Prove me wrong
P.S. You can't
Prove me wrong
P.S. You can't
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"The meek will inherit the earth."
THAFEEWIN 2 enTYEALayjint to be a catholic
I'm Episcopalian, feels pretty good.
Orthodox feels so larpy to me.
>Hurr durr muh holy book
Semitic fanfiction is cancer
Yrah, because all the baller niggas are going to be granted entry to His heavenly kingdom and the meekazoids are going to be left behind like yesterday's jam
catholics invented islam.
and have always biblicaly been the seat of the anti christ.
there's a reason martin luther rebelled against the catholic church.
i just proved you wrong.
Reminder that Catholics are idolaters
Religion is literally a thought, but atheists really can't hide their autism it seems. I'm sure everyone knows god and spirits aren't thing, but many like to pretend that they are.
Also orthodox and Catholicism are basically brothers
fuck you
they're like brothers the same way cain and abel were brothers.
here;s alberto rivera's 2 hour testimony.
why do i need to prove to you that the catholics worship corpses, and burned people alive for reading the bible in the first place
do you not know your history?
Why the hell do people hate catholics
we're going to colonize the universe while you sit around for eternity singing church hymns
Based non-Catholic
Because its edgy and gets (You)s
Because they can't into foot fetish correctly
>Catholics invented islam
>To take Jerusalem out of the control of the Orthodox Byzantine Empire
This shit is huge because it could make sense, m8. Requires source.
We know our history and it was pretty shady. We realize our mistakes and fix them. Also we don't worship corpses. Don't know where you get that notion.
because of history.
guess who's been lying about the shape of the earth for 600 years.
Good thing you didn't include KEKholds there, our brains can't fit in pictures.
who keeps making these? kek
ok, i guess catholics and muslims alike don't pray or make pilgrages to see the corpses of dead saints, the foreskin of jesus is in 3 catholic churches. i dont know how you don't get that notion. like i really fucking dont understand why you're so blantaly ignorant to the practices of the catholic church
the seat of the anti christ has always been the catholic church
quran is based on the douay rheims bible, or was written by satan himself due to the gematria of the quran.
i dont know where to start, you can find dozens of people who do their homework though. on the catholic islam connection
this is a 3 and a half hour non-religious documentary that only provides cold hard facts. but seriously and accurately pins a lot of shit on the catholic church
catholics invented Bolshevism, Nazism (which is a mixture of national socialism, and zionsim) and Islam.
they killed JFK and abraham lincoln. white protestant men set the slaves free, white catholic men are responsible for enslaving niggers in the first place. the holocaust happened. get over it.
Catholicism should be below Atheism, it takes a special kind of idiot to adhere to a religion that directly contradicts what they think they're believing.
here are 5 (yous)
>needs source
Here's your source, when Abraham couldn't concieve a child with his wife Sarah she told him to make one with her servant. The servant bore a son, named him Ishmael, Sarah got mad/jealous and made her flee to the desert and Ishmael's descendants made Islam. Sarah ended up bearing a son, named him Isaac, later Israel, and descendants became Israelites/Jews
thx senpai
Evangelism > Atheist > Poorthodox > Transglican > Cajewlicism
Wait, did I get rage baited
Because we definitely knew before anyone else that the earth was round
>Why the hell do people hate catholics
Become a christian and you would know
You're on Sup Forums, so you're probably rage baited by default
its round in the sense that its a circle, or disc. not a ball.
Bla bla bla
Because catholic taxes on the territories of the Holy Roman Empire
>Alberto Riviera
>Defended the jews, saying that Catholics pay Mohammed to kill the jews
>Ignoring the fact that Mohammed used the money of the jews to finance his campaign of conquest driving the Christians out of Arabia, basically the jews were protected by Mohammed in exchange of money.
>Was expelled by based Francisco Franco because it was discovered that he sided with socialists during the Civil war.
>The only way he saved himself was through the Church, the church did but he needed to be removed by his position and expelled by the church for his affiliation with the socialist.
>Be pissed about it
>Make a fortune selling books in America by shitting on the church in every pagraph and manipulate his knowledge about the jesuits to make it look credible
Impressive sauce you have there
was for
good one
oh man thats good
I cannot. That picture is 100% accurate. Orthodoxy is the true Faith
religion is for niggers
>become a Christian and you would know
Catholics where the first Christians
>not wanting the destruction of your country
Not subtle >:(((
Ill give you a (you) though, cause at this point this is basically community service
Schismatic shill
Orthomemery is heresy
If you mean Galileo, he was Christian dumbwit
Wtf I love catholicism now
>Be me, an 8 yr old
>Go to the docks to see off pop
>pop gets into his boat to catch something to eat and sell
>pop's boat hits the horizon and slowly starts sinking
>Think pop's boat sprung a leak and is sinking
6 hrs later pop's boat breaks the horizon and starts rising
>pop is ok and he caught a lot of fish
That was the day I learned you were a faggot.
Latin church best church
>>Defended the jews, saying that Catholics pay Mohammed to kill the jews
you can replace Mohammed with Hitler, and both statements would be factually correct
>Ignoring the fact that Mohammed used the money of the jews to finance his campaign of conquest driving the Christians out of Arabia,
that was the overall goal of the catholic church, does the inquisition ring a bell? calling priests "father" and the pope his bullshit title is heresy in itself.
catholic churhc is literally the whore of babylon. if you think the earth is a round spinning ball flying through space and believe the bible is the word of god, i have some news for you. you're stupid.
