Styx, you just told me you don't shill here. Are you a liar?
Stop posting this Ozzy Osbourne wannabe
This, desu senpai desu senpai
Just saw that. He's not wrong. I'm tired of all the bullshit drama TRS is causing here. I'm done with them.
Implying TRS fabricated the doxxing to gain attention?
>tries to say lefty socialists and national socialists have the same enemy
How the fuck does that work? Lefties are generally pretty fucking globalist #noborders #refugeewelcome retards. Communism calls for global revolution. They're globalist pawns, we're not. We do not have the same enemies in almost any case.
>Those fucking annoying libertarian kids you used to see on every youtube comment now think like you.
When will this plague die?
I like abortions. Peace out.
Styx is the only worthwhile civ nat
There is no way people on Sup Forums can actually support TheRightStuff.
He's an obvious shill
When did this civic nationalism meme start? Don't people on here realise that civic nationalism means that your nation is defined by the passport you carry ie. SNP cuck tier political weltanschauung? Unless you're an ethnic nationalist or racial nationalist you believe that any featherless biped that has a jew given piece of paper is part of your nation.
I always skipped to the Chateau Autiste part but didn't care much about their ramblings.
Get this scrawny faggot off of Sup Forums
I just thought therightstuff was a twitter personality, but apparenly they had a big following on some shitty podcast but if his fucking wife is jewish and works for some diversity organization, then is obviously a fucking plant.
Or just a massively beta cuck who gets bossed around by his wife until a starts venting on some podcast instead of taking charge of his life and wife.
Dunno which one is worse.
Civic nationalism is just another way for saying you're a normal, well adjusted human being.
Hey Styx, when is the next rations video?
He used a lot of we and us when talking about the Alt-Right.
What did he mean by this?
Civic nationalism is pathetically retarded and short-sighted.
When a race can gain political power just by breeding, they will. As much as I think Stefan Molyneux is a jackass he's completely on point whenever he talks about multiracial democracies. Especially at the rate American is importing immigrants that sort of assimilation is not possible.
He is Alt-Lite,don't let him fool you.
You have extreme misconceptions about civic nationalism. Most civic nationalist are completely against third world immigration, and just don't want to exterminate minorities or deport them, because it's unrealistic.
>Civic nationalism is just another way for saying you're a normal, well indoctrinated human being.
It's a site with podcasts and articles, a bunch of guys behind it. There is pretty funny stuff there and they established the (((parentheses))) meme. Don't think they're plants, just mild hypocrites with an annoying fanbase.
Again, his hair is looking better than ever! Keep at it Styx, you'll reel the rest of us in eventually.
rewinding the tape and expecting anything different from what we have now is unrealistic
>Most civic nationalist are completely against third world immigration
not consistent with their ethos
Here we go... Uncle Yorkshire is back at it with the jews...
Styx described his immigration position as "if you can pass a background check and civics test, you're in"
But if they don't support cutting gibs and sterilization, they aren't really solving the problem, just slowing it down. These R-selected cretins will breed like rats as long as the state is subsidizing it.
Which solves nothing, especially if they get to take the ((civics test)) in their own jungle language.
Lol he's such a liar
I warned you about the Stormautism, Sup Forums.
Say it with me:
You can't even assimilate them into European American culture because it doesn't exist anymore.
Why does anyone listen to this DYEL sperg? I took one look at him the first time he was shilled here and never paid him any mind. What possible wisdom could he have to teach me when he isn't even intelligent enough to know to take care of his own body?
Stop looking for that infallible father figure who will lead you on the right path. Take responsibility for yourself, listening to peoples' ideas isn't all or nothing and the ideas can easily be divorced from their messenger. Anything else is childish and feminine.
You need to leave the door open for anyone to get with the program while making it too costly to breed like rabbits and vote yourself gibmedats.
This really made me think
Nobody cares, /fit/, go back
He is against unlimited welfare too. That solves the problem.
1000000X THIS
this was clearly made by a Sup Forums tourist
Whenever you cut off welfare you have the same problem as if you never had any welfare.
The things that need cutting are vas deferens and fallopian tubes of those that receive welfare
>oy vey, you goyim need to be totally radical and openly nazi so you will never get any sort of tangible power
I'm on to you, Bergstein.
