I go to school at the University of Texas at Austin. Browsing Sup Forums I've realized this is the most fucked city ever. The state just passed a campus carry law allowing anyone to carry a concealed firearm, and went into effect August 1, 2016. My animal behaviors professor yesterday said we had to anonymously vote whether we'd like to allow guns in the classroom or not. How is she even allowed to do this?
I go to school at the University of Texas at Austin...
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I mean...she's just trying to figure out who wants to carry so she knows who to report, shut out, and/or fail. It's not even subtle.
That fucking "cocks not glawks" protest was an embarrassment to humankind.
cocks not glocks, amirite? A&M > UT fags anyday
She probably legally can't, and even if she says "so you cant carry a gun in MY classroom" how is she going to know if you're concealed carrying or not. Austin is so gay.
Well now we know that if there's a shooting at Austin it should be stopped quickly, so long as idiotic liberal professors don't hang up "This is a gun free classroom" signs (which I'm sure is bound to happen). Liberty seems to be doing ok...
she isnt. She has no authority to do anything.
Open carry into the class next time
Glad I only heard about and didn't have to witness this abomination
Do this OP
This is why you go to A&M or even just one of the community colleges that have 1:1 credit transfer to Texas Tech like I do. Austin is a shithole and there is very little to redeem it. Thats why I moved to Horseshoe Bay and use CTC for classes instead of the Jewniversity of Texas
my thing though is I live in Cali so im already fucked when it comes to guns. But my school has a policy to where i can have a gun in my trunk but not on my person.
Mike Ryan?
>active shooter in your classroom
>let me run to my car and get my gun
>quick lemme run to my car
gig em
College Station is a nice little town, I don't worry about bullshit like this
When will America rise up and purge the universities
well i mean its the best i can do in Cali other then bludgeoning the shooter with a desk.
If she tries to punish you by violating the Second Amendment, sue her as publicly as possible.
They have shit in colleges where professors can fail you for any reason like little dictators.
If you constitution-fuck one of them, maybe that will change.
I have friends @ UT austin. I feel sorry for them. The liberal indoctrination is 24/7 and everywhere, and they think they're smarter for it too, ffs.
This is a good idea. My research professor did the same thing, but was a lot less anonymous about it. Literally just asked all the grad and undergrads if anyone wanted to have guns in the lab at a meeting.
Start your own fucking school if you don't like their rules.
Jk I'm kinda jelly but physics UT>A&M
same, one of my friends absolutely hates it, being surrounded by degenerates has made him right-wing
Both programs are really good, UT profs treat students like shit, A&M is a bit better, still the occasional asshole, but sometimes you get an ultra-based old white man who's retired from industry
i'll bet this gorgeous half jap dancer who wanted to become a doctor wished she had a gun instead of a dildo when the iq 10 niggamal raped her for a couple of hours and then strangled her on the UT campus.
Suppressing my power level when Trump got elected was pretty difficult
I delight in triggering the libbys whenever I visit my friends in Austin. Their pitiful angst is just funny because I know they wont do anything.
>animal behaviors professor
*african american studies
>animal behaviors professor
sweet. i don't want to be "fully diversified" by an islamic terrorist or something just because i'm at school.
>not letting Ahmed practice his religion on you
>walk into local halal bros restaurant to get my daily ass fucking
Holy shit I went to UT in the 80's. I saw Jesse Jackson speak right where the protestors are in OPs post.
>yes I was that cucked
>look where I wound up
should have stuck around for the protest on Trump desu
I really feel like we should have gun education in schools.
>school shooter shows up
>help us user
>oh no, you didn't want guns here
only place guns shouldn't be allowed is in hospitals desu
>>should have stuck around for the protest on Trump desu
Rare flag. where the fuck are you from?
Actually didnt last very long. There was a big march down speedway that made its way to Guad. and another in front of the tower, but that was about it. Getting ready for inauguration day though
I live in San Antonio and have to witness this kind of faggotry in my state much more often then I used to. The only thing I can do is buy more guns to help balance things out.
maybe you can't get the #s IRL that used to be possible? Back in the day before internet you posted flyers on trees and hoped people showed up.
I thought I was liberal when I went there. I can't imagine being there after Sup Forums. How do you do it?
I think I've just become an angrier person. I think my UT friends get suspicious when I tell them I like the way the country is going. I tend to just not talk about politics in general at school; being a STEM major helps with that.
Having to conceal your power level gets old
>I tend to just not talk about politics in general at school; being a STEM major helps with that.
I bet that helps. I wasted my time studying liberal arts. I work in liberal entertainment, so just stay neutral or anti-system in general when talking to co-workers.
I'd never keep a job if I supported Trump openly.
>>Having to conceal your power level gets old
I agree, but I find it's really not that hard to avoid getting into hot water if you don't take stuff personally. I just suck it up when discusssing liberal issues and the other 99% of the time I'm fine.
>inb4 ur a coward
gotta pick your battles, and some you can't win
I used to work as a research assistant for a psychology lab on campus. The conversations were such cancer
>The conversations were such cancer
oh god. now I'm triggered. at work over lunch people only have a few minutes to spew nonsense....I can only imagine what that must be like where they feel free to go all out for as long as they want....
>cringes internally
I think I'd have to leave. I couldn't keep a straight face long enough.
My tuition and fees were ~$600 per semester in '88
>Start your own country if liberals infringe on the 2nd amendment for decades
Nah, I think well just get rid of unconstitutional laws, and jail people for treason