Ex Muslim Thread

Hey my fellow apostates, how many death threats have you received today? Just got one from my mom an hour ago! Islam truly is a religion of peace.

Anyway, just a few questions for my fellow turncoats:

Where are you from?

What's your political stance (Conservative, Liberal, etc.)?

Why did you leave?

How have others reacted since you left the faith?

What religion are you now (if any)?

What is your opinion of liberal islam apologists?

Didnt want to put it in the OP, but my answers:

Where are you from?
>Originally Iraq, I live in D.C

>Political Stance

Why did you leave?
It's just plain backwards, the prophet is really not the type of person anyone should aspire to be. As well, being forced by my parents to cover up when going outside, even in 100 degree weather led to my exploratiom of athiesm and other faiths.

>How have others reacted
Horribly, my parents have threatened to kill me.

>What religion are you now
None, I'm an athiest

>What is your opinion of liberal islam apologists
Worse than practising muslims desu, because the liberals should know better.

Well, I guess I'm the only one.

Good job.

Okay, gimme it. When did you leave and what lead you to leave? How did the people around you react? And what has changed in your life as a result of you leaving Pisslam?

I posted above

No you didn't.

You haven't answered the following
>when did you leave
>what lead you to leave (i.e what was the thing to pushed you over the edge)
>what has changed in your life as a result

>iraqi education

Two years ago

The breaking point was when my parents told me that they didnt want me dating a christian (who I'm still with). And threatened to arrange my marriage.

>what has changed
I'm a lot happier overall. My parents not talking to me hurts, and being forced to becoming financially independent overnight was rough, but I'm better off now.

>dating a christian (who I'm still with)
Have you converted to Christianity since, or have you just remained non-religious?

Do you have any trouble interacting with Muslims now that you know how Islam looks from the outside? As in, now that you're out of the religion do you find Muslims to have strange behaviours that you just can't understand or accept?

>My parents not talking to me hurts
You got any brothers or sisters? If so, how did they react/are you still in touch with them?

So the reason you left Islam is not because of an ideological difference- all you post is about personal discomforts- didn't like covering up, didn't like being restricted in dating choices.

How are you any different from white and Indian whores? You had an option to redpill people by pointing out genuine problems with Islam but you went against what are arguably its face saving parts.

Just don't expect that criticizing islam will give you free internet points here.

I have not converted to Christianity, but, I go to services with him when I can. I dont mind Christianity, it's pretty benign, and spirituality makes him happy, so by extension that makes me happy.

I've always found some behaviors strange. Even more so now though. The weirdest behavior imo is how most muslims believe in the supernatural. My parents actually believe that Djinn (basis of genies, but in islam, they are sort of like the neutral to the evil of demons and good of angels) cause havok in human lives. They legitimately blame weirdness on Djinn.

>I have one brother, and I do still talk to him. He's not very religious himself, but he's too loyal to our parents to leave Islam.

I wasnt expecting anything, I wanted to get answers from other exmuslims. What do you want to know? I've been witness to sermons where the west has been compared to Satan, ones where people have been encouraged to die for the faith. The things said in the average mosque are horrible, but for a lot of people that's not enough to drive them away from it. Only when things get personal can a lot of people be made to do something life-altering like leaving a cult.

Sorry I was mean.

Good lad. Do you accept Jesus Christ, or have you given up on all religion?
I'm a church attending Christian. That's for me; it's my faith. I'm from Huguenot background (French Protestant). We do not proselytize.
I'm interested by your post.

How old are you, how long have you been in Burgertown?

No problem

I'm an athiest, but I attend church sometimes because I'm in a serious relationship with a somewhat devout christian

I'm 20, I've been in the US for 18 years.

>Where are you from?

>Why did you leave?
Religion is cancer.

>How have others reacted since you left the faith?
They tried to convince me to return to islam but they failed.

>What religion are you now (if any)?

>What is your opinion of liberal islam apologists?


Do you think yours is a choice many young Muslim people in America are considering?

If not, what do you feel was different in your case?

Do you think the Muslim youth you know are truly devout, or make more of a show of it for family's sake?

none i don't asume my apostat IRL and i think it's better like that. i really don't want to disappoint my family.
do you guys started to drink alcohol and eat pork ? not me but i should try but muh i have no friends to have a beer with

>I'm 20, I've been in the US for 18 years.
Ah, so you'll have no memory of living in the oil pan. How come your parents went to America?

How tough is it to be a naughty apostate in Turkeystan?

When did you move out of the Jungle?

I left Islam because it is homophobic and mysoginistic, christianity is more tolerant of homosexuality and knows that women are equal to men :)

Erdogan is slowly positioning himself as the Mahdi.

The Mahdi is the Anti-christ.

