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Cynthia G has now made a new video on this subject, in response to all the white trolls:
Is she right? Maybe we should just gas ourselves.
Last thread:
Cynthia G has now made a new video on this subject, in response to all the white trolls:
Is she right? Maybe we should just gas ourselves.
That qt isn't wrong you know
Why would you even spend time on this
Would bang, desu
Ill explain why, because swedes are cucks.
shes 100% accurate and that's why it bothers you guys so much
oh shit you're right man, fuck me I'm pretty upset that my neanderthal ancestors boosted my IQ by over a whole s deviation, it sucks
She's right. White people are descendants of the Nephilim.
I.Q. test is biased against Africans, fine, whatever. I can understand how that MIGHT be.
Has anyone created a general intelligence evaluation/intelligence test where the converse is true, where Africans perform better than non-Africans?
My guess is "lol."
>Unironically pressing the notion that whites and niggers are separate species.
I have no problem admitting that blacks and whites aren't the same animal, they can have the term human if they want but they will never be equal or above whites
Is rape and AIDS a general intelligence parameter?
I support her.
At least then I won't be in the same species as niggers. What do we call ourselves now? Gods?
Well "human" is an english word hence a white concept made to design white people.
POC are finally acccepting they aren't human beings.
>Maybe we should just gas ourselves.
You go first dude, we are all right behind you
So whites aren't humans and niggers are sub-humans, boo hoo
Weren't neanderthals intellectually superior to homosapiens? I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere. Probably here so who knows
very stronk post
Well, they weren't inferior in intelligence, from what anthropologists have determined.
Is Cynthia G her actual name? Anybody know where she works?
Not really solid science, it is speculated that they were intelligent as they had large brains and seemed to function somewhat as a society, but had a lower verbal IQ, essentially they were not as good at communicating. I'd also like to hear from somebody more knowledgeable than me though
Do you think her racism against whites ever manifests itself as a sexual fetish?
Yes. Racemixing erased them though.
Flag checks out.
Swedes are the true real cucks. You gave your balls to your women, and they used it to bring invaders... DA FUCK!!!!
Shut up Maurice.
so not so much a master race as a superior species...?
Black supremacy is laughable. The way they throw around facts they themselves don't fully understand makes me feel sorry for them.
It's time to acknowledge our racial inferiority to blacks.
I wish it was real so i won't be the same sub species as them
>our racial inferiority to blacks
All world wide conflicts were caused by whites
Europe has a huge influence on the world
We invented almost 90% of things in this world
black people didn't even invented a fucking wheel
Sweden nuke yourself already
The term is 'Master' but in African American Vernacular it's pronounced 'Massa' but it's apparently a touchy subject in this day and age...
For those who still haven't watched the first video:
How can you refute this? She is 100% correct.
>All world wide conflicts were caused by whites
How is that a good thing?
>Europe has a huge influence on the world
How would you know? You don't even live in Europe.
>We invented almost 90% of things in this world
Most of these so called ''inventions'' were rip-offs, inventions done by colored people later on claimed by whites.
>black people didn't even invented a fucking wheel
The wheel was actually invented in the Middle East.
>Sweden nuke yourself already
Everyone hates RuSSia. The only country coming closest to nuking is your 3rd world shithole putinlover.
I live in European part of Russia
>Most of these so called ''inventions'' were rip-offs, inventions done by colored people later on claimed by whites.
this level of delusion, no wonder, first country to legalize gay marriage
>black people didn't even invented a fucking wheel
>The wheel was actually invented in the Middle East.
Well, is there something wrong? It wasn't niggers just as I said
We need to start a campaign to get her on tucker Carlson.
I need the keks guys, please!
Praise kek!
Obviously I'm not white dutch so I'm not responsible for this, faggot.
whitey btfo
She lives in Seattle if that helps
My point was it wasn't invented by whites just like a lot of other things.
Got her twitter boys!
Whites made it great.
Fuck off toothpaste
>what is sarcasm/ironic cuckposting
Come on ivan
I like your way of thought: "dem wyte ppl be steelin our inventions!1!"
Betcha this German stole design for V-2 from some nigger, didn't he?
Is that even English?
your country is too cucked to distinguish sarcasm from being dead serious
Was he having a seizure while trying to pound Bix Nood into his keyboard?
Afaik they might've been more intelligent and have stronger upper bodies than us, however they were kind of autistic. Less sociable than us.