>implying you aren't some fat neckbeard
Is this the feeling Sup Forums users have when they see a eceleb thread? Because I really hate these fucking threads.
America of course, like most bad ideas
But I can listen to these guys and work on something else at the same time.
My ears and fingers can do different things.
What? Look I don't care how TRS tries to spin it they can fuck off for good. I got the message and the idea from their radio shows but they were never as big as they claim to be. They stole practically all of their content from Sup Forums except for the echoes. They had an obnoxious fanbase that was basically White Nationalist /r/The_Donald. Forum namefagging populated by forced inorganic meme spewing morons. I never bought into the e celeb bullshit and their drama and I'm glad styx nailed that point.
Haha Styx you poor geek!
I have literally never heard of TRS until now, have they done anything of note?
so you're a white nationalist posing as a civic one?
They started the (((echo))) meme
Yes. The Neo-Nazi founder just got caught for having a Jewish wife.
Again, you're clearly fucking tourists getting confused by all the hot new memes overloading your senses.
Plan A is white nationalism without the strawmanned meme approach in Plan B. Civic nationalism isn't just white nationalism with plausible deniability, what the fuck?
It's called hiding your power level.
Being openly WN gets nothing done on a practical level and Stormfags being unable to contain their autism is why they never achieve anything.
Commies get tons of shit done because they use this method. Screaming "heil hitler gas the kikes now" doesn't draw anyone to your side, it just feeds your LARP lust.
Spencer literally said "heil victory" at a public rally. Fuck off stormautist.
The far-right alt-right behaves and expels is there a retarded behavior as if they're going to go out on the streets and start goose-stepping every minority and LARPing around like it's 1940's Germany will get them anywhere
Simple thinking, Stormautist
Yeah, but civic nationalists are already associated with white nationalism.
or that you don't care what the genetic makeup of your nation's population is, at all. also another way of saying: cucked.
Unless you publically call for the genocide of minorities and make sure no normies come to the right then you are a shill antifa jew
So they're shitty RL polacks?
He is absolutely right.
So? You can shit all over civic nationalists for being not extreme enough, but their way is the practical way.
Outspoken white nationalists will never gain positions of major power in the US, as well as outspoken communists (despite what the Berniefaggots think). You need to be subtle and sneaky to get what you want.
"if you aren't full neo-nazi and you're not "alt-right"
They will forever be niche anti-social misfits, who will be rejected by all parties.
Whether its colorblind adherents like it or not—realize it or not—civic nationalism in the United States is whiter than a hipster bar in Brooklyn.
In other words, White nationalists and civic nationalists are, for all intents and purposes, on the same side (even if civic nationalists fail the Alt-Right threshold). Ethno-nationalism is, to be concise, the extremist variety of civic nationalism in that it limits both the origin and values of the citizen, as it includes ancestry and heritage rather than purely shared values. In practice however, the civic nationalism of many conservatives limits citizenship by origin as well. Whites and model minorities or successful individuals of minority groups are the face of civic nationalism; less well-regarded are illegal immigrants (mestizos who violate the sanctity of citizenship) or urban criminals (blacks who violate the standards of White civility). So it’s not hard to see why the left parses the Republican party and the conservative movement as being racist—what they value happens to be very White or White-presenting. Returning to a society that values Whiteness is an important thing for us, and something civic nationalists do implicitly and White nationalists do explicitly.
Hitler wouldn't want them to glorify Germany, if you're not German there is honestly no point in trying to revive Nazi Germany. Try and create your own nationalist movement and stop larping in public.
In short,
Both sides want the same value but one side (extremist entho- nationalist) need to see the value in planning and subversion rather than using pure shock and outrage to try to win people over. Look at it this way, if you start spamming "oven memes" and "hitler did nothing wrong" you're going to turn those who are getting introducted into your movement pushed away and disinterested. Now, if you slowly give them a gate-way like milo or paul watson then you can introduce them into your views and slowly start "red pilling" them into your point of view.
*unsheathes katana*
Alright, youtube.
*teleports behind*
But Heil is pronounced Hile.
