work even as legal prostitutes because they don't have any papers. Do these kind of women really have a choice?, either they die from hunger in Venezuela or prostitute themselves to live by. They are being systematically raped by police pimps and the government itself, the reason they are allowed to live doing that profession is because it benefits a few dying casinos who have dirt bags over some politicians and the apathy of horny men. A prostitute has to pay a quota of 20$ per night just to be able to work in a casino, and they will get extorted for more if they discover you don't have any papers.
>in Venezuela
This should be a clue as to what the real problem is here.
Yeah, these girls also used to be of a high social upstanding, but they are whores now. Some people just don't have a choice in the matter.
pretty much this, neck yourself op
>Some people just don't have a choice in the matter.
Yes, it's not right whether one is forced to be a whore or break big rocks into little rocks. It's the having no choice part that makes it wrong. The fact that their forced to be whores just adds insult to injury.