no sources yet have the reason why this kid did this
Mexico school shooting
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>That failure to kill himself after he is done shooting them
what the fuckkk
What the fuck? Do they not have real guns in Mexico?
Because bullying in our schools is brutal. And I don't meant being called names. I personally was raped. Some kids I knew got murdered.
But we didn't had guns to snap and fight back, this kid was an exception and managed to get a 22.
It was just a gang war exam, whats so special?
Did they drop any loot?
>be Mexican
>eat taco
>get shot
>Sup Forumstards will try to make this issue an issue of race instead of bullying and failure to contain and comunicate with someone who is hurt on the inside and needs help
>I personally was raped
WtF??? Jesus christ you third worlders are fucked up.
gib yous please
here with superior audio
where the fuck did you go to school? Conalep?
Holy shit go back to pussyville you taco loving faggot.
>be mexican
>go outside
>get shot
This would be easily solved if we had gun rights.
Well, at least he didnt skin their faces and put their mutilated genitals in their hands.
Damn..that kid with the glasses laughing with his bros and the next second he goes stiff and dies. fuck this beaner school shooter.
RIP glassesbro
>shooting fellow children including fat lad who just finished his exam
>not joining cartel and smoking weed all day and fucking big boobed Mexican babes
No, era de una escuela mamona en montegay
The type of bullying that creates these shooting is only possibly when your population is composed of low IQ South American mystery meat.
I thought guns were illeagal in mexico.
>American school in Mexico
literally what the fuck?
He didn't want to build that wall
Can you describe what the fuck happened and what the aftermath was? Like was it just a finger up the ass, or was it full on gay sex?
> I personally was raped
are you a girl?
give details please
Fuck off.
Someone Photoshop the blood into a beautiful rose
Coagulated bloods looks bratty cool tbqh
seems like you guys have more in common than you think
Better start building that wall
>Shooting happened in an american school in México
Can't make this shit up.
Whats stopping you from putting a shotgun in your mouth and shooting it? Youre a waste of space, if only you could have died and chubby happy glasses lad and his teacher were still alive. Kill yourself asap.
>Because bullying in our schools is brutal
bullshit, yes we hit each other, burn each other, hang each other, say so many means things a sailor would cry but is not that bad.
Just fight back, burn them when they burn you, cut them if they do, don't be a bitch.
ileagal but everyone s have one, its fucking mexico
DUdes, dis ain't funny. I'm a high school teacher who deals with bitchy kids all the fucking day.
I thought we were safe here thanks to our gun control laws, but watching this video makes me affraid. The fucking kid shoot the teacher second.
This sucks men, how are we supposed to be safe now? How can i prevent this and, if it arrives, how am i going to save my ass?
>that one kid walking around after the initial shots
What the fuck? Was he just like "you done man? No? Ok I'm just gonna walk out now"
They are, that does not stop shootings tough.
Glasses bro did not even feel a thing, he was just happy, may he wear glasses whit all the archangels for all the eternity.
Go to private mexican school.
Get shoot.
In my school we only called names and carrilla.
lolol that fucking generic ringtone while this is happening. What the fuck, timeline
Is it true that he was gay?
Someone told me that they found some comments on his FB that suggest he was gay and that the other kid standing in the video was his boyfriend
i don't have fb so I don't really feel like going in to look
Truly a mexican intellectual
>Hahaha! You're so gay being raped by me!
where the fuck did you study, man? when i was still in junior high the worst possibly thing that could happen to you was getting called names or someone pulling a prank on you once a while (fat guys and fagget were the most vulnerable ones, but even they managed to cope with it and moved on).
chilangos every single fucking times, i swear to god, you are literally nigger tier, perhaps only surpassed by the pricks roaming guerrero, jesus christ.
donde verga creciste wey, alv ninguno de mis amigos ha sido violado
We were never safe. Let that sink in.
