Thoughts on """"medical"""" Marihuana?

Thoughts on """"medical"""" Marihuana?

Will be abused. People lie to the doctor or go to the "cool" Doctor. Could be a good business. End illegal drug trafficking. Keep harmful substances from being laced into whatever street drugs you get.

Over all drugs is badokay.

When you take cannabis oil, do you get high?

we're not about to make that same mistake again - george w. bush sr.

Anybody who really thinks the war on drugs has been a success and needs to continue is a fucking idiot. But I also hate these faggots that make smoking cannabis a life style. Find a happy medium.


I don't want to hate something completely without trying it
marijouanas probably shouldn't be legal

depends, if you get the cbd stuff not really. but thc oil will fug you up

Decent for pain relief. I got into it after I got a severe head injury. I wasn't down to just do opiates every day and my only other option was a lumbar puncture, or spinal tap, whenever my brain would start swelling in my skull. I used medicinal marijuana to lower my blood pressure and help alleviate the pain when it would act up. Now that I'm through the post concussive disorder, I still smoke weed, but only as a degenerate. I still hold a decent job and have a lot of hobbies but I treat it as seriously as I treat alcohol and don't do risky shit under the influence.

It's really good for the afflictions it actually helps. It's insanely overrated though, people actually think it cures fucking cancer.

I hate stoners and stoner culture. If you smoke weed shut the fuck up about it and I sure as shit dont want to smell it everywhere.

there is a kind wich has no THC in it wich is the psychoactive ingredient but still has the medicinal factor

This mostly. I hate walking into public places, especially restaurants, and smelling that disgusting shit. Smells like ass, stop saying it smells good. Weed is a nigger drug.

why isn't this legal?

Try having a downstairs neighbor who smokes that shit every day inside and stinks up your apartment.

This. Not a fan.

untested, unproven, irresponsible to be used as medicine until it has undergone the same clinical trials as all other medications
more importantly the supposed medical effects it has don't work as well as commercial pharmaceuticals already on the market

there's no question about it, people are looking for a legal way to get high and use it recreationally.

degeneracy is degenerate

actually alcohol is a nigger drug.

Isn't medical weed and nicotine vape for spergs a big threat to the Jewish pharma and tobacco industries?

because the pharmacetical industry would lose billions if this happened so they have millions invested in lobbyist against medicinal cannabis,

the same thing can be said about alcohol

I'd agree with that but having it on the street, whether being dealt by "you know who" or criminals leave it open to lacing and possibly funds gang violence/terror.

First person on Sup Forums that I have seen expresx this sentiment. It smells like a mix of sawdust, blood, shit, and cigarette ash. I have no idea how people use it, I have to go outside during concerts so I don't vomit.

Extract the chemicals with medical benefits, solvate them, put into vaporizer, hand out in form of inhalers like for asthma. All the benefits none of the degeneracy

Can't fight that logic.

Anyone who says it's just an excuse to get high has never heard of CBD
It reduces anxiety, doesn't get you high and has barely any side effects
It's much better than benzos, SSRIs or other bullshit

alcohol is a food

CBD is the cannabinoid that generates a body high without the head high or other psychoactive effects. It is found in Indica dominant strains and is commonly tested for in the trichomes of marijuana for sale at legal dispensaries. It can lead to lethargy and weight gain due to increased appetite. It is the primary pain relief for medicinal users. THC is the psychoactive cannabinoid, but it can be used to treat depression in minor cases. It is found in Sativa dominant strains and is sought after by stoners and potheads. It generally has an energizing and uplifting effect and can be conducive to physical activities.

My card will be arriving in about 19 days now. The worst part about buying weed legally is the shitty stoners that work at dispensaries.

In NY state, one of my relatives has a friend who has a MMJ card, which you really have to have a serious illness to be able to get.

The friend let my relative use it, and we toked from it whilst walking on a trail. It is pretty potent, sorta feels like a narcotic if you were to do to much. My relative said to wait five minutes between each puff from the vapor pen, as to attest to the potency.

The laws here in NY are very strict, and they don't seem to allow buds or flowers, just oil. The infrastructure seems to be a professional-medical angle, and it seems very normie-driven, no dude weed lmaos, you need an appointment, etc. Which is ironic, because regular doctors seem to go out of their way to give presciption painkillers out so casually.

I want to get a job as a cultivator, so I am biased towards cannabis.

Just an excuse for doing something that you subconsciously know is bad for you.
Gin, tobacco, heroin et alii were all claimed to be a magical healing drug, but cannabis is totally different because we live in le enlightened sciencey times, right?

>Weed is a nigger drug.

That explains why the name 'hemp' derives from the proto-Germanic 'hanapiz', which derives from a Scythian (aka ancient Aryans) word which is also the source of the word 'cannabis', and also why in ancient Germanic Paganism the harvesting and ingestion of cannabis was a divine practice. They even found bags of cannabis buried with the Tarim Basin mummies, who were a part of an ancient Aryan race.

Perfectly sums up the rank odor.

Rick Simpsons - Run From Cure
Cannabis oil is much more succesfull in curing cancer

You are wrong. THC is responsible for increased appetite. CBD has zero psychoactive effects, produces no body high, and instead has medicinal qualities. For example, CBD is anti-inflammatory, anti-epileptic, promotes bone growth after fracture, is an anxiolytic, and has certain benefits for the immune system. Once again, there is no head or body high, nor any associated lethargy.

I'd totally love to find a commercial pharmaceutical that makes the symptoms of my hypermesis literally vanish the way that smoking weed does. The effect that marijuana has on my symptoms is the closest thing to magic that I've seen in real life. I could always switch to the zoloft that my doctor suggested though, sounds super healthy.

This. I smoke weed myself but I am still a productive member of society. I think stoners fucking ruin a lot of the credibility that it would potentially have. The trick is to smoke it and not be a total faggot about it. Same with LSD and Psilocybin.

Times change dude. Nowadays the only people smoking weed are loser niggers, white people are out there getting work done and caring for their families. Not "lighting up a spliff" while they're taking 15 minutes to order at KFC.

why the quotes?
are you an imbecile?

The shit around here smells like skunk, the people across the street have parties and you can always smell it afterward.

>muh Aryans

CBD is legal to possess, consume, and transport in all 50 states. It is usually made from hemp. Search buy CBD on google and you will find many links where you can buy CBD products and have them shipped to you.

My white husband and I just smoked while he was home for his lunch break. He just headed back to work, still feeling a bit buzzed.

It works.
I've got some THC free bud (0.1%), 10+% CBD content.
Doesn't get you stoned at all, but the CBD helps with various things.
Legal to buy in the UK too, though the stuff I got smells and tastes pretty nasty.

>fags smoking weed
Same difference.

Well for one, without Diamorphene (Heroin) medicine would be severely hindered. It is a very useful drug in medicinal circumstances.

For anyone interested in CBD, check out
Can purchase and get more info there

It would be extremely painful


but what you're saying is you haven't tried the commercial ones available?

better go with the drugs you buy on the corner to self medicate yourself instead of what your doctor suggests. Much healthier

It helps if you do creative work like art, music, or writing. but if you work at a bank you should avoid.
Also if your life sucks due to health problems, it helps you forget about them for a few hours.

Well luckily I live in Oregon so I actually buy all of my weed at a dispensary.

Dunno where you live but Cali and Massachusetts deliver

>but if you work at a bank you should avoid.
That's literally where my husband works hahahaha.

Keep sucking that FDA dick goy