>Single in her late 20s and beyond
>Single mom
>Pursuing a STEM career
>Has a tinder
>Not a virgin at marriage
Any other signs of a degenerate woman?
>Single in her late 20s and beyond
>Single mom
>Pursuing a STEM career
>Has a tinder
>Not a virgin at marriage
Any other signs of a degenerate woman?
youre going to have to settle eventually
take your pipe dreams of a qt tradtionalist wife and shove it in the trash, that woman is reserved for only the best of men
If best of men = fucking sand nigger Muslims then sure.
>not a virgin
Well, that leaves us with.....toddlers I guess
>>Pursuing a STEM career
You may as well learn to accept your new female overlords.
You'll be the housewife soon enough.
> underage sluts up the duff soon
Sounds like your average white trash
you know that's not true
go outside more
That is why you are supposed to wife them at 12 like every other civilization before the 20th century.
Big red flags from experience:
>defends Black Lives Matter or goes to their protests
>Refugees Welcome
>yoga pants
>Tinder and Snapchat
>majoring in psychology, marketing, business, gender studies, liberal arts
>works retail
>has furniture or clothing with a cheetah or leopard skin design
Middle one is a dead ringer for my ex-gf (a conservative baptist chemical engineer who would have slut-shamed all these hoes before going back to her dorm room to suck me off).
So I guess you're not wrong -- but she was still pretty far down on the slut scale among the population of girls that have gone to college in the past couple of decades...
also why are you guys complaining it has got so much easier these days to get teenage pussy, 28 still fucking 18 yr olds
get a tinder, fuck a whore, drink your sorrows away
>Using those as excuses to not have white children
We are fighting a demographic war, anons. Suck it up, find a light eyed woman, redpill her, marry her, and put your fucking babies in her. It doesn't matter if she has a degenerate past. The white man will be a minority in the US by 2045 if we don't start breeding like rabbits.
You choose - muh virgin bride, or end of your fucking people.
Raise the next generation right and we'll never see this problem again, if our people even make it there.
Getting women into STEM is yet another Jew ploy. Educated women will not settle with a man with less education, even if he makes more money, because of hypergamy. Hence you will see many more single women in their thirties.
Women are more miserable than ever before. You can only explain this by them attempting to take on traditionally male roles.
this, women are WANTING to be led by THEIR men. its in the dna. go out and MAKE your wife
Bisexual is a good one, feminist/BLM shit is just a given so I didn't include it.
What should a girl major in in college? I don't think STEM is good and I Think those are decent fields other than gender studies. The problem is the Jew brainwashing in those fields rather than the content themselves.
>Educated women will not settle with a man with less education
You'll find that they just demand sexual and domestic slaves to cater to them.
It's just that there's a shortage of submissive males at present to fill that niche.
>parents are divorced
>not a serious christian