>shills will try to tell Sup Forums what this is really about before anyone has said anything
Its funny that you shills still just don't get it. Nobody cares when a white kid goes on a shooting spree here, nobody cares when a spic goes on one either. Nobody fucking cares. In fact many neets here will cheer him on. Now fuck off shill. Its very clear that you are the one pushing your stupid fucking agenda and there have only been 8 posts in this thread so far.
Your also wrong, the real reason this kid shot up his school is lack of bullying. If he had been bullied properly he would have just killed himself.
You fuckers always take things a step further.
>get murdered
>"bullys can be so mean"
Fukin kek just send over your taco recipes and we can just nuke the rest of you
so I just saw a bunch of close up HD quality pics of the victim students faces with their brains splattered.
wtf is wrong with you mexico? why release that shit in public for the whole world to see? fuck man
Don't know about race but mexican culture is fucked up. A common saying in here pretty much tells you to fuck over other people so you can advance. Mexicans love blaming the government over their trouble, when the truth is that the government is just the same mexicans fucking over other mexicans
wtf 00:24
how did he not hit them
very lucky
fucking madman, who's gonna stop him?
Take a handgun to work. Just keep it in your pants.
My grandfather lives in Tamaulipas and he always has a gun on him or in his truck at all times.
Damn. That mexican food is really unhealthy.
>only one guy there and kills himself
>people runs instead of looking for wounded people
Fucking mexicans.
I thought Mexico had gun control. Did this guy get his gun from Obama's ATF?
Don't let kids get bullied this severely, and if they are getting bullied this bad, try to do something to help them?
I bet if that wrinkled old bitch reached out to that kid before the day he wouldn't have shot her second.
Stop being a shitty teacher and make sure all the kids like you and aren't bullied?
Like how fucking hard is it to do your job well enough no one wants to kill you like damn.
Share them
>I personally was raped
Top fucking kek dude
Some faggots took the photos of their corpses, it's fucking disgusting really, I can only imagine the autistic looking faggot taking pictures with his mouth open.
Well, the saddest thing is that only when a kid shoots to his whole classroom shit becomes international news, but everyday people get killed here in Mexico for either narcoswor the same government
the teacher didn't even realized what was happening, seh couldn't even react.
This is unironically the way some countries think. In Ancient Rome, homosexuality wasn't condemned as much as being submissive was. Anally raping a man was considered manly and heterosexual, but being raped by a man was considered effeminate and gay.
kek, why tho
third worlders actually think that
Ahh conalep
The prime source of my fap material
>gun jams
>nobody tries to stop him
>nobody tries to run
>Wait until its working agian
>decide to run now
If he didn't kill himself his KD would be much higher. Dumb fucking spics.
Goodnight Sweet Prince, F.
Lemme guess... they will make a big deal out of a school shooting but still ignore the 1000000000 cartel snuff videos floating around, right?
It hasn't been nuked by the US yet?
because mexicans have always wanted to be like the gringos
it's from a special spicy mexican video
Nobody's checking if the bodies are alive? nope just step over the teacher and your classmate motionless body
You have never been in that scenario, you don't know how would you react, pussy
Real life X-com right there.
What the fuck, it looks like he had at least another magazine. Why didn't he shoot more people? What a faggot.
Also, that one guy just standing there, kek.
Why the fuck is one dude casually walking around and some others sitting still?
He went to reload, it looks like. And they decided to start moving around once he was ready to shoot again.
>b-b-but it wasn't mexican
Nice try wetback
They don't ignore the cartels you retard.
Yes, he should have reloaded the killed the rest of the stupid fucks that just sat there.
Taco was unhappy with Trump. It's Trumps fault. And Jeff Sessions. And we should have open borders for Tacos
>gun laws keep you safe
Good goy
You have to go back
well shit
do they finish inside?
they were 11 and 12 year olds in the video you dumb fuck
Shut the fuck you subhuman specie of the night