Obama's final press conference in review:
>king nigger racebaits
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Obama's final press conference in review:
>king nigger racebaits
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What is it with westerners and LGBT bullshit?
Serious question
Why do people like this guy or think he did anything good?
wood berry
More race baiting and telling people to be tolerant. Basically telling shit skins to keep rioting.
Fucking commie.
Burn in hell you commie piece of shit
everyone else is sick of it and don't care about gay rights
Teleprompters and normie memes
Commie Propaganda.
Its the communists and Jews Iran bro
Is them and only them
and.......... ummmm.... and.... but.... hope.... the....iffff... ahhh... ummm. you....
knock down..... and...... ummmmmm... but.... mom.... haaaaave,,, but..... if mom.... tooooo. seee.. and... umm... annnnd,,,
ifff ifff uuuhhhh
This motherfucker is drawing his farewell out longer than Franco
Wow the media really held his feet to the fire!
Not trying to be rude but we always hear about how cool his daughters are but they never speak, never did anything special, just saying.
>In my closing comment I'd just like to say
That's us!! He mentioned us!!
don't fall for the approval rating Jew, it's just as rigged as the polls were during the election. There's a reason why Trump won ever Mrs. Continuation.
Because he's black
M-m-m-muh two state solution
Polls are the godfather of "fake news"
His daughters are hoochie skanks.
What did he say that was race-baiting? I can't watch it right now
>k-k-kill all straight wh white men...
What did he mean by this at his final press conference?
no one's gonna link the video?
>Media literally yelling I LOVE YOUUU
>President-elect Trump, how many weeks into your Presidency do plan to sell out the United States and genocide non-whites?
>President Obama, tell us one more time how much you love your daughters, pretty please?
>no drama obama
This picture is what I show people when they ask "when was America ever great?"
And yet they still act like they're non-partisan and non-biased.
>implying they're his
Jew soap will be needed to scrub the White House clean from the smell after his 8 years is up.
>His daughters are hoochie skanks.
that want BWC
aaaaaahhh and LET ME BE CLEAR... aaaaahhh...
You'll miss him when he's dead.
Fuck off .. he's the best president we had since Truman
people like him because hes black
This press conference needs a gong
He is a solid C+ president, that is not bad.
Alright gimme a quick rundown. What happened?
Oooga Booga
So will Obama go into painting like Bush?
I this how he spoke during this press conference?
>Decent speaker
>Muh first black president
They fell for the meme. This the problem with democracy, people will vote for the candidate who appeals to them on a personal level and not the one who will be the best leader.
I can't tell if you're being ironic or not, but honestly this. He's a below-average president but not as bad as many of his predecessors. This is good enough to have high approval ratings.
Also he's guaranteed 11~% approval since blacks have nearly a 100% rating for him. That might not sound like much but it's huge when you consider that usually approval ratings shift 30~%+ over the course of a term. An 11% buffer is yuge.
I zoned out about 45 minutes ago
the way he talks is so boring
he walked out like he was walking out of a job flipping burgers
>This is list of every single person who donated to the Trump campaign. We will find you, and we will gut you.
Yeesh, can he say that on tv?
fuck im so glad this era is ending
its like people think obama is their cool step-dad or something. a parent that is just your friend isnt a good parent tbqh.
What was the thing with the "jewish president"? Can't watch the stream right now.
why did George paint a picture of himself and bill Clinton showing each other their dicks?
lol i saw that what a disgraceful exit and boring conference
>Muh racial divide
>institutional racism
>We need be more tolerant
>be good goys
if... if....if...,, ahhhh... ummm. ahhh...if.. but... smoking..... ahhh ummmm... weed. uhmmm ahhhh... has no.... ahhhh ummm ehhh.. side.... and.. ummm.... effects.
Best in terms of dismantling the nation and the west in general, yeah.
>not bad
wew you must be one underachieving motherfucker. kys you loser piece of shit.
I'd like to see some stats at how much airtime this piece of crap has had in the last 8 years. Loves to see himself on tayvay. So many empty words.
Some reporter asked Obongo if there will be future Black president or something like that. Obama answered yes there will be Hispanic, Asian, Jewish, etc, Presidents.
>Manning served 7 years and should not be taken to mean the US is light on whistleblowers
>Manning decision unrelated to Assange
>we need to have good relationship with Russia, but Trump's conditions for lifting sanctions are not ideal
>discussions between him and Trump have been cordial
>he's not responsible for gay marriage; it was activists and the way the country is headed in general
>Ellen Degeneres is a hero and a real human bean
>race relations better than ever!
>we'll have Presidents of all races and all sorts of mixes of races; we'll even have a Jewish President
>he and Michelle teach their children to be sad about Trump winning
>he curses a lot at home
>Babbop Obambo will die in your lifetime
doesn't it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside?
Left out albinos, the racism on this nigger
Note how he left out muslim
He got Osama bin Laden, if Trump had done that you retards would never stop praising him.
But no Indian president, he'd just shit on the carpet
I thought he was a muslim tho?
I think he wanted to say that, which is why he stuttered, but decided not to.
kek, that's what I like about liberals, they set the bar so low
>sure the EU sucks
>but at least we haven't had WWIII, so let's keep the EU!
>sure Obama wasn't that great but mmh at least we've somewhat recovered a bit from the worst recession ever
>sure Obamacare sucks but mmh at least it's better than nothing so let's fight tooth and nail to make sure it doesn't get changed!
Thank you. Really funny, he didn't mention a "muslim" one.
yep, that's how he always speaks without a teleprompter. Then occasionally he would shout autistically the name of a reporter
I doubt it. I don't want to see the revised history that will be spread when that happwns anyway.
That's the point.
Yup like it was the first thought out of his mind.
HAHA what a great exit Obama. DERRRRUMPFSSS BTFO'd. How will they recover?? LGBTQRXTUVWXYZNOWIKNOWMYABCS FTW
>He got Osama bin Laden
He'll have a statue next to Lincoln and every single town will have an Obama street
Seconded. He did get bin laden. And he didn't get shot like I thought he might.
I want to see some of this.
Anyone got a timestamp for some of these moments?
>my daughters
>my daughters
>my daughters
I didn't think we watched the same thing, you moron. One nig reporter tried to bait him, but he said we can have a leader with merit. He literally said "we killed it in the Olympics" because we had athletes of merit, then he mentioned Phelps and Biles.
I kind of wish Obango stayed for 4 more years for the wrong reasons
I wish he would continue to race bait to the point where Martial law would have to be declared
From '08 to '12 he started the fire and nig's started to shuffle around
Then from '12 to '16 This nigga went full force
We saw the worst of blacks and their utter hate for the american culture
Can you imagine how far they would have taken it from '16 to '20
Blacks would have been nuked
Pretty easy to get someone when you're the one funding them, supplying them, providing them with information, holding their hand, ect ect.
Fuck man, I'd love to just sit down, drink whiskey and talk to George.
Looks like a fun guy.
>obama will die in your lifetime
press P to piss on grave
King nigger is still like:
>muh Russian occupation of Ukraine
This meme has to end. Crimea is Russia now. It's not going back. Russia took it, the Crimeans, tha vast majority of whom are ethnic Russians, voted per Referendum to be a part of Russia. PERIOD. Now move on.
I can't wait for Trump to disregard this irrelevant shit and use the sanctions to leverage better deals with Russia.
>russia is bad because they attack and bully smaller states
Wat? WAT??
Yeah, I loved the video of him gunning down Osama all by himself and then making a clean get away (he didn't even need a pilot. He flew himself both there and back.)
He is the king nigger huh.
Worst ever.
They're not his real daughters