>>Make a fortune selling books in America by shitting on the church in every pagraph and manipulate his knowledge about the jesuits to make it look credible
jesuits are the corpse the eagles (phoenixes) of freemasons gather round in Matthew 24:28
28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
you literally take a oath where you say you're a corpse. the jesuits run the freemasons and islam.
there really is no defending the church that has a history of burning people alive for reading the bible. get the fuck out.
the catholic church reduces Christ to a baby who can't do anything without his mother. you really have no idea how much the catholics slander the name of god, and christ.
I honestly don't know how these knuckleheads really think the earth is flat
Hollow, I can at least understand but flat?? You need to be in a loony bin
literally worshipping a jew whose mother was a "virgin" at 14 and had a literal cuck for a father
lmfaoing @ ur lyf
>pray near the body of dead holy people
>same thing as worshipping the bones
points of convergence are not curvature.
using a telescope, you would have brought the ship back into full view.
easily repeatable experience.
this is the day you learned that you have cock for brains.
nog an ardument
Its basicly just a way of saying "Yeah we don't account for that in this proof, but whatever - Its neglible for this purpose". Why would they even mention it in concluding remarks if it they believed the earth was flat and nonrotating?
Revelation 17 is about the catholic church
1And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: 2With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. 3So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
ignore the fact the catholic church says it has 3 different foreskins, all belonging to jesus christ.
Paganism is better.
>Pope is infallible
>Pope is librul
>librul teachings are infallible
Even now, when they show their true colors, you still can't accept that the leadership of your church answers directly to satan. I feel sad.
Shoo shoo leaf
Anglician is protestant
Very creative you fucking cuck
nice refute.
I have good knowledge of the Jesuit order, and the information you believe in borders with severe schyzophrenia.
Deus vult.
What is the crown of a football field?
Holy fuck, its your sport and you don't know shit like this? You must be 400pounds of lard who never moved in your life!
>F A I T H A L O N E
>While I was thinking of this problem in my student years, I came to know the strange result of Michelson's experiment. Soon I came to the conclusion that our idea about the motion of the earth with respect to the ether is incorrect, if we admit Michelson's null result as a fact. This was the first path which led me to the special theory of relativity. Since then I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected by any optical experiment, though the Earth is revolving around the Sun.
if he can't find an experiment that proves the motion of the earth. that probably means its because the earth isn't moving.
yin and yang is a map of the flat earth, and the sun and moon rotations on the equator.
also its impossible to get perfect circles moving at the speeds and patterns described by idiots like you.
being fixed upon pillars and non moving is pretty different than flying through space.
frankly there's thousands of years of flat earth cosmology, and a few hundred years of round earth bullshit.
if you took both arguments you'll find the earth is flat. kthx.
this image is not just cuckoldry, its blasphemous.
during the passover feast, there is ritual washing of the feet, where everyone washes each others feet, symbolizing washing them of their sin.
Jesus washed his disciples feet, and no one washed his, because he was sinless.
Popes imply they are God by not having their feet washed.
"The Roman Pontiff, head of the college of bishops, enjoys this infallibility in virtue of his office, when, as supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful - who confirms his brethren in the faith he proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine pertaining to faith or morals. . . . The infallibility promised to the Church is also present in the body of bishops when, together with Peter's successor, they exercise the supreme Magisterium," above all in an Ecumenical Council.418 When the Church through its supreme Magisterium proposes a doctrine "for belief as being divinely revealed,"419 and as the teaching of Christ, the definitions "must be adhered to with the obedience of faith."420 This infallibility extends as far as the deposit of divine Revelation itself.421
>>Instances of infallible declarations
Tome to Flavian, Pope Leo I, 449, on the two natures in Christ, received by the Council of Chalcedon;
Letter of Pope Agatho, 680, on the two wills of Christ, received by the Third Council of Constantinople;
Benedictus Deus, Pope Benedict XII, 1336, on the beatific vision of the just after death rather than only just prior to final judgment;[77]
Cum occasione, Pope Innocent X, 1653, condemning five propositions of Jansen as heretical;
Auctorem fidei, Pope Pius VI, 1794, condemning seven Jansenist propositions of the Synod of Pistoia as heretical;
Ineffabilis Deus, Pope Pius IX, 1854, defining the Immaculate Conception;
Munificentissimus Deus, Pope Pius XII, 1950, defining the Assumption of Mary.
The only True Church 1
Heretics 0
He tells you to read from the Gospel of Judas. He is a devil and a liar who post the same rehashed conspiracy theories having to do with symbolism of reactionary semitic religions.
you worship mortal men and women who molest children
You forgot works
>positive Christianity
They removed the old testament to get protestants and catholics to stop fighting each other.
you suck man. you know that right?
>le whore of babylon is the chruch meme
I thought this ended after the Reformation.
Also while there may be three individual church buildings whose priests claim to have Jesus' foreskin, the Church does not make any such claims.
>catholicism, a sect farther away from orthodoxy than the other sects, is more intelligent than the closer sects
Really makes me think
Fuck you
You are not even trying anymore are you? You just copy paste this nonsense right? You do realize the gif you posted proofs you wrong?
Remember to sage /x/ tier garbage threads btw.
the problem with that is the crown goes the wrong way in perspective to the picture.
you fucking retard.
the game
Simple: an anthropocentric religion is absolute nonsense for obvious reasons if you had a decent scientific education.
So yes, atheists are more intelligent.
But a life or a society without any sort of spirituality is bad though. We need a middle ground.
He is a literal gnostic, user. He believes that one of the wives of Mohammed was catholic and thus the pope's voice magically came through her.
>>Jesus washed his disciples feet, and no one washed his, because he was sinless.
Top tier theology there, I mean heresy.
To which local pastor do you adhere your faith to?
we are justified before man by works. we are justified before God by faith.