If ancient niggers were so smart, how'd they allow themselves to become enslaved by inferior whitey?
Homo sapiens exterminated the neanderthals because they were better at forming large social groups and had better organizational ability
Really makes you think
nigger denial is always fun to see
This really gets the ol dradle spinnin don't it?
Her whole video channel and her commenters sound insane to be honest.
This video is hilarious. You can here her voice start trembling as she stutters out bullshit.
>the fire rises, race war now
Good shit
Why all the effort to straighten her hair if it's nonhuman?
>hordes of low IQ group thinkers
>destroys High IQ independants
History repeats itself.
The Neanderthal pill.
That's technically true in that blacks that never left Africa (so not African Americans) are the only pure Homo Sapiens on Earth, every other population including whites mixed with at least Neanderthals and also possibly some other populations like Denisovans or Homo Floriensis.
White people aren't the only humans who have straight hair. In fact all none blacks have beautiful straight hair.
I'll never get tired of seeing dumbass niggas try to prove their "WE WUZ KANGZ" ideology with pseudo-science.
Well, Europeans are basically Neanderthals and that is what makes them superior. I also like what
points out.
Stupid nigger
The Homo sapiens literally ATE the Neanderthals out of existence.
This was discovered by Neanderthal skulls that had scrape makes from homo sapien tools inside the cranium.
>nigger Homo sapiens leave Africa
>go to Europe
>see peaceful white Neanderthal
>kill him and eat his brain
Are there any good documentaries or books on Neanderthals? This crazy nigger really got me interested in them.
That is clearly wrong, just open your eyes and observe objective reality, which race of people are better off? Who has the better average IQ's? And this is important because no matter how smart you are, your kids are more likely to regress towards the mean, the average IQ. And if a race's average IQ is 85 then that is where it will regress to even if you mate two genius black people. It's goping to go from 145 to 135, and so on until by the third or fourth generation, most of them will be back at the mean. Here is objective reality for you, neanderthals had glue before homo sapiens, we have evidence of this.
She deletes all comments against her, doesn't she?
Isn't she clearly mixed? Meaning she also has some of that evil white devil Neanderthal DNA in her.
Yep. Let's trigger her into making more videos!
>13 are visible
I'm not sure if it's a good idea to give her attention.
Haven't we learned ANYTHING from gamergate?
if whites aren't HUMANGZ N' SHIIIIEEEET, then whites are super-humans
>tfw literal Übermensch
Wow, she really can't handle any kind of critique.
She must be banging that refresh button like crazy deleting shit.
Did that Korwaski (?) dude already make a video about her?
Korwaski who?
Never heard of this guy but he probably doesn't know about Cynthia G yet.
This niggress is putting out 2 videos a day about this shit.
She's triggered as fuck.
I already sent him a couple of links.
Here's my contribution.
Neither are Niggers, so what?
Ya'll are doing it wrong.
You gotta like the shit out of her videos. Leave encouraging comments. Don't break YouTube's terms and conditions. Give her enough support to get her to say something that finally gets her thrown off YouTube.
Baha, niggers inventing stupid words not fit for sci fi to make themselves feel smart
In one of her videos she says that melanin is the most valuable thing on the planet, even more valuable than gold.
haha where have you've been Sup Forums?
keep triggering this bitch
She just highlighted how you guys always revert back to IQ. A test made by you for you and damn if you're not commenting about your "high IQ".
>too smart to not be enslaved by retarded albinoid cave trolls
>too smart to be successful in a white devil society
IQ matters. Being able to slamdunk does not.
Her twitter:
She just said that because you are more evil or more caniving doesn't make you superior also you guys had a modified version of the gun. The original prototype was produced by Asians and brought back to Europe by Marco Polo. I'm quite sure if hand to hand combat was involved no colonization would have taken place.
>essentially they were not as good at communicating.
They couldn't. Speech comes from the hyoid bone.
Neanderthal hyoid bone is too small to support speech like humans.
ill revert back to the INTERNET on my COMPUTER while I sit on the TOILET. Thank god we had black people to invent all this stuff, phew!
fuck me for falling for this bait but i really hate niggers
Voice trembled because she has female vocal cords idiot.
>Now he's defending low IQ
Really makes you think.
That bitch check mated you all. I'm proud.
Do you realize mankind has been here for millions of years ? Do you realize many different groups of people held reign and created , invented etc? YOU ARE JUST HAVING A MOMENT!!!! Don't let it go to your head.
Has no one doxxed this cunt yet?