Women shouldn't vote

They don't know how to actually solve their own problems.

>be me
>college years
>take easy second calculus 1 class
>somehow dumb 8/10 blonde girl is already complaining to me because she doesn't understand anything
>asks me to teach her
>"Yes, user. come driving 19km and spend 30 dollars to come teach me for free for 6 hours before spending more 30 dollars to come home. hihihi"
>decide to say no
>she gets very sad and never talks to me again

If women who are in the intellectual elite of the country can't solve a simple calculus problem without demanding help from a man, how can I accept they deserve the right to vote in the resolution of complex societal and economical issues?

>decide to say no
Your a fucking asshole

>Not putting your dick in a willing attractive blonde


She obviously wanted to fuck you, wow.

candy ass beta

I never thought about t-this.

I am still a virgin and it's been 6 years already.


So, in your opinion calculus = intelligence. I would disagree. Look, you have no social skills. You can't function in society. I would say that you have no intelligence. And no friends. And no hot 8/19 girl to fuck. You are the dumbest asshole on the planet. Enjoy your calculus and loneliness

You need to have damage control on the same level as the degenerate leftists in U.S.A
Tell her you had a really shitty day, and that you'd like to help her or something, you can definitely get your dick wet meine huefriend.
If she still refuses you, oh well, nothing lost except your reputation which was done already. Remember that girls talk to each other a lot, so information may spread fast you are an asshole, don't know how it works exactly in your place, it may be completely opposite.

Jesus you are autistic.

She wanted to fuck you! And you just
>decide to say no
>she gets very sad and never talks to me again
Holy moly, user.



You are right OP, people are just trying to put you down. Women are dumber than men, they tend to aggrevate in the middle of the Bell curve, that means less super retarded Girls and also less with high intelligence, but even without taking IQ into consideration they are incapable of pure reason and logic, because emotions are driving their reality
You are obviously smart, but socially awkward, well dumb people will never bei smart, but you can train your social skills, it will take years if you commit, read Models by Mark Manson and Charisma myth by Olivia Cobane

omg you fucking beta providers...

she wanted gibs, stupid woman cant into calculus.

hue was right not being a candyass.

bitches dont free rides.

You are an idiot. EVRYONE knows that "I need help with calc" really means "I want you to fuck me." It is an excuse for her to be alone with you, for some sex. It is universally expected that help with calc is to be repaid with sex.

It's been six years. She's now father to a mestizo kid.

Neither girls, nor another opportunity ever again.

And here I am thinking I had the final proof that women are dumb.

Instead I just realized I am too smart for this world.

I never had a dad to show me into womanese, american.

Fucking women can't be even be direct. How can we have a democracy like this?

Instead of asking me to spend all my allowance on a single trip to work for her for free, she should've mentioned it was for sex. Why do they need to overcomplicate all the matters?

Wow, I'm so autistic.

I can't even begin to describe how retarded I am feeling right now.

you're never too smart for suicide user

Ah don't worry user, happens to everyone.

>be me
>be 14 yeas old
>friend of qt comes up
>tells me her friend likes me and thinks I am cute
>tells me she is very shy and can't get herself to talk to me
>asks for my number
>moment of joy
>but then remember how many people in school always had bullied me and bullied me still
>get angry
>Yeah funny, haha, to make fun of me? Do I look that fucking retarded?
>stares at me
>No user she really is into you I...
>Be gone, I am a walking joke as it seems but not a moron
>saw her later
>looked at me very sadly
>it was no ruse

>I never had a dad to show me into womanese

Same here, man.
>tfw never had a dad
>tfw don't know how to be a man

there's colleges in Brazil?

don't listen to the virgins in the thread she would have said come round to her house to fuck her not help her with homework.

These guys are all the kids that went and helped girls with homework only to be told to leave after it was done.

>that or they are registered sex offenders.

>These guys are all the kids that went and helped girls with homework only to be told to leave after it was done.

Seems like you have a certain expertise in that. "Learn together" and "help with homework" >at her place< seems to mean actually that and nothing more in Australia and Sweden.

Yeah I just got asked to come fuck people never help with homework.

>Thats wierd who even does homework your not gunna get 6 figures by doing homework lol

>but mah college debts!!

don't worry about it candycane, based on your flag that was not really in the cards for you to begin with

>but user I have to help the people that hate me make their dreams come true.

It is not "ladylike". People might think she is a slut. The key is seeing if she wants opportunities to be alone with you. They will NEVER just say "hey, why don't you come over on Saturday and fuck me." Well, not at first. Once you have nailed her, then she can start saying stuff like that. If a girl AVOIDS being alone with you, she doesn't want the dick. Let this be a lesson to you, grasshopper. Don't worry, there will be other classes. Each semester was a bright, happy ocean of new classes filled with new pussy to "help with homework".

demogracy is a false god you degenerate

who cares what people think a sluts a slut she sounds too old anyways.

I think that the problem is in American politics. If you were owning all of middle east and oil, gas prices would go down, and you could go to her and have a sex.

American politics= you being a virgin

Sorry english bad im balkans

I've seen women vote for whoever looks the best. Maybe that's why Trudeau won.

Around here "help with homework" and "learn together" is how people hooked up and became couples beyond the age of 15.