He said Hail (Hayle) like Hail the King
Obviously a massive difference there you fucking wall-puncher.
Remember when Kike Enoch sperged out over Vox Day and attacked his race as the reason for his libertarian civic nationalism?
He's whiter than Kike fucking Enoch and has a bigger audience.
I want to hear her talk about something that matters for a single moment to prove that she isn't a conversation bot with a vocabulary thats under 100 words.
>Civic Nationalist
You mean cuck right?
If you pose as a civic nationalist while being a white nationalist, the truth will easily come out. It's like Trump saying he's not a racist when a vast number of his followers are. It doesn't matter what you say: it matters who follows you.
>It's called hiding your power level.
Nothing in the comic indicates the use of civic nationalism as some sort of facade for public image, it's more like none of you retards even know the meaning of the words you use. And that's why Plan A doesn't fucking exist, you and most people are too stupid or scared to be white or even vote white.
Richard, the guy you're strawmanning in Plan B, is out there doing way more for the normalization of white interests than your dumb ass sitting around spreading literal misinformation and "comics" without even humor.
styx, youre sub nu male, fuck off
civic nationalism is implicitly anti white
my sides
Here comes the litigating. You know what he did and you know the consequences of his actions.
White nationalism is not fucking feasible and Stormautists do more damage to their cause than actually help.
Trump is President. Richard is still a Stormautist that whines on the internet.
You don't have to like it, but that's how the game is played. You can have your dumb LARP shit, but don't act like it'll ever get anything done.
So your play is that you're actually a full blown natsoc but you're just being sneaky? That's what you sound like. You sound like a NatSoc who's given up before you've even started.
"Brexit will never pass"
"Trump will never be President"
your "practical way" is "my race's guaranteed inevitable extinction."
NatSoc is the only logical answer. It's a hard red pill to swallow, but you will, in time. Our government MUST declare Jewry its enemy, or forever be corrupted by it.
I was just kidding to be honest yeah the hail stuff was pretty cringey but otherwise the guy gives great speeches and makes an awful lot of sense, far more sense than you I might add.
First, white nationalism only makes sense in the US, where "white" means being the descendent of a mishmash of different European peoples. The correct term for it, which can be applied to other countries as well, is ethno-nationalism.
Ethno-nationalism does not mean you agree with the nazis nor that you want to spread around nazi memes. That was a specifically German thing. There is no single political truth but several carefully crafted for each group of people.
Why are ethic nationalist so idiotic when it comes to thinking. I personally don't give a shit if you want a white state or not but the manner in which you wish to espouse your policies and beliefs is completely ridiculous
David Duke lost his election bid. So much for your epic LARP adventure.
But Trump got elected despite not due to being constantly decried as a racist.
>White nationalism is not fucking feasible
The natural state of existence and the state of existence until a few decades ago is not feasible?
>60% white
lol, good luck with killing 40% of the population and not destroying the nation with it. I can guarantee you will be killing proud americans.
Trump never admitted he was racist. A WN who openly advocates racism and would get absolutely fucking nowhere in an election.
It's really not in these modern times. Learn how to be subtle.
Civic nationalism is the state of the world. Your edgy ethnic nationalism is the outsider, even fround upon, idea. But all I see is Nazi larping from its proponents. Good luck with that.
No it's called subversive behavior and you can be a white nationalist you just use subversion as a tactic to an actual policies and a stealthy way, it's not "giving up" and if someone proclaims you're a "white nationalist" you have plausible deny ability on your side to dismiss those claims, since they won't be directly applicable to you
Getting real tired of TRS shitposting here.
>Lel meaningless ugly jewtuber!
Then why the hellfuck are you posting about him every damn day? Why would you care, if he is alt-lite and his audience shares no overlap with you or with Sup Forums?
He's correct. More brains working in unison.
That's not what I said though retard. Address my question. Are you trying to be a "stealth" nazi? Are you trying to implement realistic changes for the better in the immediate future, but would much rather see an actually homogeneous nation filled with white national socialists?
At what points do you actually disagree with National Socialists?
Styxhexenhammer666 sounds like some shit a 13 year old would come up with.
sounds like your all out of arguments there friend
Styx is the leader, not Enoch, not Spencer