Beware the Red Dragon

Yes, I do. The problem is that MENA cultures value family above all else, hence why cousin marriage is so high. If the west wants to defeat islam, it must end these incestuous practices.

I eat pork, but I dont smoke or drink, nor have a desire to.

My parents left because Sadam was trying to remove ultra religious islamists like them. They are pretty crazy desu.

>Where are you from?
KR Iraq

>What's your political stance (Conservative, Liberal, etc.)?
Conservative Nationalist

>Why did you leave?
Found out that Muhammed was a cunt

>How have others reacted since you left the faith?
They don't give a shit

>What religion are you now (if any)?

>What is your opinion of liberal islam apologists?
Fucking despise them, god damn snakes should be shot

Well, my phone is going to die. Hope this thread is still alive when I get recharged.

>Where are you from?
Bay Area, California. My parent came here (legally thank god) in the late 80's as refugees from Afghanistan. I was born here.

>What's your political stance? Libertarian that leans Liberal

>Why did you leave?
Because I'm not rretarded cuckold that follows some random space diety. Also got $1000 scholarship for an essay I wrote about being agnostic.

>How have others reacted since you left the faith?
Eh, never associated with other Muslims much. Immediate-family is super open-minded and doesn't care. Never talk about it to cousins and uncles but feel most of them have already assimilated and wouldn't care that much either.

>What religion are you now (if any)?
Agnostic/Atheist. I believe in Science because again, I'm not retarded.

>What is your opinion of liberal islam apologists?
Eh, they make my personal life safer because they dont view me as some terrorist but they definitely need to fix parts of their narrative or conservatives will never agree with them.

literally no benfits of saying I'm no longer Muslim if you live here.

unless you convert to Christianity to marry, or you want to open a liqour store/bar.

>How tough is it to be a naughty apostate in Turkeystan?
Izmir is a secular paradise tbqh.
I like it here.

do people drink in Jordan?

>ultra religious islamists like them
Jesus Christ. Are they the kind of people who wish death to America and then disbelievers?

>I eat pork
How long after you left did you first eat it and how DIAMONDS did it make you?

>MENA cultures value family above all else
From what I've seen they value honour above all else and family is just an expendable asset in the journey to even greater honour.

How do people in Jordan view apostates?

What's your opinion on Erdogan?

Two years ago when ISIS started to release their mass execution video. I was schocked when i've seen those videos because they reflected my ideology of true islam (shariah).
I was like "this really the world i want? god really accept that?"
and also others reason, a lot of contradiction in the coran have made me leave islam

Do you guys think Islam could get through the enlightenment?
is there any chance?

I feel like we changed all the other religions so they fit modern culture but by respecting Islam so much that we don't think it needs to change at all we basically guarantee it is not ever going to be compatible.

>modern culture.

>Where are you from?

>What's your political stance (Conservative, Liberal, etc.)?
Somewhat classical liberal.

>Why did you leave?
I simply don't believe it.

>How have others reacted since you left the faith?
Didn't tell my parents. My muslim friends always banter, most of my friends are irreligious tho.

>What religion are you now (if any)?
I'm an atheist.

>What is your opinion of liberal islam apologists?

>What's your opinion on Erdogan?
He could have been a good leader if he was not an islamist.
Neo-Ottoman retards ruined his reputation

How long you been in France? Where are you from?

>don't say france

Technically Im not muslim since I dont pray or read the quran. I just do the easy stuff like fasting and no pork.

My parents outright tell me Im not muslim but I dont think they care.

Church is a peaceful place. It is a place to pray.
I hope your relationship goes well. My religion forbids me from proselytizing.
Even if you don't pray, then I hope attending church with your partner gives you a space to gather your thoughts and reflect.
Best wishes to both of you. And I'll pray for you. I don't mind if you're an atheist.

yes, but it's heavily taxed making it kinda expensive.
generally like shit because you don't need to denounce Islam to do w/e you want. just be a bad Muslim

Then why bother to fast and shit when you don't observe the rest of the religion? Allah already fucking hates you, so what's to gain in following along with his games?

no plz, we not murican

What's your sect of Christianity?

>just be a bad Muslim
Never understood this. Islam is to submit to Allah completely, right? So how can you be "in the fold of Islam" if you don't submit completely?

Being part of this religion or that religion doesn't change your genetics. A nigger is a nigger whatever sky fairy he believes in. Same goes for sand niggers.

We know. But it doesn't hurt to ask questions. Calm down or pic related.

I dunno man. Its like getting a D in class. Its a shit grade but at least its not an F.
I think its more or less me being in denial on how shitty of a job Im doing.

>Never understood this. Islam is to submit to Allah completely, right? So how can you be "in the fold of Islam" if you don't submit completely?

Use some common sense, this would be like me asking "how can Christians have premarital sex when it clearly says you're not supposed to?" There is the theological ideal and then there is reality. In the same way that whores claim to be christian while having sex with multiple men many muslims drink etc while they say that they're muslim.

Hope that made sense.

Muslim means you believe in 1 god (allah) and Mohammad was his messenger. thats it your in.

praying and fasting are required and if you don't you'll be punished (by god). still technically a muslim just a shitty one.

Don't understand this either, you can't be one thing while being the opposite. I'd say that using common sense would lead one to believe that anyone who refuses to follow the rules of a religion are not part of that religion. It's a bit like me saying I'm a vegan but I enjoy a burger on a Sunday. I understand what you're saying though, it just doesn't quite fit in my mind properly.

Still gonna get pegged by Allah for being naughty, so you might as well go the whole way.

Nothing worse than a religious person who doesn't adhere to their religion properly. Especially Muslim ones, they're bloody dangerous.

I know that. I just dont want to get pegged EVEN MORE if I completely bs everything.

>not wanting to get pegged
WEW what a bigot

Honestly sounds like you refuse to give up your religion completely because you're scared of the unknown.

Ive been watching too many shows about hell and GOD VS SATAN and the afterlife thats its been ingrained in my mind.
Im a pussy when it comes to this.

How old are you?

23. Im a manager at a gas station so I dont really have time doing all the islamic stuff.

if they leave the religion there's a chance that they can become normal human being.

An Atheist from the Middle East is still better than an European who became a fanatic mudslim

like this scumbag

Why the heck you letting the telly scare you at your age? Are your friends Muslim?

That goes without saying, a traitor is always worse. Doesn't mean we should just mix all the races together though.
>double posts
>forgets pic
You cunts are supposed to be efficient.

fixed it. fucking Sup Forums should have an edit button

>who doesn't adhere to their religion properly
>wow he's so fucking dangerous he doesn't fast ramadan even though god told him to!!
being a good person comes before that shit, and that shit doesn't concern anyone and shouldn't affect your judgement. you can find scum of the earth who do that without missing a single day.

Yes, they do hate America, even though it took them in.

Pork isnt my favorite meat. I prefer beef, but I tried pork before I officially left anyway.

Honor is just a meme. Arabs care about their families and acting holier than thou.

Well ok, I dislike going to church overall, but it's not like it kills me or anything. I definitely enjoy seeing my bf doing something he likes.

agree. as long as we dont get flooded with them and they integrate in our society it can work.

With mudslims (from Middle Eastor Europe) it will never work

>implying I do anything but work
I work from 8am to 11pm. I got no life man. Im surrounded by illegal immigrants and rednecks. Only reason I left my great life in Cali was to help my parents.

Would you be offended if I said I want Trump to deport your parents and all others from the most peaceful of religions?

No, I disagree with deporting them all, but I believe that Islam should be banned in the US. Convert, renounce or leave.

>>wow he's so fucking dangerous he doesn't fast ramadan even though god told him to!!
Not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the ones who love muh feminism, and gay rights and shit. They give the religion a false veneer. They make a barbaric cult look all warm and cuddly. That's the danger I'm on about.

>integrate in our society it can work.
Disagree, they shouldn't be in Europe at all.

>Honor is just a meme
I guess that young girls being killed by their parents for refusing to marry is just a folk tale?. That shit is real and it's prevalent, happens all the bloody time over here.

>illegal immigrants
Getting more and more bigoted as we go on, wew.

>great life in Cali
Is it really possible to have a great life in Commiefornia though? Aren't you afraid of being thrown in the gulag?

Bullshit. Most of our newly arrived rapefugees don't care about religion, they drink alcohol, sell drugs, go to clubs. Yet they are still raping and stealing their way through Germany. It's genetics and culture.

They are. Most of the "workers" cant speak english and half dont have green cards.
Also it depends where in Cali.

>They are. Most of the "workers" cant speak english and half dont have green cards.
I was just meming lad.

They're not refugees, they're just tanned Germans. Stop being racist.

Honor is ingrained in every culture. So called honor killings stem more from family dynamics than bushido tier honoru shit.

>Where are you from?

>What's your political stance (Conservative, Liberal, etc.)?
I lean right on 90% of issues

>Why did you leave?
I never really considered myself Muslim in the first place.

>How have others reacted since you left the faith?
My parents said they don't care as long as I believe in god.

>What religion are you now (if any)?
Christian but I still believe in some of the Shia specific stuff like not letting faith get in the way of science.

>What is your opinion of liberal islam apologists?
Idk most of them support sunni or wahhabism. My country is mostly shia and citizens there don't really care as long as you're not openly against islam.



Once a muslim, always a muslim.

Also, read Pigman